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VisualEditor: Problems typing after cursoring off an inline focusable nodes in Firefox
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Copied from my Russian Wikipedia talk page:

After reference VE added symbol "♙".

sample forГёрлфренд&oldid=58928673&veaction=edit

find ref№3 -> "к подруге.[3]"
click after the dot -> "к подруге.|[3]"
delete the dot with backspace back ->"к подруге|[3]"
press en:Arrow keys → two times ->"к подруге[3]|"
press key dot . ->
expected that will be shown the symbol "." -> "к подруге[3].|"
but it shows the symbol "♙" ->"к подруге[3]♙|"

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to High.Nov 22 2014, 3:28 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz67432.

Sounds like a VE issue. Moving there.

If this happens in FF, can it be related to bug 54917?

(In reply to Elitre from comment #2)

If this happens in FF, can it be related to bug 54917?

Doesn't look like it; this was caused by insertion, not cursoring.

This happens just by typing anything after an inline focusable node after cursoring off it (nothing to do with deletion). If the node is at the end of a paragraph you get a pawn, but if it isn't you get equally broken behaviour with the cursor not moving properly.

Monitoring document.activeElement (the currently focussed element) it's apparent that simply setting a selection on the document (back from the paste target) doesn't changed the focussed element. This means you can move your cursor in one textbox and type in another. What the hell Firefox...

Change 145346 had a related patch set uploaded by Esanders:
Make sure the document is focused when setting a selection

Change 145346 merged by jenkins-bot:
Make sure the document is focused when setting a selection