Tabajara Krausburg
Rafael H. Bordini
School of Technology, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre and Brazil
Coalition Formation, Multi-Agent Systems, JaCaMo, Multi-Agent Programming Contest.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems
Biomedical Engineering
Cooperation and Coordination
Distributed and Mobile Software Systems
Enterprise Information Systems
Information Systems Analysis and Specification
Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Knowledge-Based Systems
Methodologies and Technologies
Multi-Agent Systems
Operational Research
Software Engineering
Symbolic Systems
This work focuses on coalition formation among heterogeneous agents for a simulated scenario involving logistic and coordination problems. We investigate whether organising a team of agents into a number of coalitions, in which agents collaborate with each other to achieve particular goals, can increase the effectiveness of the team. We apply coalition structure generation specifically to the 2017 multi-agent programming contest, where the agents controlling various autonomous vehicles form a competing team that has to solve logistic problems simulated on the map of a real city. We experiment on three approaches with different configurations. The first uses only a task-allocation mechanism, while the other approaches use either an optimal or a heuristic coalition formation algorithm. Our results show that coalition formation can improve the performance of a participating team under some circumstances. In particular, coalition formation can indeed play an important role when we aim to
balance the skills in groups of agents selected to accomplish some given set of tasks given a larger team of cooperating agents in the presence of dynamically created tasks.