Commons talk:Picture of the Year

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Round 2 is open!   Vote now

Picture of the Year 2023 || IntroductionDiscussionCommittee || R1 Categories || R2 Finalists || Results


Task Status Remarks
Choosing the dates ✓ Done Beta testing (all votes cast will be kept) from 25 September 2024, 19:42 until 30 September, 23:59:59.
Round 1 from 1 October 2024, 00:00 until 14 October 2024, 23:59:59.
Round 2 from 15 October 2024, 00:00 until 28 October 2024, 23:59:59
Fulfill interface request ✓ Done 1, 2, and 3
Update committee page ✓ Done Also json
Update rules page ✓ Done
Update help page ✓ Done
Update the header ✓ Done Might be improved by adding back translations
Inform uploaders  Delisted (Message)
Request CentralNotice ✓ Done Round 1
Inform previous voters ✓ Done Round 1 (Message)
Place banners ✓ Done Round 1 (banner enabled and will be placed automatically on October 1st)
Start round 1 ✓ Done Round 1 started on September 25th with beta launch
Request CentralNotice ✓ Done Round 2
Inform previous voters ✓ Done Round 2 (Message and Targets (R2 voters))
Place banners ✓ Done Round 2 (banner enabled and will be placed automatically on October 15th)
Start round 2 ✓ Done
End contest
Announce winners
Announce result via MMS
  • For everyone, please update the TO DO lists accordingly. Regards, ZI Jony (Talk) 20:07, 29 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  • ✓ Done Interface requests fulfilled by a Inter-face admin -- Giles Laurent (talk) 11:50, 3 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  • ✓ Done (but might be improved) I just tried bringing back the header top with this new template that is a copy paste from the 2020 version but without the Share + Control Panel buttons. As I'm very unexpercienced with wikicodes etc I was not able to keep the translations that were done in the past. Also, some edits still have to be done with some links and later on depending on the state. If any errors were made or if anyone just wants to improve the header please feel free to edit it. If the header causes any trouble, feel free to delete it back -- Giles Laurent (talk) 22:07, 3 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Half done As time is ticking I decided to help a bit by making a first draft edit of the rules page. Basically I just changed the +2 images to +5%, edited a few words and the old dates that stated "Februrary 2024" with a new temporary placeholder dates that are in the future. Feel free to enhance the page with any other needed edit or to revert my edits. One thing I'm not sure about and therefore didn't edit : the voting eligibility. According to this message, eligibility was changed this year to make it simpler. So :
- For eligibility rule number 1 I have a doubt. This message says that now it's "Registered before the start of the year". Does "year" mean the current year or the year that is in the POTY name? (Is it 01.01.2023 or 01.01.2024 for POTY 2023? Historically it has been 01.01.2021 for POTY 2020 for example)
- on eligibility rule number two I guess that this should be deleted : " by the end of the year the contest is being held for. For example, for POTY 2023, you must have reached the edit threshold before 1 January 2024 UTC. An automated tool has been set up to check eligibility.".
- For rule number 3 I'm not sure if it should be deleted or if nothing changed.
@Ingenuity as you edited the eligibility code could you please enlighten me on what applies now? Thank you in advance -- Giles Laurent (talk) 21:37, 4 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Bug reports

Please feel free to report anything that might be broken/not working with the scripts. -- Giles Laurent (talk) 11:55, 3 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]

- Two images are in first place but one has 2 votes and the other has only 1 vote, so the one with one vote should be in second place and not first place
- The last image on second place has 0 vote while the others have one vote so the image in second place with 0 vote should have been in third place
- According to this page and the new 5% rule there should be minimum 56 finalists for this year while there is only 13 images on this screenshot. Is it because the other finalists are displayed on another page ? (If so, there should be a link at the bottom to show the full score of all finalists like previous years. Example : 2022 winners + all results -- Giles Laurent (talk) 20:05, 4 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
For the last point: I checked again the title of the page on your screenshot and it's the 2023/Results/All page and on that page there's normally all finalists (i. e. all pictures that participated in round 2 and their score), so it's supposed to be at least 56 finalists -- Giles Laurent (talk) 20:29, 4 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
On this testwiki page of round 2 voting I only see 9 finalists to vote for while there's supposed to be 56 minimum finalists during round 2 this year so I guess it's a bug? Screenshot available here (click) -- Giles Laurent (talk) 22:57, 4 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
@Giles Laurent: thanks for pointing out the error with place numbers, I've fixed the script now. As for the number of finalists, that's not a problem - when testing the script I only voted for a few finalists, but that won't be an issue for the actual contest. Ingenuity (talk) 19:04, 5 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Could you specify what web browser you are using and if javascript is enabled? Using chrome on my phone everything seems to work on the gallery page. Maybe you have this bug because now "importScript("User:Ingenuity/poty-gallery.js")" should be removed from your common.js page? -- Giles Laurent (talk) 19:20, 5 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
@Giles Laurent, I use chrome on my phone, and I've removed script from my common.js page. However, it’s work well in vector skin, maybe problem is in only for MinervaNeue skin! Regards, ZI Jony (Talk) 19:33, 5 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you for the precisions. After testing it, I found out that the problem doesn't come out of the skin but that it comes out of beeing on instead of When I'm on the phone on using chrome (with "view computer version" selected) the gallery loads no matter the skin I use. But when I'm on, no image load, no matter if it's on computer or phone. As a lot of voters are likely to vote from their phone, it would be nice to have it fixed for If we don't find any way to fix that then it will be needed to say on the FAQ that it's necessary to use the "view computer version" and to not be on the "m" subdomain -- Giles Laurent (talk) 20:03, 5 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I have submitted an edit request to fix this. Ingenuity (talk) 13:45, 20 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
The request has now been implemented, and it seems to be working. Ingenuity (talk) 18:00, 21 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
There is the same issue with these two svg candidates from the Non photographic media category : 1 and 2 -- Giles Laurent (talk) 11:00, 24 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
That should be fixed when my edit request is implemented. Ingenuity (talk) 23:02, 24 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Good to go?

With 10 days left until the start date, I think we've done everything that needs to be done (with the possible exception of notifying previous voters, but that's not entirely necessary). The CentralNotice has been requested but not approved yet, so hopefully that happens in time. I think all bugs with the script should be resolved, but please let me know ASAP if any more are found. Ingenuity (talk) 14:07, 20 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]

I pinged a couple CN admins yesterday. It sounds like it'll be resolved this weekend. — Rhododendrites talk15:14, 20 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks to everyone for making POTY happen this year. I think we're good to go. There's just one final bug I've found that I don't know how to resolve : on this page there is a link for the POTY 2023 edition but when I click on any other langage, there is no link to 2023 anymore. Does someone know how to solve this? -- Giles Laurent (talk) 15:28, 20 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
@Giles Laurent, the latest version of that page has not yet been marked for translation! I have already requested to do that. Regards, ZI Jony (Talk) 19:30, 20 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you, it is now solved for this page but there is a bug on all langages (except english) on this page now : Example on french version, Example on german version : button not appearing and red error message. When I click on translate to try to solve the problem it doesn't work -- Giles Laurent (talk) 08:51, 21 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Found the origin of the problem for the button, it's because the code was
{{Commons:Picture of the Year/{{SUBPAGENAME}}/button}}
and since any other langage than english ends with /fr or /de instead of /2023 it doesn't work on the other langages. I've now changed the code to
{{Commons:Picture of the Year/2023/button}}
but the page needs to be marked again for translation. Also there's a paragraph that's not marked for translation. As for the other problem, I've not found the solution -- Giles Laurent (talk) 08:58, 21 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I just updated the page and requested to mark for translation. Regards, ZI Jony (Talk) 09:08, 21 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
One question to Rhododendrites : does the mass message for previous voters need to be requested days in advance or can it be done directly on October 1st? -- Giles Laurent (talk) 15:32, 20 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I don't think I've used massmessage on Commons before. AFAIK you just need (a) a list of users to send it to (a page with just such a list) and (b) the message itself, then convince an admin to send it out. But are you talking about the round 2 note that Lego sent out last year (you voted in round 1 but not round 2 -- here's a heads up) or a message to people who participated in a previous POTY? — Rhododendrites talk19:03, 20 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
@Giles Laurent, message for round 1 is here, and list of target users is here. Required Admin rights to send massmessage here on Wikimedia Commons. @AntiCompositeNumber: , could you please send out the massmessage for round 1 on September 30? Regards, ZI Jony (Talk) 19:40, 20 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
If it officially opens 10/1, we should probably send it out 10/1. That first day is really for testing, no? — Rhododendrites talk21:01, 20 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
That's sounds good to me. Regards, ZI Jony (Talk) 21:03, 20 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
@AntiCompositeNumber, as it is now October 1st, could you please send this message to these targets? Thank you in advance! -- Giles Laurent (talk) 15:59, 1 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
@Giles Laurent I don't touch MassMessage, sorry. AntiCompositeNumber (talk) 16:04, 1 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
No problem, thank you for your answer! I now made a request here -- Giles Laurent (talk) 16:16, 1 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I was talking about this message to be sent on October 1st (but also oabout the other message to be send with round 2). I was just wondering if, like CentralNotice, it was necessary to write a request on a page a few days in advance but I now got the answer (any admin can just do it on the given day) thank you. -- Giles Laurent (talk) 08:49, 21 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Ah, yeah, CentralNotice is a much more bureaucratic process with just a few people who manage it. — Rhododendrites talk10:46, 21 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
@Rhododendrites : no news from CN admins? First round banner will need to be in place in 8 days. I saw that many other requests started after yours were approved before yours and that yours is still without any response after 14 days -- Giles Laurent (talk) 09:56, 23 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Round 1 centralnotice just now enabled. Good to go! — Rhododendrites talk18:09, 23 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
just asking, is it confirmed to start tomorrow? i will include a note in Commons:Commons Gazette. RZuo (talk) 16:25, 30 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
@RZuo: Yes. In fact, it's already open [early for beta testing]. The CentralNotice will go up tomorrow. Thanks! — Rhododendrites talk16:27, 30 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]

FYI I have archived the various resolved discussions sorting out POTY planning, so as not to confuse anyone coming to this page when we officially start tomorrow. Anyone looking for them can find them here: Commons talk:Picture of the Year/Archive 1. — Rhododendrites talk16:31, 30 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Starting beta testing early

While it was the plan to start beta testing 24 hours before the contest officially starts, I think it's better to start it early to resolve any problems with the script - 24 hours might not be enough time to find and resolve all possible bugs. I think all the prep work for the contest is now done, and I've spent today fixing a few minor bugs. Once my edit request to the script is implemented, I'll open up the voting. Ingenuity (talk) 22:52, 24 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]

I agree with you, I think it's better to start beta asap so that eventual other bugs may be discovered and fixed before official date -- Giles Laurent (talk) 23:43, 24 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Sure. Should we invite some others? — Rhododendrites talk01:51, 25 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
What do you mean by inviting some others? I thought that launching beta would just mean clicking on the POTY admin button start round 1 earlier than official date and that everyone would get access to it -- Giles Laurent (talk) 08:41, 25 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
If nobody knows it's live, we won't get much beta testing apart from those of us watching this page and a handful of people who make their way to COM:POTY randomly. By invite others I mean e.g. I could post a request for early participants/beta testers somewhere on Discord (a much smaller audience than the CN will bring). — Rhododendrites talk12:29, 25 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Sure then, I think the more people beta test it, the better it is! -- Giles Laurent (talk) 12:41, 25 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Hi, I looked through all the categories, and I have found some files which seem to be in the wrong category, e.g. File:Aerial image of Alicudi (view from the south).jpg is in Natural views, while File:Aerial image of Stromboli (view from the northeast).jpg is in Natural phenomena. These images are very similar. Not a big deal, but... Yann (talk) 16:26, 25 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Some images do not display, e.g. File:20181204 Warming stripes (global, WMO, 1850-2018) - Climate Lab Book (Ed Hawkins).svg and File:Physical map of Ancient Greece-ru.svg in Non-photographic media. Yann (talk) 16:29, 25 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
The bug of images not displaying will be resolved when my edit request is implemented. As for the categorization, those images were automatically sorted because they are in the natural places and natural phenomena FP categories respectively. I don't have any strong opinions on whether these specific images should be moved, but all committee members can feel free to recategorize images at their discretion. Ingenuity (talk) 16:40, 25 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Voting is now open! Feel free to test it out, and let me know if anything doesn't work. Ingenuity (talk) 19:42, 25 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
 Question : since the category "Uncategorized and other" is now empty, shouldn't we remove the link to it on this page and all voting pages? I think that it's a bit confusing having a link to an empty category -- Giles Laurent (talk) 10:33, 26 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I've removed that category now. Ingenuity (talk) 14:36, 26 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you! Can the "Uncategorized and other" category link also be removed on this template ? -- Giles Laurent (talk) 17:40, 26 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Hmm. The "vote for this image" buttons don't seem to do anything for me. Tried on several images in several galleries. It just does nothing. :/ — Rhododendrites talk13:09, 26 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Rhododendrites, if you delete "importScript("User:Ingenuity/poty-gallery.js");" from this page voting should work again for you I think -- Giles Laurent (talk) 13:12, 26 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Removed it, cleared cache (a couple times), and still didn't respond. Tried removing the admin script, too, and now it works. :) — Rhododendrites talk13:21, 26 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Yeah, I must have made a mistake with the admin script. I'll try to fix it soon, but for now disabling it when you're not using it should work. Ingenuity (talk) 14:35, 26 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Not quite a bug, but for next year it would be good for files like File:Hamun by Solmaz Daryani 1 (Crop).jpg if we could find a way to credit the original uploader rather than the person who just made a derivative. — Rhododendrites talk13:27, 26 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
A preview of File:Dülmen, Kirchspiel, ehem. Sondermunitionslager Visbeck, "What if" -- 2023 -- 6686 (kreativ 2).jpg doesn't show up in the "other objects" gallery. — Rhododendrites talk22:15, 26 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Seems like it's because the file loaded for preview is "ülmen, Kirchspiel, ehem. Sondermunitionslager Visbeck, " instead of "ülmen, Kirchspiel, ehem. Sondermunitionslager Visbeck, "What if" -- 2023 -- 6686 (kreativ 2).jpg". @Ingenuity the error comes without a doubt from the quotation mark " in the image title -- Giles Laurent (talk) 09:32, 27 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Ingenuity, do you think you might be able to make the thumbnail of this picture load in the Other objects gallery? The reason of it not loading is because of the file name. Right now it's the only picture not loading and it would be nice for all candidates to have a fair start once we reach the official start date since many people will come when banners will be placed October 1st, 00:00. -- Giles Laurent (talk) 09:24, 30 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Edit request submitted. Ingenuity (talk) 15:39, 30 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
So glad it's back! Thanks for your hard work Ingenuity. But I miss the non-categorized view. Can we have the per-month view back or, failing that, one page with all the images? Nardog (talk) 02:06, 1 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Oops. It was pointed out on Discord there's a spelling error none of us caught: "People and human actvity". Can't imagine that can be changed at this point, but FYI for afterwards. :) — Rhododendrites talk13:28, 1 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Well spotted and thanks for the information Rhododendrites. It seems someone tried to fix it and it now caused the People and human activity gallery to not load anymore. The problem comes from this edit that should be reverted as soon as possible. Since the script was written with the mispelling, the name of the page can't be changed by anyone without any changes from Ingenuity first or the script doesn't load anymore. I tried clicking on undo but it says that it's somehow already reverted, which is not the case. This is an emergency that should be taken care of quickly so that pictures from that gallery don't miss any votes. Pinging also ZI Jony. -- Giles Laurent (talk) 14:41, 1 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Also it should be considered to protect POTY pages during the contest to avoid users breaking the gallery during contest -- Giles Laurent (talk) 14:42, 1 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Fixed now. Ingenuity (talk) 14:44, 1 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
thanks — Rhododendrites talk14:46, 1 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Awesome! Thank you for your extremely swift handling of the situation -- Giles Laurent (talk) 14:47, 1 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry, I was out of stations, just now I noticed this message. Ingenuity, thanks for your quick action. Regards, ZI Jony (Talk) 17:48, 1 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Heads up for committee members to also watch Commons talk:Picture of the Year/HelpRhododendrites talk21:18, 1 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]


It doesn't look like Commons:Picture of the Year/Translations has been updated, and the link has been removed from the POTY header for this year. How should the gallery pages be translated? AntiCompositeNumber (talk) 15:26, 1 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Please feel free to add back translations to POTY 2023 header and to any other pages that might need it, I have no idea how to do it. Here is the POTY 2022 header version for comparison (very complicated) or the POTY 2020 header version for comparison (less complicated) -- Giles Laurent (talk) 15:45, 1 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Translation markup was added into Template:POTY2023/header. Feel free to translation.
PS: Translation suggestions is helpful for 100% items (e.g. in Russian). --Kaganer (talk) 22:06, 4 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you Kaganer. Could you do the same with this page? -- Giles Laurent (talk) 10:38, 5 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
✓ Done --Kaganer (talk) 16:55, 5 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

The images are distributed in 21 galleries. It is inconvenient if I want to find images but don't remember the gallery. I believe last year there was an "All images" link. Would be useful to have. Tagooty (talk) 04:33, 2 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Ingenuity, I think this could be easily implemented, even during R1 of this year (if you have time), since we already have an all data json -- Giles Laurent (talk) 08:44, 2 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I support the suggestion, I also found it inconvenient to have to go through all categories.Iry-Hor (talk) 11:40, 2 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Yeah, this is pretty easy to do. However, since all gallery pages have been protected, an administrator needs to create Commons:Picture of the Year/2023/Gallery/All with the content {{POTY gallery/2023}}. After that's done, the page can be linked to from the main categories page. Ingenuity (talk) 13:31, 5 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
AntiCompositeNumber or Steinsplitter, could one of you please do it? -- Giles Laurent (talk) 16:48, 6 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Done; template editors can also do it (title blacklist protection is effectively equivalent to template editor protection, not full protection). However, it took about 5 GB of RAM to load the page (on the second try, because my computer ran out of RAM on the first try before loading would have finished); couldn’t that be optimized? —Tacsipacsi (talk) 21:27, 6 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you! Are you sure about the 5GB? On my computer chrome says that tab uses 454 Mo of memory while the "Other places" tab is 87 Mo. The only way to make the "All images" gallery weight less would be to replace "300px" on thumbnail adress to something lower like "250px" or "200px" but then the thumbnail would appear smaller (300 px example vs 200 px example). I personally prefer having the pictures at 300px -- Giles Laurent (talk) 21:38, 6 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Tacsipacsi could you add the following code on this page just above Animals category :
						<th rowspan='5' style='padding: 0 15px;'>All genres</th>
						<td>[[File:Camara.svg|25px]] [[Commons:Picture of the Year/2023/Gallery/All|All images]] (1132)</td>
-- Giles Laurent (talk) 21:44, 6 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

What about "By month"?

Thanks to the technical actors here at POTY. There are currently many categories (21 in total). In the past, there was also a section called "By month" with the nominations chronologically sorted. January, February, March... until December. I think it helped the voters, because 12 = 2x6 and = 3x4. Archives are also sorted chronologically. Easy to know where we are in the voting process. What do others think? -- Basile Morin (talk) 02:50, 7 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, I missed it so sorely (seeing diverse pictures back to back is the most fun part, which categories takes away) that I just looked at Commons:Featured pictures/chronological/2023-A to vote. An "all images" page not only consumes so much bandwidth and memory but also makes it difficult to review them in chunks and resume because of the randomization. Nardog (talk) 14:50, 7 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Since there was the possibility to view candidates by month of FP promotion in the past I think it could be added back again. On the technical side someone would need to create pages like Commons:Picture_of_the_Year/2023/Gallery/January/data.json by using the data of Commons:Picture_of_the_Year/2023/Gallery/All/data.json -- Giles Laurent (talk) 15:14, 7 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Agreed -- I found it easier to vote for a few images from each month, which represented the diversity of the entire pool fairly well, yet greatly reduced the number from which to choose. In addition, it allowed me to divide my voting into 12 sessions for completion over the ~15 days. Whether or not this feature gets implemented this year, my thanks to the POTY committee for their amazing amount of work in saving the competition for at least another year and, hopefully, many more! Waz8 (talk) 03:35, 9 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

How to vote

Hello, i have no idea how to vote. Please help --STARTER'usercontribs anyone? 12:19, 2 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

The "Vote now" button doesn't do anything - I found that confusing as well. You have to go through the different categories (Mammals etc) instead and vote there. Did you try that? Lupe (talk) 10:22, 3 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
It looks like you don't meet the eligibility requirements. — Rhododendrites talk13:59, 3 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Missing image

Why is File:Microscopic image of crystals growing from melted sulfur (cropped).jpg not included? Nardog (talk) 11:21, 3 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

It's in Commons:Picture_of_the_Year/2023/Gallery/Other_objectsRhododendrites talk13:58, 3 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Ah, I couldn't find it partly because the original image has been renamed since it was promoted. But also it's been delisted and replaced by the cropped version. Shouldn't we be voting for the version that's still a featured picture? Nardog (talk) 14:26, 3 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Miscategorized image

I contend that the wild goat should be categorized under Mammals rather than Other places since the animal is the focal point of the photo. Kstern (talk) 15:52, 3 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

@Kstern, recategorized. Regards, ZI Jony (Talk) 13:03, 4 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Problems 2024

Just something i notice:

  1. some descriptions are too long and shown breaking off with ...
    either there should be a way to show the full description or a short alternative should be shown instead.
  2. i am fatigued when i reach "Other places". also reviewing this category of 129 files feels quite exhausting.

RoyZuo (talk) 19:28, 3 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

+ For next year, please note that the automatic message delivered by MediaWiki message delivery on all user talk pages includes twice the same sentence in the title "Round 1 of Picture of the Year 2023 voting is open!" That should be easy to fix -- Basile Morin (talk) 01:31, 8 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  • Many descriptions contain useless information like "This is a photo of listed building number" (and nothing else), " " (nothing), "This is a digitized image of the original painting ..."
    • Switch descriptions according to user language [?] (default to en)
  • Hovering on images should display some information: either the description or filename. Filename should be displayed somewhere.
  • Add an option to view images in a "Media Viewer" style (show them in fullscreen + moving to other by arrow keys)
  • It's a good idea to open links in a newtab, but the middle button/scroll wheel should behave in the same way (actually it doesn't make anything)
  • It's not clear that clicking on the green vote button again removes the vote.
— Draceane talkcontrib. 13:34, 8 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting history no longer available

I'm writing concerning the fact that is no longer possible (or easy, to be accurate) to see the on-going voting in each of the images. This is an important change relative to all previous issues, one with which I do not agree. As an organizer of the first POTY, I still remember that the issue was raised and that a concensus was reached to comply to the overall transparency policy of Commons. Maybe I missed a discussion on this important matter? If possible, I would like to see the button "Info" back below the thumbnails of the images, in the galleries. -- Alvesgaspar (talk) 08:39, 4 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

It still is possible to see the on-going voting for each image. Here is a full list of all links that I generated using the data from this page :
List of all voting pages: 1132 links
Red-whiskered bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus) Reunion.jpg
Galería Sciarra, Roma, Italia, 2022-09-16, DD 117-119.jpg
Basílica de San Pedro, Ciudad del Vaticano, 2022-09-17, DD 21-23 HDR.jpg
Himalayas, Nepal.jpg
Cimitero Austro Ungarico Squarci di Luce.jpg
Kleine kaaszwam (Skeletocutis nivea). 09-12-2022. (d.j.b.jpg
Cucumis metuliferus fruit cross section.jpg
Neckargerach - Mittelberg - Westhang an Oktoberabend.jpg
Musee du Piano in Limoux (1).jpg
Iglesia del Gesù, Roma, Italia, 2022-09-16, DD 109-111 HDR.jpg
Iglesia de San Ignacio de Loyola, Roma, Italia, 2022-09-15, DD 27-29 HDR.jpg
Spotted-backed weaver (Ploceus cucullatus spilonotus) male Mauritius.jpg
Mole Antonelliana di sera.jpg
Dülmen, Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche, The Cast Whale Project -- 2022 -- 0624.jpg
Horbachpark - Ettlingen 05.jpg
Quinault Rain Forest June 2018 011.jpg
Mauritius fody (Foudia rubra) male 2.jpg
Salzburg Stiftskirche Nonnberg Vorhalle 01.jpg
Gokyo Ri summit, Gokyo Lake, Nepal, Himalayas.jpg
Portal, Pitam Niwas Chowk, City Palace, Jaipur, 20191218 1000 9059.jpg
A B-1B Lancer.jpg
Ранковий туман над пагорбами.jpg
Australian House of Representatives - Parliament of Australia.jpg
Saint-Charles Cemetery 05.jpg
Олень з кленовим листком.jpg
Réunion stonechat (Saxicola tectes) male.jpg
Postna sarma (vegetarian sarma, Cuisine of Serbia).jpg
Iglesia de Santa María sobre Minerva, Roma, Italia, 2022-09-15, DD 17-19 HDR.jpg
Iglesia del Gesù, Roma, Italia, 2022-09-16, DD 112-114 HDR.jpg
Great blue heron eating a snake (94629).jpg
SJ Norge BM 93 Mosjøen - Eiterstraum.jpg
Xiphydria camelus female (side view) - Keila.jpg
Kloster Banz Luftbild-20220921-RM-122046.jpg
Goslar asv2022-06 img29 Rathaus.jpg
Crested hawk-eagle (Nisaetus cirrhatus cirrhatus) with Indian garden lizard.jpg
Doolhofzwam (Daedalea quercina) 27-10-2022. (d.j.b) 02.jpg
Flooded walnut orchard in Butte County, California-L1001234.jpg
Lukmanierpass, Passo del Lucomagno. 20-09-2022. (actm.) 26.jpg
Watzmann von Südwesten.jpg
Panorama of a green iguana (06643p).jpg
Pepper No. 30.jpg
Iglesia de San José, Florencia, Italia, 2022-09-18, DD 06-08 HDR.jpg
Museos Capitolinos, Roma, Italia, 2022-09-16, DD 40-42 HDR.jpg
Edelwicke (Lathyrus odoratus) Blüte focus stack-20200628-RM-175552.jpg
Terebellum terebellum var. punctulatum 01.jpg
Grey Shrikethrush 4084.jpg
Trollius europaeus flower - Keila.jpg
Saint Patrick Catholic Church (Junction City, Ohio) - stained glass, Saint Patrick - detail.jpg
Stift Melk Westseite 01.jpg
Container-Terminal Bremerhaven 02.jpg
New snow on young oaks in Tuntorp.jpg
Waldbillig (LU), Schiessentümpel -- 2015 -- 6033.jpg
St David's Hotel from Cardiff Bay Wetlands Reserve.jpg
Church, Göttweig Abbey, Austria, 20210729 1426 1033.jpg
FrankfurtOder asv2022-07 img17 Marienkirche.jpg
Wachau vom Gochelberg 20220519 01.jpg
Божићна вечера (traditional Christmas dinner; Folklore of Serbia).jpg
Grant Wood - American Gothic.jpeg
Caspar David Friedrich - Wanderer above the Sea of Fog.jpeg
Basílica de Santa María la Mayor, Roma, Italia, 2022-09-16, DD 22-24 HDR.jpg
Fuente de Trevi, Roma, Italia, 2022-09-15, DD 02.jpg
Castle of Varazdin (17).jpg
Wschód słońca nad Kanałem Łączańskim w Brzeźnicy, 20211009 0711 3152.jpg
20210131 twig withBuds coveredByIce DSC05404 PtrQs.jpg
Katholische Pfarrkirche St. Julitta und Quiricus, Andiast (d.j.b.) 07.jpg
Kiwifruit 'Red Passion' cross section - Italy.jpg
Breil-Brigels in Graubünden. 23-09-2022. (actm.) 02.jpg
Red Kangaroos at Sturt National Park NSW.jpg
Human karyotype with bands and sub-bands.png
Dülmen, Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche, The Cast Whale Project -- 2022 -- 0509-13.jpg
Catedral, Arezzo, Italia, 2022-09-17, DD 74-76 HDR.jpg
Пейзаж на Венере.jpg
Массив Ачешбок, Адыгея, Acheshbok, Adygea.jpg
Saint John church in Caselles (8).jpg
Gurabija (гурабија,Qurabiya; Cuisine of Serbia).jpg
Dunnock (Prunella modularis occidentalis).jpg
Redhead in Central Park (15503).jpg
Patio del Belvedere, Ciudad del Vaticano, 2022-09-14, DD 73-75 HDR.jpg
Basílica de San Pedro, Ciudad del Vaticano, 2022-09-17, DD 09-11 HDR.jpg
Havana - Cuba - Man giving a V sign - 1326.jpg
Aerial image of Stromboli (view from the northeast).jpg
Convallaria majalis inflorescence - Keila.jpg
Messier83 - Heic1403a.jpg
Rüdersdorf asv2022-06 img7 Museumspark.jpg
Les subsistances (noir et blanc).jpg
PeruRail 758 La Joya - Guerreros.jpg
All Saints Catholic Church (St. Peters, Missouri) - stained glass, sacristy, Immaculate Heart detail.jpg
Burg Hochosterwitz Westseite 02a.jpg
Turmfalken IMG 2659.jpg
Caucasus, Ingushetia, Ингушские боевые и смотровые башни на закате, горы Кавказа.jpg
Bothe-Napa Valley State Park (01811).jpg
Restant van een aardappelbovist (Scleroderma citrinum). 21-01-2023. (d.j.b) 01.jpg
Morus bassanus - Wilhelma 01.jpg
Catedral, Perugia, Italia, 2022-09-20, DD 42-44 HDR.jpg
Catedral, Arezzo, Italia, 2022-09-17, DD 77-79 HDR.jpg
Leucistic white squirrel hanging on to a tree (85569).jpg
Low sunlight at Øksfjorden in Loppa, Troms og Finnmark, Norway, 2022 August.jpg
Найкращі миті життя.jpg
Λίμνη Στυμφαλίας 5.jpg
Hooded Robin female 0A2A5956.jpg
Melanodryas cucullata - Glen Davis.jpg
Campanula cervicaria - Keila.jpg
Göttingen asv2022-06 img37 Altes Rathaus.jpg
Flims Waldhaus in Graubünden 17-09-2022. (actm.) 25.jpg
Iglesia de Santa María sobre Minerva, Roma, Italia, 2022-09-15, DD 08-10 HDR.jpg
Yellow-bellied sapsucker juvenile (85726).jpg
Église Saint-Ignace-de-Loyola.jpg
Rügen asv2022-08 img27 Lauterbach Mole Bahnhof.jpg
WTB 20220723 Ulrichsberg Aussichtsturm Alpenblick 9792.jpg
Mazafati dates - whole, halved and seed.jpg
Mt. Auburn Cemetery (00417p).jpg
Hunter baby chameleon.jpg
Forte Príncipe da Beira e seus detalhes.jpg
Три коні.jpg
Zuidflank van de Vorderrhein 18-09-2022. (d.j.b) 04.jpg
Giraffe - Columbuskaje - Bremerhaven 02.jpg
Masks in the rain.jpg
Iglesia parroquial, Arezzo, Italia, 2022-09-17, DD 83-85 HDR.jpg
Basílica del Santo Marino, San Marino, 2022-09-20, DD 27-29 HDR.jpg
Rice paper butterfly (16709).jpg
Window and door on weathered garage wall.jpg
Lasiocampa quercus 4th instar caterpillar Keila (side view).jpg
Ingushetia, Russia, Armkhi, Ingush tower.jpg
SJN Di 4 654 Røkland - Lønsdal.jpg
Mockingbird on the North Lake Trail (36851).jpg
Microscopic image of crystals growing from melted sulfur 3.jpg
Wide view over Hovdanvika, Selfjorden and Torsfjorden at Fredvang in Flakstad, Nordland, Norway, 2022 June.jpg
Ptychochromis insolitus - Wilhelma 01.jpg
Aerial image of Alicudi (view from the south).jpg
Ademwortels (pneumatoforen) van een moerascipres (Taxodium distichum) 09-02-2023 (d.j.b.).jpg
Basílica de Santa Francesca Romana, Roma, Italia, 2022-09-15, DD 51-53 HDR.jpg
Wiesenflockenblume (Centaurea jacea) focus stack-20220703-RM-170027.jpg
Karlsruhe asv2022-10 img19 Hauptbahnhof.jpg
Galería Uffizi, Florencia, Italia, 2022-09-18, DD 72.jpg
Emaille-Kreuz DreiE Hof 20221223 HOF07310-HDR.jpg
Striated Pardalote 0012.jpg
Montserrat Abbey (6).jpg
Atacamite on malachite - Mt Gunson mines, South Australia.jpg
Looking east from Mt Jerusalem - Walls of Jerusalem.jpg
Basílica de San Pedro, Ciudad del Vaticano, 2022-09-17, DD 44.jpg
Trisidos tortuosa 01.jpg
Northern shoveler male in Marine Park (33296).jpg
Kitt Peak National Observatory in the Quinlan Mountains, 2023.jpg
Immature herring gull (16259).jpg
Kleines Wiesenvögelchen am Morgen.jpg
Ourapteryx yerburii ssp. specimens and male genitalia.jpg
Castillo de Praga, Praga, República Checa, 2022-07-01, DD 23-25 HDR.jpg
Cuolm Sura 1585m. 21-09-2022. (actm.) 02.jpg
HerzbergAmHarz asv2022-06 img05.jpg
Pterophorus pentadactyla - Keila.jpg
Église Saint-Ignace-de-Loyola 002.jpg
Поглед на Шар Планина низ прозорска рамка.jpg
ESC2014 - Austria 04.jpg
Wood duck drake (86815).jpg
Cardinal (86755).jpg
Bunten Kronwicke (Securigera varia) Blüte-20200626-RM-173640.jpg
Everest, Nuptse, Khumbu Glacier, Nepal, Himalayas.jpg
ArT of opEN doors project - Rua de Santa Maria - Funchal 10.jpg
Parque Nac dos Lençois Maranhenses Vania Passos 16.png
Trier 100 Millionen.jpg
Puente de las Legiones, Praga, República Checa, 2022-07-01, DD 11-13 HDR.jpg
Závrt v Moravském krasu.jpg
Iglesia de San Francisco de Asís, Praga, República Checa, 2022-07-03, DD 02-04 HDR.jpg
Funningur church 2022.jpg
Supreme Federal Court - Statue.jpg
Tallinn asv2022-04 img70 Russalka Memorial.jpg
Graffiti Vinnytsia 2022 G1.jpg
Duck ling ship hong kong.jpg
Neubrunn Steinbruch Blutrote Heidelibelle (Sympetrum sanguineum) 8262082.jpg
Boerenkrokus (Crocus tommasinianus) 28-02-2023 (d.j.b.).jpg
Papaya - longitudinal section close-up view.jpg
RENFE 730 Linarejos-Pedroso.jpg
MTAB IORE 133 and 105 Kaisepakte - Stenbacken.jpg
Torre de agua de Šítkov, Praga, República Checa, 2022-07-01, DD 02-04 HDR.jpg
Turritella maculata 01.jpg
Iglesia de Nuestra Señora ante Týn, Praga, República Checa, 2022-07-02, DD 259-261 HDR.jpg
Schloss Wernigerode 20211225 4.jpg
Klaksvík harbour.jpg
Reformierte Kirche Waltensburg. 18-09-2022. (actm) 09.jpg
Zemmer Fürstenkreuz 1651 (2).jpg
Seven Sisters 3.jpg
Willersdorf Aisch Luftbild-20210704-RM-163114.jpg
Heilbronn - Böckingen - Friedhof - Blick von der Kapelle zum Haupteingang (1).jpg
Alfombra de algas amarillas, parque nacional Ras Muhammad, Egipto, 2022-03-27, DD 42.jpg
Aphantopus hyperantus - Keila.jpg
Luzern asv2022-10 Pauluskirche img3.jpg
Australian Zebra Finch 0A2A3013.jpg
Mastlé Odles Stevia.jpg
Batería de Cenizas, Cartagena, España, 2022-07-14, DD 19-21 HDR.jpg
Iglesia de Santa María de Gracia, Cartagena, España, 2022-07-16, DD 19-21 HDR.jpg
Klimahaus Bremerhaven 01.jpg
Melospiza melodia JRVdH 03.jpg
Burg Clam Südseite 01.jpg
Kloster Veßra Luftbild-20211007-RM-115157.jpg
Black iguana (Ctenosaura similis) Cayo.jpg
Roadside hawk (Rupornis magnirostris griseocauda) eating speckled racer (Drymobius margaritiferus) Orange Walk.jpg
Gare fluviale de Québec, Quebec city, Canada.jpg
Inscription at Waldfriedhof Munich 03.jpg
Karlštejn in winter.jpg
Ravi Coltrane at the Blue Note, March 7, 2023-L1002389.jpg
Cerastis rubricosa caterpillar (side view) - Keila.jpg
HP 1820-0250.jpg
Klösterle Stuben Vogelperspektive.jpg
Iglesia de Saint-Gilles, Bruselas, Bélgica, 2021-12-15, DD 103-105 HDR.jpg
Catedral de San Miguel y Santa Gúdula de Bruselas, Bélgica, 2021-12-15, DD 46-48 HDR.jpg
Mehrfamilienhaus – Herrnhuter Straße 1 (Leipzig) – Fenster mit historischem Rolladen.jpg
20230211 Chiara Kreuzer 850 6878.jpg
Frühlings-Knotenblume (Leucojum vernum)-20230220-RM-161056.jpg
Ocellated turkey (Meleagris ocellata) male Peten.jpg
Liechtenstein asv2022-10 img01 Vaduz Schloss.jpg
Liechtenstein asv2022-10 img22 Vaduz Schloss.jpg
View West of Hartz Mountain.jpg
Geoffroy's spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi yucatanensis) Peten 2.jpg
Azurite - New Nevada Lode, La Sal, Utah, USA.jpg
Inukshuk Park 05.jpg
Die Woche Der Tag von Potsdam cover.jpg
Catedral de San Miguel y Santa Gúdula de Bruselas, Bélgica, 2021-12-15, DD 34-36 HDR.jpg
Bessen van een Ophiopogon planiscapus 'Niger'. 28-02-2023. (d.j.b).jpg
Monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus plexippus) Piedra Herrada 2.jpg
Protaetic cuprea ignicollis 2023-03-22 IZE-066.jpg
CH.GR.Arosa Tschuggen-Grand-Hotel 2220 16x9-R 16K.jpg
Cepaea nemoralis Paarung-20230314-RM-110511.jpg
ST90E40ZL1 (2).png
Wiesen Pippau (Crepis biennis)-20220624-RM-123950.jpg
Hubble NGC6530.jpg
CH.ZG.Zug View from Guggi 01 16x9+R 8192x4608 Br058 gp denoising Br075.jpg
Catedral de San Florián, Vaduz, Liechtenstein, 2022-10-23, DD 38-40 HDR.jpg
Keel-billed toucan (Ramphastos sulfuratus sulfuratus) on foxtail palm (Wodyetia bifurcata) Cayo.jpg
Calle Santa Isabel in Toledo. Spain.jpg
Trifolium spadiceum - Niitvälja.jpg
Luzern asv2022-10 Kapellbrücke img1.jpg
Skindred - 2017153155639 2017-06-02 Rock am Ring - Sven - 1D X II - 0110 - B70I6029.jpg
Jahn-Wehr Bamberg Winter 2018-20180228-RM-114615.jpg
Himalayas, Ama Dablam, Nepal.jpg
Main facade (fragment) of Hospital de Santa Cruz. Toledo, Spain.jpg
La Fuentona, Muriel de la Fuente, Soria, España, 2021-08-28, DD 42.jpg
Saslonch da Hartl Mont de Sëuc.jpg
ScotRail Class 170 Forth Bridge.jpg
Tip of the fjord-Abstract.jpg
FIZ BMW, Múnich, Alemania, 2022-10-23, DD 104-106 HDR.jpg
Lagazuoi Torri del Falzarego Col dei Bos Tofana de Rozes Cinque Torri.jpg
Hamburg, Elbphilharmonie -- 2023 -- 6610 (bw).jpg
Подзорная труба (edited).jpg
Leptura quadrifasciata female - Keila.jpg
Scarlet macaw (Ara macao cyanopterus) Copan.jpg
Pierreclos Château (3).jpg
Li Fu Lee at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's radio experiment station, 1925 (MIT Museum) - Restoration.jpg
C2022 E3 (ZTF)- Alessandro Bianconi.jpg
Scarlet macaw (Ara macao cyanopterus) head Copan.jpg
Bursa lamarckii 01.jpg
Babia Góra, zamieć śnieżna, 20230304 0704 3190.jpg
Atomium, Bruselas, Bélgica, 2021-12-15, DD 148-150 HDR.jpg
Edificios en la Grand-Place, Bruselas, Bélgica, 2021-12-15, DD 184-186 HDR.jpg
White-breasted nuthatch (26471).jpg
Portrait of a young woman wearing a gray balaclava.jpg
View towards Ryten and Middagstinden over Kåkersundet in Flakstad, Nordland, Norway, 2022 June.jpg
Western Bowerbird 0A2A0436.jpg
Auerbach Kirche Altar P8151442-2.jpg
W. H. Kendal as Philamir and Madge Kendal as Zeolide in W. S. Gilbert's The Palace of Truth.jpg
Cinnamon hummingbird (Amazilia rutila) in flight Los Tarrales.jpg
Bregenz asv2022-10 img36 Pfarrkirche StGallus.jpg
Motorcyclist in Midtown Manhattan-L1002704.jpg
Passion fruits - whole and halved.jpg
Knoppen van een gewone esdoorn (Acer pseudoplatanus). 03-04-2023 (d.j.b.).jpg
150906-001 Wilpena Pound from Moralana Scenic Drive Pano 50pc.jpg
Dale Creek Bridge Union Pacific Railroad Company by Andrew J Russell.jpg
Vela supernova - VST - Eso2214a.jpg
Basílica de San Pablo, Rabat, isla de Malta, Malta, 2021-08-25, DD 167.jpg
Palacio Pitti, Florencia, Italia, 2022-09-18, DD 163-165 HDR.jpg
Coastline of Raftsundet at Digermulen in Vågan, Nordland, Norway, 2022 June.jpg
CA-84 Woodside April 2023 002.jpg
SächsischeSchweiz KleinerWinterberg 2.jpg
Cinnamon-bellied flowerpiercer (Diglossa baritula) male on Indian shot (Canna indica) Finca El Pilar.jpg
Bremerhaven - Weser - Port 02.jpg
Photograph of Frederic Edwin Church by Napoleon Sarony.jpg
Fischburg in Gröden Südtirol.jpg
Patzmannsdorf - Kürbisfeld mit Pfarrkirche und Raiffeisen-Silo in Stronsdorf.jpg
Tetrahedrite - Black Pine mine, Granite Co., Montana, USA.jpg
View of Rawnsley Bluff and Chace Range from Alison Saddle 20230211 1.jpg
Phnom Bakheng temple at Angkor, Cambodia.jpg
Town Hall, Yarmouth, England-LCCN2002708291 - Restoration.jpg
Crëpes de Gherdëina da Secëda nëif d'agost.jpg
Rally in support of Ukraine in Columbus, Ohio, United States, 26 February 2022 (51906586684) - edited.jpg
Canberra From Black Mountain Tower.jpg
Hamun by Solmaz Daryani 1 (Crop).jpg
Frea pass Sella group Pisciadu Dolomites South Tyrol.jpg
William Brough's A Peculiar Family - Royal Gallery of Illustration.jpg
Golden-fronted (Velasquez's) woodpecker (Melanerpes aurifrons) male Copan.jpg
114 once an iceberg now a Growler and a scupture V-P.jpg
Brackenheim - Stockheim - Schloss Stocksberg - Ansicht von SzO im Herbst (Panorama).jpg
Daslook. Allium ursinum, zwellende bloemknop. 18-04-2022 (actm.) 04.jpg
Argiope spider female adult on her web dorsal view black background Don Det Laos.jpg
Seattle from Space Needle June 2018 003.jpg
Fallen leaf of Platanus x hispanica (1).jpg
Thymelicus lineola underside - Keila.jpg
Iglesia del Arcángel Miguel, Pedoulas, Chipre, 2021-12-13, DD 08-10 HDR.jpg
Серпантин в Гоначхирском ущелье.jpg
Floating Platform and illuminated East Coast Parkway seen from the sky observation deck of Marina Bay Sands Singapore.jpg
Palacio Pitti, Florencia, Italia, 2022-09-18, DD 157-159 HDR.jpg
Japanse esdoorn (Acer palmatum) 03-04-2023 (d.j.b.).jpg
Aktie Cinématographique (1).jpg
Folkloric Tanoura dance performed by man.jpg
Houses of Reine by Gravdalsbukta, Moskenes, Nordland, Norway, 2022 June.jpg
Common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) female (IMGP1648r2-DNA).jpg
Deforestation central Europe - Rodungen Mitteleuropa.jpg
Bridge to Don Khon seen from Don Det with water reflection of stringy orange clouds at sunrise in Laos.jpg
Finnish soldiers in NBC gear, 1961.jpg
TCDD DE 33 075 Konak - Murat.jpg
California sea lion nap time in La Jolla (70474).jpg
Bladknop van een esdoorn (Acer). 13-04-2023 (d.j.b.) 01.jpg
Tamarind fruits (Tamarindus indica 'Si Thong').jpg
Painted window (Boy and Bird). Funchal, Madeira.jpg
White leucistic squirrel with a peanut (85668).jpg
Iglesia de Santa María de Gracia, Cartagena, España, 2022-07-16, DD 46-48 HDR.jpg
Stone gate with columns and Buddhist reliefs leading to a clothed statue of the Buddha seated, Wat Phou temple, Champasak, Laos.jpg
Artistas protestam contra a Ditadura Militar - Tônia Carreiro, Eva Wilma, Odete Lara, Norma Bengell e Cacilda Becker - Restoration.jpg
Open-air Museum Vysočina (by Pudelek) 02.jpg
Razorback Lookout, Ikara-Flinders Ranges NP 20230212 1.jpg
Fork-tailed flycatcher (Tyrannus savana monachus) in flight Cayo.jpg
Rapa incurva 01.jpg
Arboreal stingless bee nest (Trigona sp.) Flores.jpg
Oberschloss Kranichfeld – Eingang.jpg
Gottfried-Hulsius Inventarium Sveciae (1632) Trier.jpg
Kondiaronk Belvedere, Montreal city, Canada.jpg
Sète's sunset.jpg
Cartwheel Galaxy (NIRCam and MIRI Composite Image) (weic2211a).jpeg
Althea Gibson in 1956 by Fred Palumbo (NYWTS).jpg
CH.VD.Bex 2007-09-02 Airshow 287 16x9-R 5120x2880.jpg
Ethiopia - Lake Assale.jpg
Man walking through the Saint Roch neighborhood, Quebec City, Province of Quebec, Canada.jpg
Zygaena lonicerae - Keila.jpg
White-fronted honeyeater - Round Hill NSW.jpg
Palacio Pitti, Florencia, Italia, 2022-09-18, DD 170-172 HDR.jpg
TPF RABe 527 198 Viaduc de Grandfey.jpg
Bandits Roost, 59 and a half Mulberry Street.jpg
Acro-Show-Villeneuve Infinity-Tumbling 2022-08-21.jpg
Cavalos nas dunas de Jericoacora (edited).jpg
Bayliss Carnegie Library (April 2023)-3563.jpg
Наколно живеалиште во Дојранско Езеро.jpg
Rocher sur la plage d'Ilbarritz.jpg
Rubio rojo (Chelidonichthys spinosus), Parque natural de la Arrábida, Portugal, 2022-07-19, DD 77.jpg
วัดพระศรีรัตนศาสดาราม 8 (edited).jpg
Purpurrote Taubnessel (Lamium purpureum) focus stacking-20230410-RM-123652.jpg
Close-up photograph of the head of a water buffalo bathing with open mouth at golden hour in Laos.jpg
Wooden walkway leading to a hut with straw roof at sunset with colorful sky in Vang Vieng Laos.jpg
Castle of Nassigny (1).jpg
Lime - whole and halved.jpg
Mellau Wurzachalpe Vogelperspektive.jpg
2023-04-23 Motorsport, ABB FIA Formula E World Championship, Berlin E-Prix 2023 1DX 1445 by Stepro.jpg
Uitrollend blad van een Polystichum setiferum. 19-04-2023. (d.j.b) 01.jpg
Catedral de San Miguel y Santa Gúdula de Bruselas, Bélgica, 2021-12-15, DD 19-21 HDR.jpg
CH.ZH.Zurich Hotel The-Dolder-Grand 3x2-R 15K.jpg
Sempervivum montanum - close up.jpg
Dülmen, Kirchspiel, ehem. Sondermunitionslager Visbeck, "What if" -- 2023 -- 6686 (kreativ 2).jpg
Nymphenbrunnen - Karlsruhe 01.jpg
Agnes Booth in W. S. Gilbert's Engaged 1879.jpg
Intel SB80486DX2-50.jpg
Dülmen, Kirchspiel, ehem. Sondermunitionslager Visbeck, Laufgang -- 2023 -- 6796 (bw).jpg
Moma (Parablennius pilicornis), Parque natural de la Arrábida, Portugal, 2022-07-29, DD 56.jpg
W.S. Gilbert's burlesque comedy, Engaged.jpg
Pirogue running on the Mekong at sunset with pink clouds in Don Det Laos.jpg
Lonely house on the coast near Eiði - Faroe Islands (50413406426).jpg
Faden-Ehrenpreis (Veronica filiformis)-20230419-RM-125228.jpg
Vagueta (Symphodus mediterraneus), Parque natural de la Arrábida, Portugal, 2022-07-19, DD 60.jpg
Standing sand colored calf scratching its back with teeth in the countryside of Don Det Laos.jpg
Strigilla dichotoma 01.jpg
European bison (Bison bonasus) male Białowieza.jpg
Coenonympha glycerion - Keila.jpg
Mourning dove perched (61179).jpg
Charles Darwin by Julia Margaret Cameron, c. 1868.jpg
Elk (Alces alces) calf Biebrzanski.jpg
Orchidaceae flowers - magenta colour.jpg
Burabay winter.jpg
Balkan Windröschen (Anemone blanda)-20230407-RM-124525.jpg
Ascidia bombillo (Clavelina lepadiformis), Parque natural de la Arrábida, Portugal, 2022-07-20, DD 52.jpg
Mehrfamilienhaus Cunnersdorfer Straße 7 – Hauseingang.jpg
Battery Park City New York January 2018 002.jpg
Aktie El Gallao.jpg
Großes Ochsenauge Paarung.jpg
Silicon chip from a computer laser mouse under a microscope 50х.jpg
House facade in Île d'Orléans, Quebec city, Quebec, Canada202204-23.jpg
Cabruza (Parablennius gattorugine), Parque natural de la Arrábida, Portugal, 2022-07-22, DD 48.jpg
Takht-i-Bahi Buddhist Monastery.jpg
CH.BE.Boenigen 2021-08-15 Seaplane-Meeting 5426 16x9-R 7680x4320.jpg
Talamanca hummingbird (Eugenes spectabilis) male 4.jpg
Listspinne (Pisaura mirabilis) focus stacking-20230502-RM-170003.jpg
Thermes de Cransac (6).jpg
Greylag geese (Anser anser) in flight Biebrzanski 2.jpg
Пиксели матрицы видеорегистратора.jpg
Pirogue running on the Mekong at golden hour between Don Det and Don Khon Laos.jpg
TCDD DE 22 068 Kurk - Uluova.jpg
Zaaddozen van een Ratelaar (Rhinanthus) 27-06-2022. (d.j.b).jpg
View from Mount Phou Si with the old French bridge over the Nam Khan river in Luang Prabang Laos.jpg
Et nous aussi nous serons meres ; car.........! drawing by Jean-Jacques LEQUEU 1794 BnF.jpg
Neottia nidus-avis buds - Keila.jpg
Amanda Berry Smith by T. B. Latchmore.jpg
Operophtera brumata (caterpillar) focus stacking-20230508-RM-131624.jpg
Veysonnaz depuis Nendaz - 2023.jpg
Mir Musavvir 002.jpg
A view to Toppsundet from Ytter-Aun, Hinnøya, Troms, Norway, 2015 April.jpg
Rowland Buckstone and Cissy Grahame in the revival of F. C. Burnand's The Colonel.jpg
Raya pelágica (Pteroplatytrygon violacea), Cabo de Palos, España, 2022-07-16, DD 72.jpg
Emerald swift (Sceloporus malachiticus) Finca El Pilar.jpg
Karst peaks mist and colorful clouds at sunrise seen from Mount Nam Xay in Vang Vieng Laos.jpg
Кронштадт, Кроншлот сверху зимой (3).jpg
Vermicularia spirata 01.jpg
Cape Hauy.jpg
Wulfenite - Red Cloud mine, La Paz Co., Arizona, USA.jpg
Chatham Albatross 0A2A3857.jpg
Vintage car meets world heritage site.jpg
Vautour fauve (Gyps fulvus).jpg
L'Atlas curieux ou le Monde réprésenté dans des cartes générales et particuliéres du ciel et de la terre, p. 11 (cropped).jpg
Flysch coast between Deba and Zumaia.jpg
Bloemknop van een Rododendron (Rhododendron). 21-05-2023. (d.j.b) 02.jpg
George N. Barnard by Mathew Brady.jpg
Soca river near Kamno (8).jpg
CH.VD.Bex 2007-09-02 Airshow 396 16x9-R 5120x2880 (cropped).jpg
Pez verde (Thalassoma pavo), Cabo de Palos, España, 2022-07-16, DD 73.jpg
Andrew George Scott, alias Captain Moonlite.jpg
Incense in Vietnam.jpg
Sagarmatha Everest Zone, Nepal, Himalayas.jpg
Bicudas (Sphyraena viridensis), Cabo de Palos, España, 2022-07-15, DD 09.jpg
Watzmann (Stanggaß).jpg
Brúarhlöð, Iceland, 20230501 1041 3844.jpg
29. Ulica - Krakowski Teatr Tańca - Estra & Andro - 20160708 2652.jpg
LakeStClair sentinel2 (cropped).jpg
Saslonch y Sela da Mont Sëuc.jpg
Geoffroy's tamarin (Saguinus geoffroyi) 2.jpg
Flower decorations at a wedding in India 04.jpg
Plantago lanceolata - Kulna.jpg
Weevil (Cholus cinctus) Anton Valley.jpg
LakeBalkhash colorful.jpg
National road 970 and river Teno near Gistugurra, Utsjoki, Lapland, Finland, 2021 September.jpg
Mero (Epinephelus marginatus), Cabo de Palos, España, 2022-07-15, DD 34.jpg
Anémona incrustante amarilla (Parazoanthus axinellae), Parque natural de la Arrábida, Portugal, 2022-07-20, DD 49.jpg
Ruins in Charleston, South Carolina by George N. Barnard - crop.jpg
Babia Góra, 20230304 0651 3162.jpg
Malmöhus slott 2022.jpg
Pinto Beans Seeds.jpg
Lesser violetear (Colibri cyanotus cabanidis).jpg
Орусъярви, озеро Мюллюлампи сверху.jpg
В самом центре России.jpg
Кронштадт, Николаевский док сверху зимой.jpg
Ramsauer Dolomiten II.jpg
Candle at the Trinity College Chapel, Oxford-L1002981.jpg
A man and his donkey on the way back from the field in Aswan, Egypt (edited).jpg
CH.ZG.Zug Boardstock 2008-07-27 Wakeboarder 27 16x9-R 4K.jpg
Clavelina lepadiformis - Mar Piccolo.jpg
Great Sphinx of Giza (أبو الهول).jpg
Кронштадт, Алексеевский док сверху зимой (2).jpg
Red and Gold for Niño.jpg
Emily Wilding Davison by Andrew William Dron.jpg
Mauritius grey white-eye (Zosterops mauritianus).jpg
Coast at northwestern Boa Vista, 2010 12.jpg
Trier 500 Millionen Mark Fritz Quant.jpg
Μετεωρα by night.jpg
Vida no Parque Nacional de Jericoacoara.jpg
Antigona lamellaris 01.jpg
34. Ulica - TNT Shows - Moving Poles - 20210904 1310 1879.jpg
Cardinal (Argynnis pandora) female underside Dobruja.jpg
Madrid - Edificio Grassy (Gran Vía 1) - north facade - relief over entrance.jpg
Barn swallow in Montezuma (14460).jpg
Red-winged blackbird singing (94019).jpg
View of Robe coastline and Obelisk 20230214 1.jpg
CH.ZG.Walchwil Walchwilerberg Heumoosegg 2016-10-30 OrigX-R gp.jpg
VY Rc6 1331 Katterjåkk.jpg
Milky way1.jpg
Waves of Luputhana 11.jpg
Cangrejo ermitaño (Dardanus calidus), Cabo de Palos, España, 2022-07-15, DD 115.jpg
Doncella (Coris julis), Cabo de Palos, España, 2022-07-17, DD 69.jpg
Cotton harvest in Xinjiang.jpg
Ike & Tina Turner, Bestanddeelnr 924-2170 - Restoration.jpg
Hairy dragonfly (Brachytron pratense) male Burren.jpg
Garlic bulbs and cloves.jpg
Bloemknoppen in ontwikkeling van Scharnierplant. 04-09-2022. (d.j.b) 01.jpg
Sentinel-2 bahamas (cropped).jpg
Great Sphinx (أبو الهول).jpg
0519 -France - Nice - Corner Rue de l'Abbaye and Rue Saint Vincent - looking up - HDR - VP.jpg
Sunset, Kuta, Bali, Indonesia, 20220825 1755 0879.jpg
Espirógrafo (Sabella discifera), Cabo de Palos, España, 2022-07-16, DD 48.jpg
Foggy Fanal forest in Seixal, Porto Moniz, Madeira, 2023 May.jpg
CH.BE.Lenk-im-Simmental 2022-06-30 Siebenbrunnen-Falls 8900 16x9-R 8K.jpg
Nogueira valley view from Balcões, São Roque do Faial, Santana, Madeira, 2023 May.jpg
Kagu 0A2A3521.jpg
Thomas Mundy Peterson by William R. Tobias.jpg
Euthrix potatoria caterpillar (side view) - Keila.jpg
Eucomis kuiflelie. 07-06-2023. (d.j.b).jpg
Filarmonica de MG 097.jpg
Echium candicans at Montado do Paredão in Curral das Freiras, Câmara de Lobos, Madeira, 2023 May.jpg
Chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta volta virtù del presbiterio Manerba del Garda.jpg
Working hands. Bizzilla, or traditional maltese lace-making.jpg
Remarkable Rocks 02.jpg
Resurrezione Bernardino Lucinio Lonato.jpg
Philippe Chaperon by Atelier Nadar.jpg
Coral plato (Danafungia scruposa), mar Rojo, Egipto, 2023-04-15, DD 49.jpg
St. Amandus - Bad Urach 18.jpg
Damisela dominó (Dascyllus trimaculatus) en una anémona magnífica (Heteractis magnifica), mar Rojo, Egipto, 2023-04-18, DD 113.jpg
Town hall of Mont-de-Marsan (6).jpg
Pilsum-LSG-Krummhoern--2022 05 msu-1.jpg
2022-05-22 50. Internationales Dixieland Festival Dresden 1DX 2056 by Stepro-2.jpg
Treppenhauses Holstenhof (2).jpg
Woman lighting the candles for the Festival of Lights in India (cropped).jpg
David Livingstone by Thomas Annan.jpg
Sommet de la Dune du Pilat.jpg
Нейрохирургическая операция в Институте Склифосовского.jpg
Brenthis ino - Keila.jpg
Salzburg Stiftskirche Nonnberg Innenraum 01.jpg
Wle Calafuria 11.jpg
Post office of Mont-de-Marsan (3).jpg
Jewelry designing (edited).jpg
Pez estandarte del mar Rojo (Heniochus intermedius), mar Rojo, Egipto, 2023-04-15, DD 36.jpg
Haus-Feldwespe (Polistes dominula) Nest focus stack-20230607-RM-121713.jpg
William John Macquorn Rankine by Thomas Annan.jpg
Herding sheep353 (edited).jpg
Mountains Reflection Sani Zanskar Oct22 A7C 04247.jpg
Grell by Janke - Black and white.jpg
Les Métamorphoses du jour p. LII - Restoration.jpg
Pacific Kingfisher.jpg
Batad houses.jpg
Coral (Galaxea fascicularis), mar Rojo, Egipto, 2023-04-18, DD 128.jpg
Кристаллы янтарной кислоты.jpg
Mimetite - Congreso-León mines, San Pedro Corralitos, Chihuahua, Mexico.jpg
Katharinenkirche, Mellenbach, 2022-05-27.jpg
Rainier Aerial West Close Washington Mar23 R16 07149.jpg
A smiling member of the Ramnami Samaj (edited).jpg
Bloemknop van een berenklauw (Heracleum). 16-06-2023. (d.j.b) 01.jpg
Shila Tsarap Mountains Zanskar Oct22 A7C 04113.jpg
Intramontabile Passione.jpg
Chrysanthemum FoV 18mm.png
Coral (Astreopora myriophthalma), mar Rojo, Egipto, 2023-04-18, DD 15.jpg
TCDD MT15441 Bolkuş - Karabük.jpg
Paulinzella abbey church, 2022-05-28, 01.jpg
20180915 - European Rover Challenge - 1531 9129 DxO.jpg
Juncus compressus - Niitvälja.jpg
Meerkat (Suricata suricatta) with 3 young.jpg
Batok, view from Bromo volcano, Java, Indonesia, 20220820 0539 9409.jpg
Frances Folsom Cleveland, by Charles Milton Bell.jpg
Commodore Perry, Pamunkey River MET DP70753.jpg
Coral burbuja (Plerogyra sinuosa), mar Rojo, Egipto, 2023-04-17, DD 13.jpg
Área de Proteção Ambiental Quilombos do Médio Ribeira Thomas-Fuhrmann (2022-16).jpg
Vruchtbeginsel van een Tamme kastanje (Castanea sativa) 24-06-2023. (d.j.b).jpg
Biancone con preda.tif
Religious fresco in Rila Monastery.jpg
Tragopogon pratensis, (Gele morgenster). 07-06-2022 (actm.) 02.jpg
Tribu Pana-ad of Dinagyang Festival (edited).jpg
Lestes dryas male (side view) - Kulna.jpg
Road heading towards Stetind in Nordland, Norway, 2012 October.jpg
Coral alambre (Cirrhipathes spiralis), mar Rojo, Egipto, 2023-04-17, DD 71.jpg
Cumulonimbus sunset panorama, Albury NSW Australia.jpg
Partial view of the Federal District, Brazil seen from space in 2001 (3).jpg
Traditional worker with coconut rope (edited).jpg
Lábrido tablero a cuadros (Halichoeres hortulanus), mar Rojo, Egipto, 2023-04-19, DD 43.jpg
Half-timbered mansion, Zirkel, East view.jpg
ŽCG 461 039 with IC Beograd - Bar at Lutovo.jpg
Dwarf birch spinner (Eriogaster arbusculae) cocoon Dovrefjell.jpg
Cheroot Smoking (edited).jpg
Muskox (Ovibos moschatus) male Dovrefjell 1.jpg
Panorama of Naqsh-i Jahan Square, Isfahan at blue hour (2019, edited).jpg
Nacreous clouds Antarctica.jpg
Crack climbing in Indian Creek, Utah.jpg
Thecacera Pennigera.jpg
Hohenloher Freilandmuseum - Baugruppe Hohenloher Dorf - Bauerngarten - Ansicht von Osten im Juni.jpg
Oriental Darter with fish, Nepal.jpg
Coral (Sarcophyton glaucum), mar Rojo, Egipto, 2023-04-17, DD 73.jpg
Misumena vatia mit Beute auf Lilie-20230704-RM-102430.jpg
Sari Temple, 2014-04-10, from 52 images.jpg
Copper bleach.jpg
Sydney (AU), Darling Harbour -- 2019 -- 3193-5.jpg
Self traditional folk face painting (2).jpg
Lighthouse Aniva.jpg
Сердце Югры.jpg
Road ER 109 at Trapiche and Laranjal in Santo António, Funchal, Madeira, 2023 May.jpg
Runder Hut - Wernersberg 01.jpg
Rhinanthus angustifolius inflorescence - Kulna.jpg
Covid-19 SP - UTI V. Nova Cachoeirinha.jpg
Брокенський привид на Шпицях.jpg
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil -08.jpg
Mountain hare (Lepus timidus) Oppdal.jpg
Whitehead's Trogon 0A2A5728.jpg
Map of the Countries Between England & India, 3902002.jpg
20200529 Widok ze Skały Okrążek na Opactwo w Tyńcu 1735 2128.jpg
Morena pimienta (Gymnothorax griseus), mar Rojo, Egipto, 2023-04-19, DD 54.jpg
Crate maker.jpg
Hosta tardiana 'Halcyon'. 24-06-2022 (actm.) 02.jpg
In Banani Model Town 01.jpg
Ammophila pubescens (two) - Kulna.jpg
Mayon Volcano eruption at Daraga Church.jpg
Нарциси в Мармаросах.jpg
Pferdskopf - Over the clouds.jpg
Common ringed plover (Charadrius hiaticula) Oppdal.jpg
Tufted Duck कालीजुरे हाँस.jpg
Evening pray (edited).jpg
Recife Favela Detran street.jpg
Nubian houses.jpg
Child working selling vegetables in downtown Maracaibo.jpg
Low-end EF3 damage to a home in Virginia Beach, Virginia.jpg
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 003 version 2.jpg
Coral (Pachyseris speciosa), mar Rojo, Egipto, 2023-04-15, DD 39.jpg
ŽCG 461 035 with night train on the Lesendro causeway.jpg
Varicospira crispata 01.jpg
Pez ballesta picasso arábigo (Rhinecanthus assasi), mar Rojo, Egipto, 2023-04-18, DD 22.jpg
Дорога до церкви.jpg
MGB Be 4-4 Realp - Hospental.jpg
Bloemknop van een Agapanthus 'Senna'. 18-07-2023. (d.j.b) 02.jpg
House sparrow Nepal.jpg
Cavern in Arraial do Cabo.jpg
Pepino de mar (Thelenota ananas), mar Rojo, Egipto, 2023-04-17, DD 61.jpg
French Battleship Justice by the Detroit Publishing Co, 1909.jpg
Lamium purpureum - Tutermaa.jpg
Australia Day 2013 Perth 39.jpg
Sister lighting traditional lamp during Tihar festival (edited).jpg
Monumento Natural O Frade e A Freira - Luciano Daniel (03) (cropped).jpg
Alice-in-Wonderland by-David-Revoy 2010-07-21.jpg
Zaadpluizen van een Clematis texensis 'Princess Diana'. 18-07-2023 (actm.) 02.jpg
Lábrido (Anampses twistii), mar Rojo, Egipto, 2023-04-19, DD 33.jpg
Полярное сияние над заброшенным зданием метеостанцией.jpg
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil -21.jpg
CN 159 003 Oteråga - Valnesfjord.jpg
До світанку.jpg
East End of Rundle and Whitemans Pond.jpg
Mount Lorette panorama.jpg
Angela Davis in a half-length portrait by Bernard Gotfryd - crop.jpg
Gallus gallus domesticus - Vogelpark Steinen 03.jpg
Coenonympha pamphilus - Kulna.jpg
Estrella con plumas (Stephanometra indica), mar Rojo, Egipto, 2023-04-15, DD 165.jpg
Blick vom Hoher Göll in westliche Richtung.jpg
Mariakerk (Wierum) 10-07-2023. (d.j.b) 04.jpg
Gold coin of the Kushan empire, king Havishka - 1999.227 - Cleveland Museum of Art.jpg
Joseph Siffrein Duplessis - Benjamin Franklin - Google Art Project.jpg
Sarah Goodridge Beauty Revealed The Metropolitan Museum of Art.jpg
Coral (Favia favus), mar Rojo, Egipto, 2023-04-18, DD 116.jpg
Black kite impersonating an osprey.jpg
Teide Canadas.jpg
Sydney (AU), Opera House -- 2019 -- 3054.jpg
CH.VS.Zermatt 2022-07-16 Air-Zermatt 5958 16x9-R 11K.jpg
Urocitellus richardsonii GNP 08.jpg
Trillium undulatum.jpg
Lithobates catesbeianus PP.jpg
Kiwifruit 'Gold' cross section.jpg
Arenal moteado (Parapercis hexophtalma), mar Rojo, Egipto, 2023-04-17, DD 64.jpg
Verregende bloem van een Helenium 'El Dorado'. 22-07-2023. (d.j.b).jpg
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 0011 02.jpg
Trillium erectum - Stephen's Gulch CA.jpg
Mero crestado gris (Epinephelus tauvina), mar Rojo, Egipto, 2023-04-15, DD 118.jpg
Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus GNP 04.jpg
Lionesses Scratching Tree Cubs Luangwa Jul23 A7C 06340.jpg
London King's Cross rainbow light tunnel - 2023-06-25.jpg
Ponte di Diavolo -1.jpg
Bloemknoppen van een Allium senescens glaucum. 18-07-2023 (actm.) 01.jpg
Heavy Machine Shop - edited.jpg
Minggu Pagi 6.45 (7 February 1954) cover.jpg
Melopsittacus undulatus - Vogelpark Steinen 02.jpg
Orchis mascula inflorescence - Keila.jpg
Lofoten, Norway (Unsplash).jpg
Canadian chocolates.jpg
Beckum 2 Mark Kuh.jpg
Red Panda (24986761703).jpg
Schloss Lichtenstein (Württemberg) - Eugenien-Bastion - Ritterbau - Fürstenbau - 01.jpg
Mount Whymper panorama.jpg
Weathered Buffalo Skull Lupande Zambia Jul23 A7C 06119.jpg
Sturnella neglecta GNP 02.jpg
Hoverfly in rain by prasan shrestha.jpg
Pez ángel emperador (Pomacanthus imperator), mar Rojo, Egipto, 2023-04-17, DD 104.jpg
Tea plantation Sri.jpg
The Arts House during blue hour (2023)-L1003783.jpg
Alley behind Boat Quay, Singapore-L1003686.jpg
Bison bison bison GNP 04.jpg
Sumitra Devi, a Garhwali shepherd near Lansdowne, Uttarakhand 02 - cropped.jpg
Wachten op hoog water (beeld van Jan Ketelaar) 14-08-2023. (d.j.b) 05.jpg
Tsuzoku Suikoden Goketsu Hyakuhachi-nin no Hitori (108 Heroes of 'The Water Margin' in Popular Translation) (BM 1906,1220,0.1311).jpg
Rolling Fork, Mississippi tornado disaster area on April 12, 2023 - 20230412-USDA-RD-MS-LSC- - 27.jpg
Cave Buildings Phuktal Gompa Oct22 A7C 04465.jpg
Pez globo (Arothron diadematus), mar Rojo, Egipto, 2023-04-17, DD 155.jpg
Elephant seals at Ano Nuevo (91604).jpg
Bornean Banded Pitta male 0A2A1754.jpg
Hampi - Uddana Veerabhadra Temple - Hanuman - 2.jpg
Südabstürze der Reiter Alm.jpg
De Orient Magazine advertisement for Panggilan Darah (1941).jpg
Aegirine - Mt Malosa, Zomba, Malawi.jpg
Terebra babylonia 01.jpg
CargoNet 185 Vindeln - Tvärålund.jpg
Cesenatico - Porto Canale (2023).jpg
Green karst peaks seen from the top of Mount Nam Xay a sunny morning with fog Vang Vieng Laos.jpg
Apis dorsata nest on a tree at golden hour in Laos.jpg
E 10 road near Låktatjåkka in Kiruna, Norrbottens län, Sweden, 2022 June.jpg
Corner between Södra Benickebrinken and Österlånggatan in Gamla Stan, Stockholm, Sweden, 2022 December.jpg
Ring-billed gull and a rainbow (52910).jpg
Tsarap Upstream Phuktal Zanskar Oct22 R16 06699.jpg
Pez ballesta ondulado (Balistapus undulatus), mar Rojo, Egipto, 2023-04-15, DD 45.jpg
Île d'Orléans 009.jpg
Dacelo novaeguineae - Vogelpark Steinen 01.jpg
Zaaddozen van gewone berenklauw (Heracleum sphondylium). 10-08-2023. (actm.) 02.jpg
Prokofieff (i.e. Prokofiev) LCCN2014708419 Crop 2.jpg
Grey-breasted mountain toucan (Andigena hypoglauca) Caldas.jpg
Chestnut-naped antpitta (Grallaria nuchalis ruficeps) Las Tangaras.jpg
CHIJMES, Singapore, at night (2023)-L1003732.jpg
Portal of Saint Joseph’s Church, Victoria Street, at night (2023)-L1003741.jpg
Kosiak - Wertatscha 20230714.jpg
Great black-backed gull (26769).jpg
Rainbow yarn for knitting, display in front of a needlework shop in Graz, Austria, GW23-100.jpg
Juvenile Forster's tern calling for its parent (96328).jpg
Zaadbox van een Triteleia brodiaea 'Corrina'. 22-07-2023. (d.j.b).jpg
Pez unicornio de nariz corta (Naso brevirostris), mar Rojo, Egipto, 2023-04-15, DD 61.jpg
Sayornis saya GNP 01.jpg
Quant Zurlauben.jpg
Lady Peak panorama2.jpg
Gabrielle Aplin 03 10 2018 -1 (27078864258).jpg
Blaugrüne Mosaikjungfer im Flug-20230813-RM-144903.jpg
Lion's Head PP.jpg
Linaria vulgaris flowers - Keila.jpg
Cynomys ludovicianus GNP 21.jpg
TCDD MT 30000 Konaklar - Türmentepe.jpg
Двойная радуга над собором Василия Блаженного.jpg
Pez payaso (Amphiprion bicinctus) en una anémona magnífica (Heteractis magnifica), mar Rojo, Egipto, 2023-04-18, DD 93.jpg
Phuktal Gompa Tsarap Zanskar Oct22 A7C 04463.jpg
Sitting Spotted Hyena Luangwa Jul23 A7C 06239.jpg
Western gull (77528).jpg
Flame-faced tanager (Tangara parzudakii parzudakii) Cundinamarca.jpg
Alcatraz Kitchen (2023)-L1003585.jpg
Boat passing under Elgin Bridge during blue hour (2023)-L1003785.jpg
Pygargue à queue blanche (Haliaeetus albicilla) - tête.jpg
Écomusée d’Alsace 06.jpg
Pez halcón de cabeza moteada (Paracirrhites forsteri) sobre un coral (Pocillopora verrucosa), parque nacional Ras Muhammad, Egipto, 2022-03-29, DD 59.jpg
Edward Alexander Bouchet Yale College class of 1874.jpg
Leiothlypis peregrina Malus sp JRVdH 01.jpg
Junco hyemalis UL 09.jpg
Plain-capped ground-tyrant (Muscisaxicola alpinus) on Senecio niveo-aureus Chingaza.jpg
Pilsumer Ziegelei-2021-2118-.jpg
Yellow cherry tomatoes.jpg
Griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus).jpg
Basílica, Javier, Navarra, España, 2023-01-05, DD 80-82 HDR.jpg
Lukmanierpass, Passo del Lucomagno. 20-09-2022. (actm.) 29.jpg
Сор Кендирли. Три батыра.jpg
Kargah Buddha (cropped).jpg
Bow Bridge panorama Central Park (86746p).jpg
Chocó grasshopper (Opaon varicolor) male.jpg
Zebra Family Luangwa Zambia Jul23 A7C 05903.jpg
Bloemknop van een Dahlia 'Moonfire'. 20-08-2023. (d.j.b).jpg
At Jewel Changi, Singapore 2023 36.jpg
Gray catbird with a berry (16665).jpg
Assisi - Chiesa di San Pietro - Crocifisso - 2023-09-05 01-25-30 001.jpg
Captain John W. Tarleton by John Jabez Edwin Mayall.jpg
Yellow-billed Stork Breeding Juvenile Lupande Jul23 A7R 06393.jpg
View from Coliseum Mountain.jpg
Iglesia de San Salvador, Luesia, Zaragoza, España, 2023-01-04, DD 80-82 HDR.jpg
Cala Praia dei Nacchi panorama.jpg
Sword-billed hummingbird (Ensifera ensifera) Caldas.jpg
Real Basílica de San Francisco el Grande, Madrid, España, 2023-01-03, DD 56-58 HDR.jpg
Kazakh yurts at night in the Kyzylkum desert, Uzbekistan.jpg
Centro Histórico, 16.9 -- 2023 -- Córdoba, España.jpg
Katharine Hepburn publicity photograph.jpg
Southern Scrub-Robin 0A2A1672.jpg
Seehornsee im Herbst.jpg
Thymelicus sylvestris underside - Keila.jpg
Catedral de la Encarnación, Málaga, España, 2023-05-19, DD 43-45 HDR.jpg
Coliseum Mountain Tarn.jpg
Conasprella viminea 01.jpg
Náměstí Zachariáše z Hradce in the fog.jpg
Cosmos bipinnatus Blüte-20230819-RM-123333.jpg
Templo de Debod, Madrid, España, 2023-01-03, DD 89-91 HDR.jpg
Santuário Nacional 20161110 (cropped).jpg
White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus goudotii) male head Chingaza.jpg
Buff-tailed coronet (Boissonneaua flavescens flavescens) Caldas.jpg
Praia do Ribeiro do Cavalo2.jpg
Joseph Bazalgette by Lock & Whitfield.jpg
Mekong bank with stilt dwellings and clouds at golden hour in Don Det Laos.jpg
Frankfurt Skyline 2022 bei Nacht.jpg
Kurt Vonnegut by Bernard Gotfryd (1965).jpg
Catedral de la Encarnación, Málaga, España, 2023-05-19, DD 37-39 HDR.jpg
St Thomas church in Haro (3).jpg
St Thomas church in Haro (11).jpg
01665 ITA Tuscany Pitigliano S from viewpoint V-P.jpg
Senador Tancredo Neves.jpg
01844b ITA Tuscany Sorano blue hour 3 to 1 V-P.jpg
Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus).jpg
Poaceae plant at golden hour near the river in Laos.jpg
Coccinella in Parc du Bois-de-Coulonge uncut version.jpg
Red-tailed squirrel (Sciurus granatensis chrysuros) male Caldas.jpg
Петергоф, Знаменка, конюшни сверху.jpg
Hooded mountain tanager (Buthraupis montana cucullata) Caldas.jpg
Лаврики, брошеная градирня сверху (2).jpg
Kadalundi Bird Sanctuary Ardea alba 09138.jpg
Falka - Weir Collection.jpg
Macaca sylvanus - Vogelpark Steinen 09.jpg
Inside of a hot air balloon.jpg
Lençóis Maranhenses 2018.jpg
Fountain at Plaza de Sta Maria in Vitoria-Gasteiz (1).jpg
34. Ulica - TNT Shows - Moving Poles - 20210904 1316 1954.jpg
Rufous-backed Dwarf-Kingfisher 0A2A6720.jpg
Parque Nacional da Serra Geral - Raphael Sombrio (01).jpg
Myosotis scorpioides - Niitvälja bog.jpg
Panteón de la Duquesa de Sevillano, Guadalajara, España, 2023-01-02, DD 37-39 HDR.jpg
Oriental garden lizard (Calotes versicolor) in a mango tree in Laos.jpg
Female spruce grouse.jpg
Short-horned grasshoppers (Rhytidochrota risaraldae) mating.jpg
Iglesia del Gesù Nuovo, Nápoles, Italia, 2023-03-25, DD 05-07 HDR.jpg
Pallastunturi and Hanhijärvi in Muonio, Lapland, Finland, 2023 September.jpg
Man talking on the phone in Montréal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport 006.jpg
Wild goat lying on a tree stump under colorful clouds at sunrise in Don Kek Si Phan Don Laos.jpg
Teide Caldera Rim - 2.jpg
Palácio Quitandinha, Petropolis.jpg
Red-headed barbet (Eubucco bourcierii occidentalis) female Las Tangaras.jpg
Aragonite - Pantoja, Toledo, Castile-La Mancha, Spain.jpg
SNCF B 81500 Savines-le-Lac.jpg
Basílica del Gesù Vecchio, Nápoles, Italia, 2023-03-25, DD 69-71 HDR.jpg
Grand Canyon South Rim at Sunset.jpg
Parque Nacional Marinho de Fernando de Noronha - João Paulo Marques DAndretta 12.jpg
Monument Valley Arizona Panoramic.jpg
Restaurant room of Amantaka luxury Resort & Hotel in Luang Prabang Laos.jpg
Escaleras a la Catedral -- 2023 -- Burgos, Castilla y León, España.jpg
Mattupetty Lake View.jpg
Écomusée d’Alsace 11.jpg
Keylong West Lahaul Himachal Oct22 A7C 03375 panorama.jpg
Cathedral of Verona (7).jpg
Paestum, Italia, 2023-03-26, DD 66-68 HDR.jpg
Blue Marble 2002.png
Crescent-faced antpitta (Grallaricula lineifrons) Caldas.jpg
General Map of Switzerland.jpg
Relief of a devil's head with golden horns and sharp teeth in Rue du Grand Hospice Brussels Belgium.jpg
Ακρωτήριο Μέλισσα 2814.jpg
Mow Cop Castle, Sep 2023.jpg
Bebe Rexha @ Wiltern 06 30 2023 (53047143292) (denoised).jpg
Town hall of Leuven (7).jpg
Construction of deepwater pier number 38 (5).jpg
Contrasimnia xanthochila 01.JPG
Museo de la iglesia de San Agustín, Manila, Filipinas, 2023-08-27, DD 91-93 HDR.jpg
Olho de papagaio.jpg
Lasiocampa quercus 5th instar caterpillar Keila (side view).jpg
Mount Washington Cog Railway October 2021 015 edit.jpg
Kométa C-2020 F3 (NEOWISE).jpg
Wierum (Noardeast-Fryslân), 10-07-2023. (d.j.b) 01.jpg
Butorides striata striata in Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 08.jpg
Iglesia de Binondo, Manila, Filipinas, 2023-08-26, DD 08-09 HDR.jpg
Pirogue running from the Nam Khan river to the Mekong a sunny day in Luang Prabang Laos.jpg
UBTZ 2TE116UM-022 Cagaan Had - Sumangijn Zoo.jpg
Sheldonian Theatre Oxford 2023 03.jpg
Las Vegas Strip from Resorts World February 2023 HDR 1.jpg
Physical map of Ancient Greece-ru.svg
0688 Norway Lofoten bridge between Sakrisoya and Andoya.jpg
Mountains Mekong river and dwellings seen from Mount Phou Si at dusk in Luang Prabang Laos.jpg
Catedral de la Inmaculada Concepción, Manila, Filipinas, 2023-08-26, DD 25-26 HDR.jpg
DDR-Grenzbeobachtungsturm 20231003 HOF00364 RAW-Export.jpg
Црква „Св. Атанасиј“ - Градец 8.jpg
Pitigliano - Aquedotto Medicei - 1.jpg
Narrow-banded dartwhite (Catasticta flisa postaurea) underside on Mimosa pudica.jpg
Trigonoceps occipitalis - Vogelpark Steinen 02.jpg
Museo de la iglesia de San Agustín, Manila, Filipinas, 2023-08-27, DD 82-84 HDR.jpg
Hampi - King's Palace - Throne Platform - Relief - 15.jpg
Bloemknop van een Helenium autumnale. 20-08-2023. (d.j.b).jpg
Aktie Canal de Panama 1880.jpg
Pale Blue Flycatcher 0A2A0654.jpg
Katy Perry DNC July 2016 (cropped3) restored.jpg
Intérieur de la Basilique Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré, Quebéc, Canada.jpg
Blutrote Heidelibelle (Sympetrum sanguineum) -20230916-RM-123712.jpg
Winter view of Sorraia river at dusk, Coruche, Portugal (PPL3-Altered) julesvernex2-2.jpg
Sonnefeld Friedhof Gräber Luftbild-20230908-RM-161058.jpg
Kreta (GR), Rethymno, Küchenutensilien -- 2023 -- 8185.jpg
Boats on the Mekong with dark clouds and blue sky in the late afternoon in Luang Prabang Laos.jpg
Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 0188 04.jpg
Three-quarter view of the temple Haw Pha Bang at night in Luang Prabang Laos.jpg
Treppenhaus im Sprinkenhof (Blick nach unten).jpg
Savigny – Église Notre-Dame-et-Sainte-Barbe – Abside III 2023 08 14.jpg
Iglesia de San Miguel, Manila, Filipinas, 2023-08-27, DD 29-31 HDR.jpg
Tromostovje in Prešernov trg (Tromostovje and Prešeren Square).jpg
Sant'Andrea della Valle in Rome (1).jpg
Buff-tailed coronets (Boissonneaua flavescens) Caldas.jpg
Berlin Mitte June 2023 01.jpg
Lathmar Holi 2022 in Nandgaon, Uttar Pradesh (edited).jpg
Nettie Maria Stevens.jpg
Slaty-crowned antpitta (Grallaricula nana occidentalis) Caldas.jpg
Iglesia de Binondo, Manila, Filipinas, 2023-08-26, DD 10-12 HDR.jpg
Kreta (GR), Amnatos, Kloster Arkadi -- 2023 -- 8569.jpg
01845 ITA Tuscany Sorano panoramic view S V-P.jpg
Church of St. John at Kaneo 6.jpg
Sthlm 01 September 2020 02.jpg
Famille d’un Chef Camacan se préparant pour une Fête.jpg
TCDD DE 24 372 Dinar - Karakuyu.jpg
Возилото на експедицијата во Дебарско 2.jpg
Autumnal Retreat in Old Quebec- A Canvas of Fading Reds and Vibrant Oranges.jpg
Breil-Brigels, Lag da Breil- Flem. 23-09-2022. (actm.) 11.jpg
Torhaus der Mainbrücke in Miltenberg.jpg
Clouds over the Xe Don River with boats at sunset in Pakse Laos.jpg
Pseudaristia oxycodia Antioquia.jpg
Catedral, Norwich, Inglaterra, 2022-11-19, DD 104-106 HDR.jpg
Catedral, Norwich, Inglaterra, 2022-11-19, DD 101-103 HDR.jpg
Hampi - Hemakuta Hill, Virupaksha Temple.jpg
Bloemknop van een Agapanthus 'White Heaven'. 18-07-2023. (d.j.b) 02.jpg
Krakow - Wawel from Vistula - 4.jpg
001 Wild Golden Eagle and Majinghorn Pfyn-Finges Photo by Giles Laurent.jpg
Church, castle and lake of Ivenack, NW view.jpg
Canopy bed of Amantaka Suite in Amantaka luxury Resort & Hotel in Luang Prabang Laos.jpg
Path to Pallastunturi in autumn color display, Muonio, Lapland, Finland, 2021 September.jpg
Rugiada su vetro illuminata dal sole.jpg
Contorno da Torre Eiffel com o Dirigível Nº6 - 1-13651-0000-0000, Acervo do Museu Paulista da USP.jpg
Royal Air Force Panavia Tornado GR4 ZA607 EB-X Corris Corner 2018 01.jpg
Cesena - Duomo di Cesena - Crocifisso - 2023-10-12 21-00-00 002.jpg
Midtown Manhattan from Weehawken September 2021 HDR.jpg
Brown-banded antpitta (Grallaria milleri) Caldas.jpg
Catedral de Westminster, Londres, Inglaterra, 2022-11-23, DD 49-51 HDR.jpg
Münstertal 02.jpg
Edmund Beecher Wilson between about 1885 and 1891.jpg
View of Lecco (4).jpg
Polycera Elegans.jpg
783 3 (+ 3) dancers performing on stage V-P.jpg
Red Dragon scuplture during River Lee flooding, October 2023.jpg
002 Wild Alpine Ibex Swiss Alps and Creux du Van Photo by Giles Laurent.jpg
Marshfield Pond October 2021 003.jpg
Atlantilux rubra 01.jpg
Panoramic view of Mount Phou Si seen from Wat Chomphet in Luang Prabang Laos.jpg
071 Wild marmot at Grand Muveran Nature Reserve Photo by Giles Laurent.jpg
024 Red-chested cuckoo at Kibale forest National Park Photo by Giles Laurent.jpg
Chestnut-crowned antpitta (Grallaria ruficapilla ruficapilla) Caldas.jpg
021 Wild Baby Alpine Ibex Creux du Van Photo by Giles Laurent.jpg
Gaza envelope after coordinated surprise offensive on Israel, October 2023 (KBG GPO05).jpg
Münster, St.-Lamberti-Kirche, Südwestportal -- 2023 -- 9201.jpg
Going to church - Pancho Fierro-restored.jpg
Pirogue moored to the Mekong bank with bamboo stakes under clearing of a sky reflected in muddy water.jpg
Apennine Colossus panorama (81988p).jpg
Floor of the Duomo Firenze (61458).jpg
Aplastodiscus arildae no Parque Estadual de Caparao por Lucas Rosado (03).jpg
Santa Maria dell'Orto in Rome (5).jpg
Catedral de Westminster, Londres, Inglaterra, 2022-11-23, DD 43-45 HDR.jpg
Chestnut-headed Bee-eater 0A2A3554.jpg
001 Juvenile leopard in the Serengeti National Park Photo by Giles Laurent.jpg
Bloeiwijze van een Kruisdistel (Eryngium). 21-07-2023. (actm.) 01.jpg
Palmiste africain.jpg
Catedral, Norwich, Inglaterra, 2022-11-19, DD 98-100 HDR.jpg
Interior of the library at Amantaka luxury Resort & Hotel in Luang Prabang Laos.jpg
035 Uganda kobs mating at Queen Elizabeth National Park Photo by Giles Laurent.jpg
Museo de Historia Natural, Londres, Inglaterra, 2022-11-25, DD 50-52 HDR.jpg
Riomaggiore From Ferry Cinque Terre Italy Sep23 A7C 07414.jpg
Eastern wood pewee (71095).jpg
Ring-billed gull (16241).jpg
Muscovy duck head at golden hour in Don Det Laos.jpg
Llantwit Major Beach, Oct 2023 06 (cropped).jpg
Silhuetas no Forte de Santo Antônio da Barra (cropped).jpg
Lissabon - Praca do Comercio - Arcades.jpg
Charles Henry Turner at Sumner High School, St. Louis, Mo. Aug. 9, 1921.jpg
Flussregenpfeifer im flachen Wasser 01.jpg
Real Monasterio de San Juan de la Peña, Huesca, España, 2023-01-05, DD 48-50 HDR.jpg
Che Guevara - Guerrillero Heroico by Alberto Korda.jpg
Schloss Philippsruhe (Westseite).jpg
012 Wild Chamois Riederalp Photo by Giles Laurent.jpg
Orangerieschloss June 2023 01.jpg
Mango fruit Nam Dok Mai.jpg
MTAB IORE 125 Björkliden - Kopparåsen.jpg
Front view of Wat Mai Suwannaphumaham Buddhist temple at blue hour in Luang Prabang Laos.jpg
Catoctin Mountain and farm MD1.jpg
Cannon Beach October 2019 panorama 2.jpg
Dülmen, Hausdülmen, Zaun einer Wiese -- 2021 -- 5083.jpg
Burg Rötteln - Lörrach 34.jpg
Mary Church Terrell - cph.3b47842.jpg
014 Wild Red Deer Switzerland Photo by Giles Laurent.jpg
Ruitjesbovist (Calvatia utriformis). 18-07-2023. (d.j.b) 03.jpg
Cesenatico - Canal port - Fishing house (Trabucco) 2023-08-15.jpg
Hummel Cosmea-20231018-RM-170758.jpg
Ecola Point October 2019 panorama 3.jpg
Museo Guggenheim -- 2021 -- Bilbao, Euskadi, España.jpg
20181204 Warming stripes (global, WMO, 1850-2018) - Climate Lab Book (Ed Hawkins).svg
Zumaia Algorri.jpg
Edifício na Rua do Comércio nº 11 - Santa Leopoldina - 20220813162529.jpg
Albert Memorial, Londres, Inglaterra, 2022-11-25, DD 93-95 HDR.jpg
Manarola NW Cinque Terre Sep23 A7C 07233.jpg
Window in a cafe in San Gimignano (02182)2.jpg
Cedar waxwing in pokeweed (10132).jpg
Lobby lounge of Amantaka Suite Amantaka luxury Resort & Hotel Luang Prabang Laos.jpg
TCDD E 68 055 Araplı - Yeşilhisar.jpg
Luis Alvarez with a magnetic monopole detector - Restoration.jpg
Casa de Leighton, Londres, Inglaterra, 2022-11-26, DD 13-15 HDR.jpg
Winter in Beskid Śląski mountains, Ochodzita, Silesia 01.jpg
Sabella pavonina - Hippocampus hippocampus - Porto Cesareo, Italy (DSC2314M).jpg
Corcovado sunset silhouette.jpg
Aufbau der Republik-panorama.jpg
Redshank on a pole.jpg
017 Great blue turaco at Kibale forest National Park Photo by Giles Laurent.jpg
Bronze casting at Kunstgießerei München 01 - cropped.jpg
Hampi - Hazara Rama Temple - Wall Reliefs - 2.jpg
Jenneria pustulata 01.jpg
Dunmanus Bay from Dun Lough.jpg
Manarola NW Cemetery Corniglia Monterosso Cinque Terre Sep23 A7C 06872.jpg
092 Wild Mute swan in flight at Lake Geneva during golden hour of sunset Photo by Giles Laurent.jpg
Frankfurt vom Goetheturm.jpg
Upholstering the seats of your own car, Margarita Island, Venezuela.jpg
Ambigram Nothing written.jpg
Memmelsdorf Schloss Seehof Lindenallee-20231101-RM-115618.jpg
Red Mill Clinton October 2021 003.jpg
Ruins of the St Peter church in Viana (2).jpg
Porto Covo January 2022-1.jpg
Rottenburg a.N. - Wurmlingen - Kapellenberg - Ansicht von OSO im April mit Gegenlicht.jpg
Панорама «Японський» манеж.jpg
Lesser yellowlegs wading (96251).jpg
Bolshoy Tkhach, Adygea, Большой Тхач, куэста, Адыгея.jpg
Parque Estadual do Jalapão João Paulo Marques Dandretta (16) edited.jpg
Lessay Abbaye Bas-côté sud 2022 08 22.jpg
Vrucht van een beuk (Fagus sylvatica) 21-07-2023 (d.j.b.).jpg
Casa de Leighton, Londres, Inglaterra, 2022-11-26, DD 04-06 HDR.jpg
Bloemknop van een Rudbeckia fulgida. 24-08-2023 (actm.) 02.jpg
002 The lion king Snyggve in the Serengeti National Park Photo by Giles Laurent.jpg
Evora - Cathedral - Dome, Roof.jpg
090 Wild Black-headed gull in flight at Lake Geneva during sunset Photo by Giles Laurent.jpg
Water reflection of clouds and Luang Prabang cityscape from Wat Long Koon evening Laos.jpg
Juvenile red knot (Finistere, France).jpg
Saint Christopher Street in Valletta (32711).jpg
Dülmen, Münsterstraße, Viktorkirmes, Riesenrad -- 2023 -- 9053 (kreativ).jpg
Järva-Peetri kirikuaed 1 - OlariPilnik.jpg
Sir William Thomson, Baron Kelvin by T. & R. Annan & Sons.jpg
Painting on Pinacoteca of Sao Paulo, Brazil 3.jpg
Catedral de Westminster, Londres, Inglaterra, 2022-11-23, DD 37-39 HDR.jpg
Red Fish at Papahānaumokuākea.jpg
Oscar Wilde by Napoleon Sarony. Three-quarter-length photograph, seated.jpg
Painted door (Mermaid). Funchal, Madeira.jpg
Bali Myna 0A2A9443.jpg
Flysch formation at Sakoneta Beach.jpg
Buteo jamaicensis New York September 2019 002.jpg
Boardmasters2023 (97 of 171) (53120163026).jpg
086 Wild Grass snake at Lake Geneva Photo by Giles Laurent.jpg
044 Grey-headed kingfisher at Queen Elizabeth National Park Photo by Giles Laurent.jpg
Volkach Maria im Weingarten Luftbild-20221027-RM-171234.jpg
Fluweelpootje (Flammulina velutipes), 22-11-2023. (d.j.b).jpg
Arothron nigropunctatus - Wilhelma 02.jpg
Lower Manhattan from Jersey City November 2016 002.jpg
Iglesia de San Felipe y Santiago, Nápoles, Italia, 2023-03-25, DD 72-74 HDR.jpg
ISS-38 Hawaiian Island chain.jpg
Gazania krebsiana, Quebec city, Quebec, Canada 131.jpg
Santa Maria in Vallicella church in Rome (11).jpg
Trees in ICM on Myrstigen hiking trail, Brastad 2.jpg
Renfe 730 Erustes - Montearagón.jpg
Panoramic view of Wat Pa Phon Phao and Nam Khan river seen from Old French Bridge Luang Prabang Laos.jpg
064 Wild Chamois Parc régional Chasseral Photo by Giles Laurent.jpg
The European Extremely Large Telescope.jpg
Neuschwanstein Castle 07.jpg
Interior of Wat Long Koon with gold statue of the seated Buddha in Luang Prabang Laos.jpg
Thorsten Nordenfelt. Svensk ubåtspionjär.jpg
Casa de Leighton, Londres, Inglaterra, 2022-11-26, DD 07-09 HDR.jpg
093 Wild Mute swan at Lake Geneva during sunset Photo by Giles Laurent.jpg
Asbestnaya Mount, Adygea, Гора Асбестная, виды с вершины, Адыгея, Западный Кавказ.jpg
Abtei Seckau Basilika Innenraum 08.jpg
Steam locomotive gear (JŽ 06-018; Slovenia).jpg
UN Fight for Freedom Leslie Ragan 1943 poster.jpg
Pinacoteca de São Paulo 6.jpg
Aktie Chicago Burlington.jpg
Portrait of Charles Nettleton 1893 Talma & Co. H3995.jpg
Play with a wheel.jpg
Mount Washington Cog Railway October 2021 024.jpg
Li Phi falls at sunrise with white and grey clouds in Don Khon Laos.jpg
SAS DC 7 i luften färg - Nordiska museet - NMAx.0011022.jpg
Catedral de Santa Cecilia, Albi, Francia, 2023-01-07, DD 98-100 HDR.jpg
Wieskirche 05.jpg
Water reflection of sunset with gray and orange clouds and boats moored to the bank in Pakse Laos.jpg
Sanderling Westkapelle 02.jpg
013 Alpha male chimpanzee at Kibale forest National Park Photo by Giles Laurent.jpg
San Carlo al Corso in Rome (4).jpg
Western olive sunbird (Cyanomitra olivacea obscura) juvenile Ankasa.jpg
Émile-Arthur Thouar by Eugène Pirou.jpg
033 Male Ugandan kob trying to seduce a female at Queen Elizabeth National Park Photo by Giles Laurent.jpg
Minnie Tittell Brune as the Duke of Reichstadt in Edmond Rostand's play L'Aiglon - Talma & Co.jpg
OCSD Duke 6 Bell UH 1H N186SD by Don Ramey Logan.jpg
Praying bhikkhus inside Wat Mai Suwannaphumaham in Luang Prabang Laos.jpg
Gray-breasted Partridge 0A2A3088.jpg
Camera zoom burst on a Microsoft computer keyboard in Tuntorp 8.jpg
The Cheat LCCN2010649713-restored.jpg
Сончеви зраци над Тиквеш (cropped).jpg
Sepia común (Sepia officinalis), Parque natural de la Arrábida, Portugal, 2021-09-07, DD 04.jpg
Острів Байда в ранішньому тумані.jpg
Marina Izola.jpg
Mesamphiagrion laterale males and juvenile male Cuninamarca.jpg
Fernsicht vom Herzogenhorn.jpg
Long hanging vines of a strangler fig seen from below in Luang Prabang Laos.jpg
Sunset in Pythagoreio.jpg
African hawk-eagle (Aquila spilogaster).jpg
023 Wild Bearded Vulture Switzerland Pfyn-Finges Photo by Giles Laurent.jpg
RhB Alvra Filisur - Alvaneu.jpg
Lord Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett Dunsany by Morrall-Hoole Studios.jpg
Кабан у лісі.jpg
Pez lija pintado (Aluterus scriptus), mar Rojo, Egipto, 2023-04-19, DD 47.jpg
Grote sponszwam (Sparassis crispa). 09-11-2023. (d.j.b).jpg
Gibson's Albatross 0A2A8124.jpg
Luzern asv2022-10 Gotthardgebäude img03.jpg
Fresh bilberries picked in Tuntorp 4.jpg
Cavolinia tridentata 01.jpg
Oratorio de Santa María Reina y Madre, Málaga, España, 2023-05-20, DD 08-10 HDR.jpg
Hôtel Le Concorde Québec.jpg
Parc publique du Bois-de-Coulonge, Quebec ville, Canada.jpg
Pristimantis elegans Chingaza.jpg
Parque Nacional Marinho de Fernando de Noronha - João Paulo Marques DAndretta 1-edited.jpg
Akelei Blüte geschlossen stacking-20230506-RM-120202.jpg
Table-banquette by Annie Tribel 1968 - Design Museum Brussels Belgium.jpg
White-winged forest sylph (Ceratrichia nothus nothus) underside Nyamebe Bepo.jpg
Common kingfisher in Japan, December 2023 - 4915.jpg
Graceful Pitta 0A2A8564.jpg
Saint Anastasia of Palatine basilica in Rome (3).jpg
Infinity mirror, hand-washing sink and wardrobes in the spa of Amantaka luxury Resort & Hotel in Luang Prabang Laos.jpg
Pez globo (Arothron diadematus), mar Rojo, Egipto, 2023-04-17, DD 19.jpg
Parque Estadual Encontro das Águas Thomas-Fuhrmann (2023- 01) Jaguar - Panthera onca swimming.jpg
Abigail Scott Duniway registering to vote.jpg
Pez loro candelamoa (Hipposcarus harid), mar Rojo, Egipto, 2023-04-15, DD 113.jpg
Liechtenstein asv2022-10 img02 Vaduz Aussicht beim Schloss.jpg
Fauti Masjid Interior.jpg
Høydalskamben 2.jpg
Two farmers driving a tractor towing a raft loaded with green rice sheaves in a paddy field of Vang Vieng Laos.jpg
Crâne de smilodon exposé au Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.jpg
President Barack Obama.jpg
Golden Chapel, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil.jpg
023 African pygmy kingfisher at Kibale forest National Park Photo by Giles Laurent.jpg
Olive Groves Fields Spello Umbria Sep23 A7C 07785.jpg
Maria Gern mit Untersberg.jpg
Flock of American wigeons in flight at Llano Seco (2023)-104A0879.jpg
Pez murciélago orbicular (Platax orbicularis), mar Rojo, Egipto, 2023-04-19, DD 01.jpg
ISS-66 Atmospheric plume from 2022 Hunga Tonga eruption - edited.jpg
Sideview of contracted bluefire jellyfish in Brofjorden at Sandvik 2.jpg
Underside of expanded bluefire jellyfish in Brofjorden at Sandvik 57.jpg
Pirogue and boat on the Mekong with colorful sky at sunset in Luang Prabang Laos.jpg
View of Mount Phou Si and Mekong bank at sunset seen from Wat Chomphet in Luang Prabang Laos.jpg
Écomusée d’Alsace 53.jpg
For info : unused voting pages (because the files where deleted before POTY start)
VitorJubini MercadoDaVilaRubim Vitoria ES (39182859020) (square crop).jpg
VitorJubini TerceiraPonte Vitoria ES (27121005458).jpg
VitorJubini PaneleirasdeGoiabeiras Vitoria ES (40735316325).jpg
Trier Medaille Marktkreuz white background.jpg
I also created a script that counts the number of votes for each image and makes an overall ranking + a ranking for each category so that I can see if the script generating the finalists works as intended. Right now I have some concerns that the code might not work as supposed to in certain circumstances -- Giles Laurent (talk) 10:53, 4 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  • As far as I know, this is the only case in Commons (or Wikimedia at large) where the process is not completly transparent. That is, where the on-going results are not shown to everybody. Remember, Wikimedia is not a democracy, and decisions are taken by concensus. That is why it is perfectly legitimate, according to Wikimedia policy, to influence the participants. Frankly, I believe that the POTY committe went far beyond its competence on this. That is why a discussion should be started and administrators involved. -- Alvesgaspar (talk) 03:20, 5 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    POTY 2023 was on brink of extinction because the only committee member who had technical knowledge of the previous script disappeared for months without giving any news. Some users even contacted Jimmy Wales himself twice on his talk page (in a rather clumsy way) to try to save POTY (link 1, link 2). This was somewhat helpful because that's how Ingenuity came to help us. The only way that was found to save POTY 2023 was to completely rewrite all POTY scripts. Ingenuity managed to do all this in a very impressive short time and POTY 2023 was able to happen this year. Given this context, I'm personally just gladful POTY happened this year even if everything is not as perfect as it might have been before. I've never participated on any POTY before so I don't know how things were before, but if in the past there was a third button bellow each file to see the amount of votes then I think Ingenuity could very easily reimplement that on the code as it's really simple to do -- Giles Laurent (talk) 10:01, 5 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    What isn't transparent? The voting in particular? It's absolutely transparent. It's exactly the same as previous years, except you have to take one additional step because the page isn't linked from the voting tool itself. Maybe we can fix that for next time, but as Giles says, Ingenuity did an incredible job of picking up the ancient, undocumented scripts used for years and redoing them in short time.
    Giles already said he'd post the R1 results, so I'm not sure what else you want that's worth calling the committee incompetent. If you want a running tally of votes, there was explicit consensus against that a couple years ago.
    What are the decisions you're talking about regarding democracy/consensus? POTY is quite literally a vote, and there are many processes without transparency (arbcom elections, wmf elections, anything else using securepoll, otrs tickets, Wiki Loves Monuments judging, wikiconference organizing, etc.). If you mean the POTY tool development, no, that's not usually subject to consensus. Developers build things, often with input from the community, and the community decides if it wants to use them. Each design decision is not done by committee. But in this case, there was even notice posted here and at FPC (and I think at VP a while back) about the new tools, script development, and beta testing. ...Which is sort of remarkable considering how quickly everything came together. But that's how consensus-building processes work. If you ignore them or don't see them until it's too late, that's not anyone else's fault. All that said, if you have strong opinions you should join the committee for next year's event. — Rhododendrites talk12:44, 5 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Thanks Giles. Instant feedback of any vote is a very convincing method a person can verify the integrity of any voting system and that their personal voted counted or was ignored. Good choice. Tomachi (talk) 03:23, 15 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  • Just a quick note to acknowledge the work of the committeee. By no means I wanted to diminish your remarkable job, contest the way the committe was formed or call you incompetent! All I said (and meant) is that the decision of not showing the vote list was beyond the competence (with the meaning of power) of the committe, because it goes against the general policy of Wikimedia: for example, in FPC, QIC or in the election of administrators. As far as I recall (correct me if I'm wrong) this is the first year the button "Info" is absent. Yes Giles, I and many other users would like to see it back! -- Alvesgaspar (talk) 14:27, 5 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

I just copypasted the gallery code to this this page and edited lines 464 to 482 of the old code into the new lines 464 to 503. If you edit your Special:MyPage/common.js page and add the following line : importScript("User:Giles Laurent/sandbox/POTY-gallery.js") you will get the following result when visiting voting pages : (click here to view screenshot). I tested it and the script works and still allow to add/remove votes. To make it official and visible by everyone, the gallery code page would need to get lines 464 to 503 edited like this :

			if (window.location.href.endsWith("Finalists")) 
			gallery.innerHTML += `
				<div class="poty-gallery-image" data-image="${encodeURIComponent(candidate.title)}">
					<img src="${imageUrl.replaceAll("\"", "%22")}" onclick="'${imageProperties["File:" + candidate.title].url.replaceAll("'", "\\'")}')">
					<div class="poty-gallery-info">
					<div style="flex-grow: 1;"></div>
					<div class="poty-gallery-buttons">
						<button class="poty-gallery-view" onclick="'${encodeURIComponent(candidate.title).replaceAll("'", "\\'")}')">${translationHtml("view-file")}</button>
						<button class="poty-gallery-view" onclick="'${encodeURIComponent(candidate.title).replaceAll("'", "\\'")}')">View votes</button>
					<div class="poty-gallery-buttons">
						<button  style="width:100%;" class="${voted ? "poty-gallery-vote-voted" : "poty-gallery-vote"}" data-image="${encodeURIComponent(candidate.title)}" data-text="${voted ? translationHtml("voted") : translationHtml("vote-for-this-image")}">${translationHtml("loading")}</button>
    		gallery.innerHTML += `
				<div class="poty-gallery-image" data-image="${encodeURIComponent(candidate.title)}">
					<img src="${imageUrl.replaceAll("\"", "%22")}" onclick="'${imageProperties["File:" + candidate.title].url.replaceAll("'", "\\'")}')">
					<div class="poty-gallery-info">
					<div style="flex-grow: 1;"></div>
					<div class="poty-gallery-buttons">
						<button class="poty-gallery-view" onclick="'${encodeURIComponent(candidate.title).replaceAll("'", "\\'")}')">${translationHtml("view-file")}</button>
						<button class="poty-gallery-view" onclick="'${encodeURIComponent(candidate.title).replaceAll("'", "\\'")}')">View votes</button>
					<div class="poty-gallery-buttons">
						<button  style="width:100%;" class="${voted ? "poty-gallery-vote-voted" : "poty-gallery-vote"}" data-image="${encodeURIComponent(candidate.title)}" data-text="${voted ? translationHtml("voted") : translationHtml("vote-for-this-image")}">${translationHtml("loading")}</button>

-- Giles Laurent (talk) 17:20, 6 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

And to make the code even better View votes might be replaced by ${translationHtml("view-file-votes") and the translation added to this page like this :
"view-file-votes": {
		"fr": "Voir les votes",
		"en": "View votes"
Giles Laurent (talk) 17:27, 6 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
But it's up to the committee/Ingenuity to decide wether they want to add the "View votes" button on the official gallery code page -- Giles Laurent (talk) 17:30, 6 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Content model for galleries .json pages

Maybe is needs to request changing content model for POTY galleries .json pages? Currently these is ordinary wiki-pages, but should be converted to "JSON" type (as Commons:Picture of the Year/i18n.json). --Kaganer (talk) 17:37, 5 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Unresolved licensing issue

Following up from Commons:Village_pump/Copyright#POTY_contender_possible_license_issue:

File:Kométa C-2020 F3 (NEOWISE).jpg, a POTY contender, was found to be published on the photographer's personal website before being uploaded to Commons. It is the user's only upload and only edit. It passed FPC with some concern for licensing that went unresolved.

Absent conclusive feedback at VPC, the next logical step is to start a DR. As someone with photos in the competition, I do not feel comfortable nominating another candidate for deletion myself. Dropping it here for other committee members (or others) to consider. — Rhododendrites talk14:50, 7 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

What is the problem with this picture having been uploaded on the author's website before being uploaded to Commons? An author can upload an image on another website giving a different license to that website and then upload it to Commons giving another license. Or are there concerns that the uploader is not the real author of the photo? -- Giles Laurent (talk) 15:19, 7 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
On the author's website the image used is this one which is only 2048x1513 pixels. The picture uploaded to Commons seems to be the original of 6000x4432 pixels. I've not found any website other than Commons using the full resolution of the picture. This seems like a hint that the uploader seems like the real author of the photo. The username Palonitor is also a bit similar to the author's name Pavol Kostolný). Finally both the author and uploader speak slovak. Based on these 3 elements I think we can give the benefit of the doubt and assume that the uploader is the real author -- Giles Laurent (talk) 15:46, 7 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
What is the problem with this picture having been uploaded on the author's website before being uploaded to Commons? - Typically we err on the side of caution to protect media reusers. Handling releases where someone has already published a photo without a free license is one of the primary purposes of COM:VRT. In this case, attempts to communicate with the uploader to submit documentation have not been successful. If this wins POTY, it will receive some press coverage and appear in many places around Wikimedia projects, leading to a lot of reuse. It's more, not less, important to make sure the license is verified here. — Rhododendrites talk21:52, 7 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
attempts to communicate with the uploader to submit documentation have not been successful
Where and when did you try to communicate with him, @Rhododendrites? Not on his talk pages, as I can see. Emha (talk) 08:16, 8 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Good point. Multiple pings (including by me), but nobody left a talk page message. I just did so. — Rhododendrites talk13:15, 8 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I think the fact that the full-res version has never appeared elsewhere goes a long way, and the uploader is likely enough to be the photographer that the burden of proof is shifted - instead of asking the uploader to submit proof and defaulting to delete if there is no reply, we should ask the owner of the website whether they uploaded it to Commons and defaulting to keep if there is no reply. -- King of ♥ 16:58, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Size of images previews

I don't see some way to change size of pictures thumbnails in the galleries. It was in previous POTYs, and missing in the current. It's very uncomfortable, that no way to increase images size. Лапоть (talk) 17:08, 9 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

I agree totally! Grullab (talk) 19:08, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

POTY gadget does not work for me

Firefox (130.0.1 (64-Bit)) fails silently, at least Console throws nothing.

Brave (Version 1.70.123 Chromium: 129.0.6668.89 (Offizieller Build) unknown (64-Bit)) Console throws:

execute @ startup.js:1314
ext.gadget.POTYEnhancements.core-script-0.js:3700 POTY> init undefined

-- [[kgh]] (talk) 11:08, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Kghbln could you be more specific on your problem? Are you able to vote for example on that page? If not, what do you see?
POTY script was completely rewritten and I think poty gadget is not used anymore -- Giles Laurent (talk) 11:33, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
With POTY gadget I meant the Picture Of The Year enhancements gadget. Anyhow, disabling it does not help either. When I click "Vote now" nothing happens on both browsers. At least for Brave I get the Console notification I previously mentioned. To cut it short: I am cut off from voting. --[[kgh]] (talk) 11:40, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Ah, when going directly to the gallery page via the link you provided I can vote. In other words the "Vote now" button is broken for me. Instead I need to go to the gallery pages directly. Perhaps I also misinterpreted "Vote now" as a button which should so something. I do not known. Anyhow, thank you for pointing out a way to actually vote on pictures. Thanks a bunch. --[[kgh]] (talk) 11:45, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
The "Vote now" button is only designed to access the list of galleries. You then have to go on a gallery page by clicking on one of the links on the list of galleries and once on the gallery you can vote by clicking "Vote for this image" bellow each image.
An admin should add "Visit one of the following galleries to start voting :" on top of this page to make it more clear. (The page is protected and normal users can't edit it).
-- Giles Laurent (talk) 11:55, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Well this explains it. I am pretty sure that in the previous years such a button was triggering the voting and lead to the first gallery automatically. I this is where my confusion comes from. Yeah, a notice that one needs to access the gallery pages for voting will be beneficial. Thanks again for getting me on track. Much appreciated! --[[kgh]] (talk) 12:04, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

R1 results posted; finalist voting open

Round 1 of the contest has now closed, and the results have been posted to Commons:Picture_of_the_Year/2023/Results/R1. Voting for the finalists is now available at Commons:Picture_of_the_Year/2023/Gallery/Finalists. This year, we had a total of 119,310 votes from 2,530 voters in the first round, a slight increase from 118,086 and 2,407 last year. This is great to see, and means that the new scripts did not have a negative effect on voting. Ingenuity (talk) 00:04, 15 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Some round 1 raw results seem to be wrong if you compare them with this page. See also this comment. This should be figured out and fixed as soon as possible -- Giles Laurent (talk) 01:11, 15 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
@Giles Laurent: checking it out now. It looks like it might just be a misunderstanding of the 5% rule between our code, but I'll double check. Ingenuity (talk) 01:25, 15 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
It is not a misunderstanding. For example : this file has only 171 votes, which is less than the 269 required votes to be top 30, and is only the 10th image in it's category which is far from the top 5% of that category. Therefore it should not be a finalist. -- Giles Laurent (talk) 01:31, 15 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you very much to both of you. Also the accepted rule by consensus was "Votes in favor of top 30 overall + top 5% of each category (if that percentage is not already present in top 30 overall and only to reach that number)}", here. -- Basile Morin (talk) 01:43, 15 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
List of files that are not supposed to be finalist for round 2 but that actually appear on the round 2 voting page (should be removed from this json page) : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
List of files that are finalist for round 2 but that are actually missing on the round 2 voting page (should be added asap to this json page as they are unfairly missing votes right now) : round 2 voting page : 1, 2 and 3
Click here for a full list of finalists (only 59 should be finalist and right now there's 62 in the list but 6 should be removed and 3 added) -- Giles Laurent (talk) 02:00, 15 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
@Giles Laurent: figured out what the problem is. A bug with the script meant that, when finding the finalists, it used the images' original categories instead of their current one. A number of images have been recategorized since the contest started, which means the category sizes have changed. It's not a super big deal, and I'm not sure if it's worth the effort to fix at this point (plus re-running the admin script could cause even more bugs for people who have already voted). Ingenuity (talk) 02:06, 15 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Yes it seems indeed the change of category during contest was not taken into account by the poty script. In any case this json file should be edited manually by removing pictures that are not finalists and by adding pictures that are supposed to be finalists. A list of files missing and that shouldn't be there can be found here and then doing a CTRL+F the images that shouldn't be there can easily be removed and the data of the 3 missing pictures can be found with CTRL+F on this page and then copy pasted -- Giles Laurent (talk) 02:17, 15 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I've added the three missing pictures. However, since people have already voted for the images mistakenly added, I don't want to potentially cause bugs by removing them. Ingenuity (talk) 02:19, 15 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you Ingenuity for adding the missing finalists!
Are you sure that removing the mistakenly added finalists from the json finalist file would cause a bug? Once it's done it will not be possible to vote for these pictures anymore and a deletion request might be done for the pages. Also, according to the script page for sorting results of finalists in round 2 and more precisely according to lines 790 to 813 finalists are counted with the "countFinalistVotes()" function. This function can be found at lines 749 to 760 and refers to the data of this json page. Therefore simply removing the mistakenly added finalists shouldn't create any problem I think -- Giles Laurent (talk) 02:48, 15 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Ingenuity, in my opinion the mistakenly added finalists should not be kept because :
- rightful finalists will miss some of the votes they would have had since it's only 3 votes per user ;
- most of the recategorization was done before beta testing and people voted in round 1 according to the categorization. For example this category was completely deleted (click here for the old version) and for example this file is mistakenly appearing in the round 2 voting page only because the file had that page as first category eventhough that category got deleted before round 1 and beta ;
- if pictures were recategorized it's because they belong to their new category and not to their old one and should be judged according to their exact category else it's unfair for pictures that are actually true top 5% finalists
- simply deleting the mistakenly added files from the json shouldn't create any bug in my opinion (see this comment)
-- Giles Laurent (talk) 03:02, 15 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I've checked the code again to make sure removing them wouldn't cause any bugs, and it looks like it shouldn't. I've removed them now. People who voted for the images removed may need to clear their cookies before being able to re-vote. Ingenuity (talk) 03:13, 15 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
So absolutely no votes were disqualified? That would be remarkable compared to previous years. Nardog (talk) 03:05, 15 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I see two possible explanations Nardog :
- 2023 eligibility rules are not the same as previous years eligibility rules. Previously you would need to have 75 edits before January 1st and now you can reach the 75 edits after January 1st and vote as long that the account was created before January 1st of this year. This change originates from here. The script can easily check the current number of actual global contributions on time of voting but it is more complicated to check all global user accounts and edit dates to see how many edits exactly there was at January 1st. So the script would previously not prevent a vote from a user with 75+ edits on time of voting but less than 75 edits on January 1st. Such users would only get their vote removed later. Now this is not an issue anymore since eligibility allows to reach 75 edits during the year. Also, last years it was easy to vote manually which is not the case for this year and this forces people to vote through the script, which makes the script successfully prevents from voting people with an account not old enough and with less than 75 global current edits ;
- or second possibility is that the script didn't work properly. -- Giles Laurent (talk) 12:42, 15 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Leave a few days between r1 and r2 next year might be better. RoyZuo (talk) 13:05, 15 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Yes that would allow to have time to check if the script worked well or if some things need manual fixing. The problem is that this requires a change of the poty admin script (and was therefore not possible for this year in the short time given as script was completely rewritten) because right now as soon that you close round 1 it automatically starts round 2 -- Giles Laurent (talk) 13:09, 15 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
In the past there's been 24 hours, which is usually enough. With the new scripts this year it would have been prudent to have a longer gap. AntiCompositeNumber (talk) 23:47, 16 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Round 1 results sorted

I created a page where all round 1 results are sorted and can be visually seen.

All links are here :

All genres All images (1132)
Animals Arthropods (47) | Passeriformes (44) | Other birds (77) | Mammals (45) | Other animals (64)
Architecture Constructions and buildings (41) | Religious architecture (108) | Castles and fortifications (27) | Settlements (21) | Other places (129)
Astronomy Astronomy and outer space (9)
Nature Natural views (128) | Natural phenomena (30)
Objects Vehicles and transport (42) | Sculptures (22) | Other objects (69)
Historical Historical (47)
People and human activity People and human activity (54) | Food and drink (19)
Plants and fungi Plants and fungi (69)
Miscellaneous Non-photographic media (42)

-- Giles Laurent (talk) 01:04, 15 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

I just added at the bottom of all of these pages a "Statistics" section with the number of voters for any category and the number of voters for that category as well as the percentage -- Giles Laurent (talk) 14:42, 15 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Not Eligible Button

It is unclear what the 'Not Eligible' button does, or mite do. I assume, it is a vote to say you feel the image should not be eligible or disqualified? I am in-between rounds 1 and 2 so perhaps this is related, round 2 appears to be opening in 8 hours I estimate. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Tomachi (talk • contribs) 03:08, 15 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

@Tomachi: You see that because you are ineligible to vote. :) You must've made 75 edits on Wikimedia projects before the start of this year to be eligible, and it looks like you have 63. Make 12 more before January 1 to be eligible for next year's contest. — Rhododendrites talk12:22, 15 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Dear active POTY committee members (Ingenuity, Rhododendrites, AntiCompositeNumber and ZI Jony),

I am bringing to your attention the following issue regarding a former POTY finalist that achieved rank number 4 in POTY 2022. It was discovered that the aforementioned image fraudulently obtained FP status by using an undisclosed completely fake background and was therefore recently delisted from the Featured picture status. There's also no doubt that the false background certainly played a big part in enabling this image to qualify for POTY round 2 and to achieve 4th place in that round.

Someone suggested to directly remove the picture from POTY but I think that when a featured picture is delisted and was formerly a finalist in POTY two possible interpretations of what should be done are possible:

  • One first solution would be to consider that if it loses it's FP status, it loses it's right to be qualified to participate in POTY and therefore should "automatically" be removed from all pages related to POTY.
  • One second solution would be to consider that eventhough it lost it FP status, it was at the time eligible to participate in POTY and that losing it's eligibility afterwards doesn't disqualify it automatically from POTY.

In this second case the only way to remove a delisted image from POTY would be with a POTY committee approval. POTY rules state that "The committee reserves the right to disqualify or replace candidates in exceptional circumstances, but will not use this ability without careful discussion." so this is within the committee competence. I personnaly think that the second solution is the best one as it allows a case-by-case analysis and to keep an image (in justified circumstances) as a POTY competitor eventhough it was delisted. For example if an image was delisted only because it's technical quality (for example resolution) is not considered as good anymore as it was at the time, I really don't think that the image should be removed from POTY, on the contrary it should stay imo. Example : if this delisted image would have been a POTY finalist, I don't think that it's POTY finalist status should be removed.

But of course regarding the present delisted image, since it was promoted to Featured picture based on a completely fake background and that all votes it gathered in POTY were also based on the fake background I think that there would be no objection to delisting the present image. So if the image has been promoted to FP status on the basis of a fraud (for example undeclared fake background), I think it should easily be disqualified and removed from all POTY pages.

I would therefore formally like to ask the following questions to the currently active POTY committee members :

  • How should delisted featured pictures be treated in the case that they were POTY finalists?
  • What should be the fate of this image, should it be completely removed from all POTY 2022 related pages?

Thank you in advance for your answers.

Best regards, -- Giles Laurent (talk) 01:00, 20 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

I'd be opposed to removing a picture from a poll that already ran, as it would be misrepresentative of the poll. Just add a note saying it's been delisted. Nardog (talk) 09:45, 20 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
That's true that the poll would be misrepresentative and the note would have the advantage of keeping the history visible to everyone. If this is what ends up being done, a link to the delist discussion should also be added.
But then I wonder if on the file page itself if the should be removed or replaced by something else like because I personally think it's strange to keep an award to a picture that fooled everyone and that "crime should not pay". Else it would mean that anyone is free to fool the community and win awards by cheating without true consequence -- Giles Laurent (talk) 11:03, 20 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Yes I agree to remove the POTY award (more than a replacement) on the file page + link to FPC delist discussion on the POTY result. Otherwise it's quite a weird award associated to an embarrassing picture -- Basile Morin (talk) 11:46, 20 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
 Comment I’m not a POTY committee member, but if I am allowed to leave a comment here, I would second Nardog’s point of view. IMHO it would make the history of POTYs inconsistent and hard to understand if images were disqualified retrogradely. So better add just a note. – Aristeas (talk) 10:12, 20 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
The original message was adressed to the POTY committee because I wanted to have their opinion on the matter but everyone is of course also welcome to give it's thought! The more enlighted we are with different opinions, the smarter the upcoming decision might be -- Giles Laurent (talk) 10:51, 20 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Tricky thing. We also delist photos for simply not keeping up with expectations for quality -- remove those, too? After giving this some thought, here's where I land: if a photo is delisted before or during a POTY contest, it should be removed from competition. Once the competition is over, we should only make changes under extreme circumstances, and only if it appears in the top 3 for the year (the three that receive "places" and descriptions). So, for example, if a photo were deleted as a copyvio, I'd add a note to the description explanaining as much. This might be a good candidate for modifying the description. Just clarify it's a manipulated photo. If FPC didn't catch it the first time and it was an FP during POTY, then as far as I'm concerned we shouldn't retroactively remove it from competition. — Rhododendrites talk10:32, 20 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Yes that is why I think a case-by-case analysis should be made and that pictures delisted for quality reasons after POTY should not worry about any other consequence with POTY. I also agree with removing from the competition a FP candidate delisted before or during the competition, even in the case of technical quality, because if it happens it technically isn't eligible anymore to participate.
We have a file deleted for copyvio in 52th position of POTY 2022 and also in 13th position in POTY 2019 and I think that the way that these images actually appear on the gallery clearly shows that they were disqualified because we don't see them anymore and when clicking on them we see that they were deleted. And in order to keep a representative poll and history the votes are still visible which is a good solution. In case the copyvio deleted image is in the top 3 there might be a different solution though (like filling the empty spot with the picture from the previously 4th position and explaining it somewhere).
So if I understand well, for the aurora church picture, you are in favor of keep it appearing on the POTY 2022 result page but to add a note below the "#4 282" saying that it was delisted because it participated as an undeclared manipulated photo? Or are you saying that nothing should be done because it is in 4th position and not in 3rd position? (The file description was already edited to say it's a photomontage after being delisted [but not during the POTY competition]).
Also, should the file page be edited to remove the or replace it by something else like ? Because I personally think it's strange to keep an award to a picture that fooled everyone and that "crime should not pay". Else it would mean that anyone is free to fool the community and win awards by cheating without true consequence -- Giles Laurent (talk) 11:48, 20 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Speaking of... What about #Missing image? Nardog (talk) 13:17, 20 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]