| - سنترال كوست (Central Coast) هي منطقة ذات تجمع حضاري تقع شمال سيدني. يبلغ عدد سكانها 299,000 نسمة، مما يجعلها أكبر ثالث منطقة بعدد السكان في ولاية نيو ساوث ويلز و التاسعة على مستوى أستراليا. (ar)
- Central Coast ist eine Region und ein lokales Verwaltungsgebiet im australischen Bundesstaat New South Wales. Sie hatte 2021 eine Einwohnerzahl von 325.255. Politisch verwaltet der Central Coast Council das Gebiet seit dem 12. Mai 2016, als der Gosford City Council und der Wyong Shire Council fusionierten. Die Central Coast liegt nördlich von Sydney und südlich von Newcastle. (de)
- La Côte centrale (en anglais : Central Coast) est une région située dans l'État australien de Nouvelle-Galles du Sud entre la ville de Sydney au sud et le lac Macquarie au nord. (fr)
- 센트럴코스트(영어: Central Coast)는 오스트레일리아 뉴사우스웨일스주 안에 위치한 도시 근교 지역이다. (ko)
- Central Coast (ou Costa Central, em português) é uma região urbana australiana do estado de Nova Gales do Sul. Está localizada na costa ao norte de Sydney e ao sul do . A região tem uma população de aproximadamente 321 mil habitantes, sendo a terceira área urbana mais povoada do estado, e a nona do país. As cidades de Gosford e são os principais municípios. A cantora australiana Natalie Imbruglia é nascida em Central Coast. O time de futebol Central Coast Mariners FC é o principal clube da região. (pt)
- 中海岸(Central Coast)又譯中央海岸,是澳大利亞新南威爾士州的一個統計分區,位於悉尼以北及紐卡素以南之間的海岸。現時中海岸所轄之兩個小區合計有人口304,600,是紐省以人口計的第三大城市、全國計人口第九大。 中海岸大致可以分成兩個部份,分別是高士福(Gosford)及(Wyong)。懷昂是悉尼鐵路北線的終點站,過去只是當成是大悉尼區的一個偏遠地區。不過隨著鄰近的高士福的華裔移民增加,這兩個小區的人口合起來足以成立一個城市,所以後來州政府將此兩個小區合併升格為「市」。 (zh)
- The Central Coast is a peri-urban region in New South Wales, Australia, lying on the Tasman Sea coast to the north of Sydney and south of Newcastle. The local government area of the Central Coast Council has an estimated population of 333,627 as of June 2018, growing by 1% annually. Comprising localities such as Gosford, Wyong and Terrigal, the area is the third-largest urban area in New South Wales and the ninth-largest urban area in Australia. Geographically, the Central Coast is generally considered to include the region bounded by the Hawkesbury River in the south, the Watagan Mountains in the west and the southern end of Lake Macquarie, lying on the Sydney basin. (en)
- Central Coast adalah sebuah wilayah perkotaan di negara bagian New South Wales, Australia, terletak di pantai utara Sydney dan selatan . Central Coast memiliki perkiraan penduduk 298.000 jiwa, menjadikannya wilayah urban terbesar ketiga di New South Wales dan ke-9 di Australia. Secara geografis, Central Coast mencakup daerah yang dikelilingi Hawkesbury River di selatan, di barat dan ujung selatan di utara. (in)