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Penrose stairs.

The Penrose stairs or Penrose steps, also dubbed the impossible staircase, is an impossible object created by Lionel Penrose and his son Roger Penrose.[1] A variation on the Penrose triangle, it is a two-dimensional depiction of a staircase in which the stairs make four 90-degree turns as they ascend or descend yet form a continuous loop, so that a person could climb them forever and never get any higher. This is clearly impossible in three dimensions.

The "continuous staircase" was first presented in an article that the Penroses wrote in 1959, based on the so called "triangle of Penrose" published by Roger Penrose in the British Journal of Psychology in 1958. M. C. Escher then discovered the Penrose stairs in the following year and made his now famous lithography Klimmen en dalen (Ascending and Descending) in March 1960. Penrose and Escher were informed of each other's work that same year.[2] Escher developed the theme further in his print Waterval (Waterfall), which appeared in 1961.

In their original article the Penroses noted that "each part of the structure is acceptable as representing a flight of steps but the connexions are such that the picture, as a whole, is inconsistent: the steps continually descend in a clockwise direction."[3]

The Shepard tone, developed in the 1960s, is a similar illusion in terms of sound.[4][5]

History of discovery

At an Escher conference in Rome in 1985, Roger Penrose said that he had been greatly inspired by Escher's work when he and his father discovered both the tri-bar structure and the continuous steps, although Escher at the time had not yet drawn any impossible figures and was not aware of their existence. Roger Penrose had been introduced to Escher's work at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Amsterdam in 1954. He was "absolutely spellbound" by Escher's work, and on his journey back to England he decided to produce something "impossible" on his own. After experimenting with various designs of bars overlying each other he finally arrived at the impossible triangle. Roger showed his drawings to his father, who immediately produced several variants, including the impossible flight of stairs. They wanted to publish their findings but didn't know in what field the subject belonged. Because Lionel Penrose knew the editor of British Journal of Psychology and convinced him to publish their short manuscript, the finding was finally presented as a psychological subject. After the publication in 1958 the Penroses sent a copy of the article to Escher as a token of their esteem.[6]

While the Penroses credited Escher in their article, Escher himself noted in a letter to his son in January 1960 that he was: Vorlage:Cquote

Escher was captivated by the endless stairs and subsequently wrote a letter to the Penroses in April 1960: Vorlage:Cquote

The staircase design had been discovered previously by the Swedish artist Oscar Reutersvärd, but neither Penrose nor Escher were aware of his designs.[5] Inspired by a radio programme on Mozart's method of composition — described as "creative automatism", i.e. each creative idea written down inspired a new idea — Reutersvärd started to draw a series of impossible objects on a journey from Stockholm to Paris in 1950 in the same "unconscious, automatic" way. He did not realise that his figure was a continuous flight of stairs while drawing, but the process enabled him to trace his increasingly complex designs step by step. When M. C. Escher's Ascending and Descending was sent to Reutersvärd in 1961, he was impressed but didn't like the irregularities of the stairs (2×15+2×9). Throughout the 1960s, Reutersvärd sent several letters to Escher to express his admiration for his work, but the Dutch artist failed to respond.[7] Roger Penrose only discovered Reutersvärd's work in 1984.[6]

See also





  • Diana Deutsch: The Paradox of Pitch Circularity. In: Acoustics Today. 6. Jahrgang, Nr. 3, Juli 2010, S. 8–14, doi:10.1121/1.3488670 ( [PDF; abgerufen am März 2011]).
  • Bruno Ernst: The Eye Beguiled: Optical illusions. Benedikt Taschen, 1992, ISBN 3-8228-9637-3.
  • Fernand Hallyn: Metaphor and analogy in the sciences. Springer, 2000, ISBN 978-0-7923-6560-0 ( [abgerufen am März 2011]).
  • IllusionWorks: Impossible Staircase. 1997, abgerufen im März 2011.
  • L. S. Penrose, R. Penrose: Impossible objects: A special type of visual illusion. In: British Journal of Psychology. 49. Jahrgang, 1958, S. 31–33.


  1. Vorlage:Harvnb
  2. Vorlage:Harvnb
  3. Vorlage:Harvnb
  4. Vorlage:Harvnb
  5. a b Vorlage:Harvnb
  6. a b Vorlage:Harvnb
  7. Vorlage:Harvnb