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{{Politics of Brazil}}
The '''law of [[Brazil]]''' is based on statutes and, partly and more recently, a mechanism called ''súmulasúmulas vinculantevinculantes''. It derives mainly from the European [[civil law (legal system)|civil law]] systems of European countries, particularly the [[Law of Portugal|PortugalPortuguese]], the [[Napoleonic Code|Napoleonic French]] and the [[AncientLaw Germanicof lawGermany|GermanicGerman]] law(especially the [[Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch|German Civil Code]]).
There are many codified statutes in force in Brazil. The current [[Constitution of Brazil|Federal Constitution]], created on October 215, 1988, is the supreme law of the country. This Constitution has been [[constitutional amendment|amended]] many times. Other important federal law documents in the country include the [[Brazilian Civil Code|Civil Code]], the [[Penal Code of Brazil|Penal Code]], the Commercial Code, the National TributaryTax Code, the [[Consolidation of Labor Laws]], the CostumerCustomer Defense Code, the CivilCode Suitof CodeCivil Procedure, and the CriminalCode Suitof CodeCriminal Procedure.
The Constitution organizes the country as a Federative [[Republic]], formed by the indissoluble union of the [[States of Brazil|states]] and municipalities and of the [[Federal District (Brazil)|Federal District]]. Under the [[principle]]s established in the Federal Constitution, Brazil's [[states of Brazil|26 federate states]] have powers to adopt their own Constitutions and laws. [[Municipalities]] also enjoy restricted autonomy as their [[legislation]] must follow the dictates of the Constitution of the state to which they belong, and consequently to those of the Federal Constitution itself. As for the [[Federal District (Brazil)|Federal District]], it blends functions of federate states and of municipalities, and its equivalent to a constitution, named [[Organic Law]], must also obey the terms of the Federal Constitution.
==Division of powers==
Brazil's laws are run by the executive, judiciary and legislative branches. In these branches, the [[President of Brazil]] is in charge of the executive branch. The judiciary branch is made up of the [[Superior Court of Justice (Brazil)|Superior Court of Justice]] and the [[Supreme Federal Court]]. Brazil's legislative branch encompasses the [[National Congress of Brazil]].<ref>[ Legal system of Brazil]</ref>
The powers of the Union, as defined within the Constitution, are the [[Executive (government)|Executive]], the [[Legislative]] and the [[Judiciary]], which are independent and harmonious amongst themselves. The head of the Executive is the [[President of Brazil|President of the Republic]], which is both the Chief of State and the Head of Government and is directly elected by the citizens. The Legislative, embedded in the form of National Congress and consists of two houses: The Chamber of Deputies (lower house) and the Federal Senate (upper house), both constituted by representatives who are elected by the citizens. The Judicial powers are vested upon the Federal Supreme Court, the Superior Court of Justice, the [[Regional]] [[Government of Brazil|Federal]] [[Courts]] and Federal Judges. There are also specialized courts to deal with [[electoral]], [[Labour relations|labor]] and [[military]] disputes.
The [[Judiciary]] is organized into federal and [[federated state|state]] branches. Municipalities do not have their own justice systems, and must, therefore, resort to state or federal justice systems, depending on the nature of the case. The judicial system consists of several courts. The apex is the [[Supremo Tribunal Federal|Federal Supreme Court]] and is the guardian of the Constitution. Among other duties, it has exclusive [[jurisdiction]] to: (i) declare federal or state laws unconstitutional; (ii) order extradition requests from foreign States; and (iii) rule over cases decided in sole instance courts, where the challenged decision may violate the Constitution.
The [[Superior Court of Justice (Brazil)|Superior Court of Justice]] is responsible for upholding federal legislation and treaties. The five Regional Federal Courts, have constitutional jurisdiction on cases involving appeals towards the decision ruled by federal judges, and are also responsible for cases of national interest and crimes foreseen in [[international]] [[pact]]s, among other duties. The jurisdiction of the Federal Judges include: being responsible for hearing most disputes in which one of the parties is the [[Political union|Union]] (State); ruling on lawsuits between a foreign State or international organization and a municipality or a person residing in Brazil; and judging cases based on treaties or [[international]] agreements of the Union against a foreign [[State (polity)|State]] or international body.
State-level [[justice]] in Brazil consists of state courts and judges. The [[States of Brazil]] organize their own [[judicial system]]s, with court jurisdiction defined in each state constitution, observing that their legal scope is limited by those that do not concern the federal judicial ordainment. The legislative process begins, in broad terms, with a bill of law in one of the Congress Houses, either the [[Chamber of Deputies of Brazil|Chamber of Deputies]] or the [[Senate of Brazil|Federal Senate]], thus called the Originating House. Once the bill is voted on, it can either be rejected or forwarded to the other house, which is called the Reviewing House. There the bill can be rejected, approved or amended to be then returned to the Originating House. Depending on the object of the bill, it is forwarded for the presidential sanction or veto, as a whole or in part. If the [[Bill (proposed law)|bill]] is vetoed, the members of the [[National Congress of Brazil]] can override such [[veto]].<ref>[ Legal system of Brazil]</ref>
== Constitution and law ==
[[File:Brasilia PalaciodaJustica1.jpg|thumb|right|Palace of Justice in [[Brasília]].]]
For centuries, as a [[Portuguese Empire|Portuguese colony]], Law enforced in Brazil was the [[Law of Portugal]]. Famous students of Brazilian colonial era, among them many revolutionaries, graduated from the important Portuguese [[University of Coimbra]], located in [[Centro Region, Portugal|Central Portugal]]. With the [[Independence of Brazil]] and the rise of the Empire, it was necessary to create a [[judicial independence|independent]] [[judiciary]] and also to give its staff a legal education in the country. In 1827, the first [[law school]]s in Brazil were founded: the Academies of Law and Social Sciences in [[São Paulo]] and [[Olinda]].<ref>[ History - Law in Brazil]</ref>
[[Brazil]]ian law is largely derived from [[Law of Portugal|Portuguese civil law]] and is related to the [[Roman law|Roman]]-[[German law|Germanic]] legal tradition. This means that the legal system is based on statutes, although a recent constitutional reform (Amendment to the Constitution 45, passed in 2004) has introduced a mechanism similar to the ''[[stare decisis]]'', called ''súmula vinculante.'' Nevertheless, according to article 103-A of the [[Constitution of Brazil|Brazilian Constitution]], only the Supreme Court is allowed to publish binding rules.<ref>{{cite web|title=Brazil 1988 (rev. 2014)|url=|website=Constitute|accessdateaccess-date=9 April 2015}}</ref> Inferior [[judge]]s and courts, and the public administration, are hence obliged to obey the interpretations of the Supreme Court.
In more recent times, according to the judiciary structure framed in the Brazilian Constitution, judicial power is divided between the judicial branchbranches of the states <!-- do they each have their own? --> and the Federal judicial branch, and they have different [[jurisdiction]]s. The prerogatives and duties of judges are the same, however, and the differences beinglie only in the competencescompetencies, structurestructures and compositioncompositions of the Courts.
== Law and lawyers ==
[[File:Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo 03, Praça da Sé.JPG|thumb|right|Court of Justice in [[São Paulo]].]]
In 2007, there were 1,024 [[Law]] school programs in Brazil, with 197,664 law [[student]]s. Law schools are present in each of the [[States of Brazil]].<ref>[,,MUL3813-5604,00-OAB+PREVE+MIL+CURSOS+DE+DIREITO+EM.html Number of Law schools in Brazil]</ref> In the [[United States]] the number of law schools were only 180. The U.S. State of [[Alaska]] does not have a law school.<ref>[ Number of Law schools in the United States]</ref> In 2010, the total of [[lawyer]]s in Brazil were 621,885. The [[State of São Paulo]] had the largest number, 222,807 lawyers, one third of all working lawyers in the country. The State of [[Rio de Janeiro (state)|Rio de Janeiro]] had 112,515 lawyers, and the State of [[Minas Gerais]] had 63,978 lawyers.<ref>[ Total - Lawyers in Brazil by State - Bar Association of Brazil]</ref>
TheStudents Coursestudying of Law is one of the most prestigious and promisinglaw in the country. With a durationBrazil oftake five years andto atcomplete thetheir endeducation of the course the student becomesat a [[graduation|graduate]],law can not yet exercise the [[professionschool]]. WhileUpon studyingcompleting intheir a [[law school]]studies, the student will have all the knowledgethey neededneed to pursue the many professions related to law school, but must first pass thean examination<ref>[ About the Bar Examination in Brazil]</ref>held ofby the [[Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil|Bar Association of Brazil]] (''Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil'' in Portuguese).<ref>[ About the course of law in Brazil]</ref>
The overall [[median income]] of the Brazilian lawyer was R$36,120 per year in 2007. The starting median income was R$20,040, and the top median was R$3,000,000. The Brazilian [[judge]] had an overall [[median income]] of R$170,000. The starting median income was R$150,500, and the top median was R$310,500. The Brazilian [[prosecutor]]s had an overall [[median income]] of R$150,000. The starting median income was R$140,000, and the top median was R$270,000 per year.<ref>[ Median income in Brazil] {{webarchive|url= |date=2009-11-10 }}{{verification failed|date=October 2021}}</ref> Nowadays, Brazilian judges and prosecutors, in almost all states, earn the same, and, in some states, prosecutors have a higher income.
==State-level judiciary==
[[File:Recife-TribunalJustica.jpg|thumb|right|Court of Justice in [[Recife]].]]
===Trial courts===
Each state territory is divided into judicial districts named ''comarcas'', which are composed of one or more [[Municipalities of Brazil|municipalities]]. The 27 Courts of Justice have their headquarters in the capital of each [[States of Brazil|Statestate]] and have jurisdiction only over their State territories. The [[Federal District (Brazil)|Federal District]] only presents the federal-level judicial branch. Each comarca has at least one trial court, a [[court of first instance]]. Each court of first instance has a law judge and a substitute judge. The judge decides alone in all civil cases and in most criminal cases. Only intentional crimes against life are judged by [[jury]]. The judges of the courts are nominated after a selection process. There are specialized courts of first instance for [[family litigation]] or [[bankruptcy]] in some ''comarcas''. Judgments from these district courts can be the subject of [[judicial review]] following appeals to the courts of second instance.
===JusticeCourts tribunalsof Justice===
The highest court of a state judicial system is its court of second instance, the Courts of Justice. In each Brazilian Statestate there is one Court of Justice (''Tribunal de Justiça'' in Portuguese). Courts of Justice are courts of appeal, meaning they can review any decisions taken by the trial courts, and have the final word on decisions at state level, though their decisions may be overturned by the federal courts. Some states, such as [[São Paulo (state)|São Paulo]] and [[Minas Gerais]], used to have a [[Court of Appeals]] (''Tribunal de Alçada'' in Portuguese) which had different jurisdiction. But the 45th [[Constitutional Amendment]] to the [[Brazilian Constitution]],<ref>[ 45th Constitutional Amendment text]</ref> in its article four, decreed their extinction in order to simplify the second instance structure.
Second instance judgments are usually made by three [[judge]]s, called ''desembargadores.'' These Courts are divided into civil chambers, which judge civil cases, and criminal chambers. Judges of the Courts of [[Justice]] overview one another. A [[Court]] can expel any judge who has displayed unethical behavior.
==Federal-level judicial branch==
[[File:Brazilian Supreme Federal Tribunal.jpg|thumb|right|[[Supremo Tribunal Federal|Supreme Federal Court of Brazil]].]]
{{Main|Brazil federal courts}}
RegionalThe five regional Federal Courts (in number of 5) have jurisdiction over circuits of several states and tend to be headquartered in the largest city of their territory. The regional courts are:
*The ''Regional Federal Court of the 1st Region'' has jurisdiction over the [[Federal District (Brazil)|Federal District]] and 13 States: [[Minas Gerais]], [[Bahia]], [[Piauí]], [[Maranhão]], [[Goiás]], [[Mato Grosso]], [[Amapá]], [[Tocantins]], [[Pará]], [[Amazonas (Brazilian state)|Amazonas]], [[Roraima]], [[Rondônia]] and [[Acre (state)|Acre]], with headquarters in [[Brasília]], Federal District.
*The ''Regional Federal Court of the 2nd Region'' has jurisdiction over two States: [[Rio de Janeiro (state)|Rio de Janeiro]] and [[Espírito Santo]], with headquarters in [[Rio de Janeiro]], Rio de Janeiro.
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===Superior courts===
[[File:STJ visto do TST 02.jpg|thumb|right|[[Superior Court of Justice (Brazil)|Superior Court of Justice of Brazil]].]]
There are two national superior courts making up the Supreme Court, which grant [[writs]] of [[certiorari]] in civil and criminal cases: the [[Superior Court of Justice (Brazil)|Superior Court of Justice]] (''Superior Tribunal de Justiça'' in Portuguese) or STJ and the [[Supreme Federal Court (Brazil)|Supreme Federal Court]] (''Supremo Tribunal Federal'' in Portuguese) or STF, the highest Brazilian court (decides issues concerning offences to the [[Brazilian Constitution]]).
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==See also==
* [[Judiciary of Brazil]]
* [[Order of Attorneys of Brazil]]
* [[Crime in Brazil]]
==External links==
*[çao_Compilado.htm Brazilian Constitution in Portuguese]
*[ Brazilian Constitution in English]
*[ Brazilian Traffic Code]
*[ Official legislation search engine for Brazilian law]
*[ Unofficial translations of Brazilian law in English]
== References ==
*Edwin Montefiore Borchard. Guide to the law and legal literature of Argentina, Brazil and Chile. Law Library of Congress. Government Printing Office. Washington. 1917. [ Internet Archive]
==External links==
* [httpçao_CompiladolegislacaoConstituicao/anexo/CF.htmpdf Brazilian Constitution in Portuguese]
* [ Brazilian Constitution in English]
* [ Brazilian Constitution in Spanish]
* [ Brazilian Traffic Code]
* [ Official legislation search engine for Brazilian law]
* [ Unofficial translations of Brazilian law in English]
{{Brazil topics}}
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