image001R�diger Weiner


Prof. R�diger Weiner

Institut f�r  Mathematik

Naturwissenschaftliche Fakult�t II

Martin-Luther-Universit�t Halle-Wittenberg

Postfach D-06099 Halle (Saale)




E-Mail: [email protected]

Tel:����� (+49) (0345) 55 24652

Research interests

        Numerical solution of differential equations (ODE, DAE, PDE, DDE)

        Linearly implicit methods

        Krylov subspace methods

        Parallel methods for differential equations

        Peer methods

        Global error control

        General Linear methods


        see publications


see Reports on Numerical Mathematics

International Seminar NUMDIFF

Current information can be found here.

Aktuelle Vorlesungen:

Numerik II,

Numerik gro�er steifer Systeme

R. Weiner,13.1.2017