| - Legends of Bikini Bottom is an anthology series of six episodes in the American animated television series SpongeBob SquarePants, as part of its seventh season. As the name suggests, the episodes have plots involving things like monsters, magic, and mythical creatures. The episode called "Trenchbillies" first premiered on the online social networking service Facebook on January 27, 2011, before airing on Nickelodeon on January 29, 2011. The four others, titled "Sponge-Cano!", "The Main Drain", "The Monster Who Came to Bikini Bottom" and "Welcome to the Bikini Bottom Triangle" premiered on Nickelodeon as part of an hour-long special on January 28, 2011. The decision to air the series online was aimed at attracting "the young and the restless hooked to the internet and the social media." (en)
- Legends of Bikini Bottom adalah sebuah enam episode pada Amerika SpongeBob SquarePants, sebagai bagian dari musim ketujuh. Seperti namanya, episode ini memiliki alur yang melibatkan makhluk mitos, mitos urban, ritual, dan sihir. Episode pertama berjudul "Trenchbillies" pertama ditayangkan pada layanan jejaring sosial daring Facebook sebelum ditayangkan di Nickelodeon pada tanggal 27 Januari 2011. Empat episode lain yang berjudul "Sponge-Cano!", "The Main Drain", "The Monster Who Came to Bikini Bottom", dan "Welcome to the Bikini Bottom Triangle" ditayangkan di Nickelodeon dalam satu jam panjang khusus pada 28 Januari 2011. Keputusan ditayangkannya seri daring adalah ditujukan untuk menarik perhatian "orang muda dan gelisah yang sedang tersambung ke internet dan media sosial." (in)