Manuela-Andreea Petrescu
Emilia-Loredana Pop
Department of Computer Science, Babes Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Database, SQL, Perception, Student, Computer Science, Gender, Expectations, Carrier Path.
This study explores and analyses the expectations of second-year students enrolled in different lines of study related to Database course, as their interest in having a carrier path in a database related domain and how it reflects the job demands from the market. The participants in the study provided two sets of answers, anonymously collected (in the begging and in the middle of the course), thus allowing us to track how their interests changed as long as they found out more about the subject. We asked for their experience and initial knowledge, we found out that they are aware of the SQL and databases’ usability and importance, but they appreciated the database knowledge will be used occasionally. Even if it was not the original scope of the paper, we also found out that men are more interested in learning in-depth (acquiring security, performance, complexity database related information) than women do. In terms of the participants set, there were 87 answers from 191 enrolled stude
nts that were analyzed and interpreted using thematic analysis.