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Abu Musab al-Zarqawi

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Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in a Jordanian prison photograph.

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi (Arabic: أبومصعب الزرقاوي) (c. October 1966June 7 2006) was the leader of the Islamist paramilitary group Al-Qaeda in Iraq [1]. One or more individuals identifying themselves as Zarqawi took responsibility, on several audiotapes, for numerous acts of political violence in Iraq. These acts include suicide bombings and the killing of many soldiers, police officers, and civilians.

As an Islamist identified with the Salafi movement, Zarqawi opposed the presence of American and Western military forces in the Islamic world and opposed the West's support for and existence of Israel. In September 2005, he reportedly declared "all-out war" on Shia Muslims in Iraq [2] and is believed responsible for dispatching numerous Al-Qaeda suicide bombers throughout Iraq, especially to areas with large concentrations of Shia civilians. As the leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq he is suspected of causing thousands of people's deaths – many, if not most of them, civilians.

Zarqawi, a longtime ally of Osama bin Laden, was a high-ranking member of bin Laden's Al Qaeda network, and since October 2004 had referred to his own organization Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad, or Monotheism and Holy War Group, a militant network operating in Iraq, as "Al-Qaeda in Iraq". On October 21 2004, Zarqawi officially announced his allegiance to Al Qaeda; on December 27 2004, Al Jazeera broadcast an audiotape of bin Laden calling Zarqawi "the prince of al Qaeda in Iraq" and asked "all our organization brethren to listen to him and obey him in his good deeds."[3]

Zarqawi was the most wanted man in Jordan and Iraq,[4] having participated in or masterminded a number of violent actions against Iraqi, Jordanian and United States targets. The U.S. government offered a USD $25 million reward for information leading to his capture, the same amount offered for the capture of bin Laden before March 2004. On October 15 2004, the U.S. State Department added Zarqawi and the Jama'at al-Tawhid wal Jihad group to its "list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations" and ordered a freeze on any assets that the group might have in the United States. On February 24 2006, the U.S. Department of Justice's FBI also added al-Zarqawi to the "Seeking Information – War on Terrorism" list, the first time that he had ever been added to any of the FBI's three major "wanted" lists.[5]

On June 7 2006, Zarqawi was killed 1.5 miles north of Hibhib, near the city of Baquba in Iraq by a United States airstrike.[6] He died 50-55 minutes after the airstrike of injuries sustained in the bomb blasts at 7:04/05pm. FBI tests later confirmed Zarqawi's identity.


Ahmad Fadeel al-Nazal al-Khalayleh (Arabic: أحمد فضيل النزال الخلايله), is believed to have been al-Zarqawi's real name. "Abu Musab" literally translates to "Musab's father", while the surname "al-Zarqawi" translates as "man from Zarqa". Zarqawi was a native of the Jordanian city of Zarqa, located approximately 21 kilometers northeast of the capital Amman.[7][8]

The son of a native Jordanian family (al-Khalayleh of the Beni Hassan tribe), Zarqawi grew up in the Jordanian city of Zarqa amidst poverty and squalor. At the age of 17, he dropped out of school. According to vague Jordanian intelligence reports, Zarqawi was jailed briefly in the 1980s for drug possession and child molestation.[9][10]. Subsequently, he was active as a militant in Afghanistan, Jordan, Iraq and elsewhere.

In 1989, Zarqawi travelled to Afghanistan to join the insurgency against the Soviet invasion, but the Soviets were already leaving by the time he arrived. It is thought that he met and befriended Osama bin Laden while there. Instead of fighting, he became a reporter for an Islamist newsletter. There are reports that in the mid-1990s, Zarqawi travelled to Europe and started the al-Tawhid paramilitary organization, a group dedicated to installing an Islamic regime in Jordan.

Zarqawi was arrested in Jordan in 1992, and spent seven years in a Jordanian prison for conspiring to overthrow the monarchy to establish an Islamic caliphate. According to some reports, Zarqawi became a feared leader among inmates there.[citation needed] According to others, he lacked the intelligence and charisma to lead any organization.[citation needed]

Upon his release from prison in 1999, Zarqawi was involved in an attempt to blow up the Radisson SAS Hotel in Amman, Jordan where many Israeli and American tourists lodged. He fled Jordan and travelled to Peshawar, Pakistan, near the Afghanistan border. In Afghanistan, Zarqawi established a militant training camp near Herat.[11] According to the Bush administration, the training camp specialized in poisons and explosives.

Jordanian and European intelligence agencies claim that Zarqawi formed the group Jund al-Sham in 1999 with $200,000 of start up money from Osama bin Laden. The group originally consisted of 150 members. It was infiltrated by members of Jordanian intelligence and scattered by Operation Enduring Freedom but in March 2005, a group of the same name claimed responsibility for a bombing in Doha, Qatar.[12]

Sometime in 2001, Zarqawi was arrested in Jordan but was soon released. He was later convicted in absentia and sentenced to death for plotting the attack on the Radisson SAS Hotel.Cite error: A <ref> tag is missing the closing </ref> (see the help page). He reportedly became a leader in the group, although his leadership role has not been established.

In Colin Powell's famous February 2003 speech to the United Nations urging war against Iraq, Zarqawi was cited as an example of Saddam Hussein's support for terrorism. In his speech, Powell mistakenly referred to Zarqawi as a Palestinian, but Powell and the Bush administration continued to stand by statements that Zarqawi linked Saddam Hussein to al-Qaeda.

At the time, Zarqawi's group was a rival of bin Laden's. A CIA report in late 2004 concluded that it had no evidence Saddam's government was involved or aware of this medical treatment, and that "There’s no conclusive evidence the Saddam Hussein regime had harbored Zarqawi."[13] [14] One U.S. official summarized the report: "The evidence is that Saddam never gave Zarqawi anything."[15] However, Jordan's King Abdullah stated in an interview that Jordan had detailed information of where in Iraq Zarqawi lived. Jordan attempted to have Zarqawi extradited, "but our demands that the former regime [of Saddam Hussein] hand him over were in vain," King Abdullah said.[16]

According to [17] the Pentagon had pushed to "take out" Zarqawi's operation at least three times prior to the invasion of Iraq, but had been vetoed by the National Security Council. The council's decision was made because they thought it would make it harder to convince other countries to join the US in a coalition against Iraq. "People were more obsessed with developing the coalition to overthrow Saddam than to execute the president’s policy of pre-emption against terrorists," said former National Security Council member Roger Cressey. Former CIA official Michael Scheuer told reporters that the Bush Administration "had Mr. Zarqawi in his sights for almost every day for a year before the invasion of Iraq and he didn't shoot because they were wining and dining the French in an effort to get them to assist us in the invasion of Iraq."[18]

Zarqawi is believed to have had two wives. Al-Zarqawi had married his second wife Israa, when she was 13 and she bore him a child when she was 15. Al Zarqawi along with his wife, Israa (then 16), and their son Abdul Rahman (then 18 months) were killed in the airstrike on June 7, 2006. Also killed was a five year old unidentified girl.[1][2].

Terrorist and guerrilla attacks

Assassination of Laurence Foley

Laurence Foley was a senior U.S. diplomat working for the U.S. Agency for International Development in Jordan. On October 28, 2002, he was assassinated outside his home in Amman. Under interrogation by Jordanian authorities, three suspects confessed that they had been armed and paid by Zarqawi to perform the assassination. U.S. officials believe that the planning and execution of the Foley assassination was led by members of Afghan Jihad, the International Mujaheddin Movement, and al-Qaeda. One of the leaders, Salim Sa'd Salim Bin-Suwayd, was paid over USD$27,858 for his work in planning assassinations in Jordan against U.S., Israeli, and Jordanian government officials. Suwayd was arrested in Jordan for the murder of Foley.[1] Zarqawi was again sentenced in absentia in Jordan; this time, as before, his sentence was death.

Murder of Nicholas Berg

In May 2004, a videotape was released showing a group of five men beheading American civilian Nicholas Berg, who had been abducted and taken hostage in Iraq weeks earlier. The speaker on the tape wielding the knife that killed Berg is rumoured to be al-Zarqawi. He states that the murder was in retaliation for US abuses at the Abu Ghraib prison (see Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal); CIA analysis of the voice claimed that it was Zarqawi's.[19] However, the CIA analysis failed to quell doubts about the validity of the claim because the man wears a mask in the video and did not resemble Zarqawi in other ways. (See this article[20] in The Sydney Morning Herald.) Various Middle East correspondents and experts, including CNN's Octavia Nasr, have stated that the person talking on the Berg tape was not al-Zarqawi because he did not speak with a Jordanian accent.

Following the death of al-Zarqawi, CNN spoke with Nicholas' father, Michael Berg, who stated that al-Zarqawi's killing would lead to further vengeance and was not a cause for rejoicing.[21]

Other incidents

  • U.S. officials believe that Zarqawi trained others in the use of poison (ricin[22]) for possible attacks in Europe, ran a "terrorist haven" in Kurdish northern Iraq, and organized the bombing of a Baghdad hotel.
  • United States officials implicate Zarqawi for over 700 killings in Iraq during the invasion, mostly from bombings.
  • Zarqawi is believed by the former Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq to have written an intercepted letter to the al-Qaeda leadership in February 2004 on the progress of the "Iraqi jihad." Many observers do not believe that Zarqawi wrote the letter.
  • On July 11, 2004, a group reportedly led by Zarqawi, claimed responsibility for a July 8 mortar attack in Samarra, Iraq. Five American soldiers and one Iraqi soldier were killed.
  • Believed to have coordinated the infamous second battle of "Al Fallujah" (Operation Phantom Fury/Operation Al Fajr) in November 2004, fought in the battle himself, then slipped away from coalition forces.
  • Jordan accuses Zarqawi of plotting to release a chemical cloud in Amman. Men were arrested in Amman who purportedly were planning to release the chemical attack. He was convicted in absentia on March 20 2005, and sentenced to fifteen years in prison in addition to his two death sentences for earlier crimes in Jordan.
  • Zarqawi was believed to have masterminded the 2005 bombings in Amman that killed about seventy people in three hotels. [24]
  • On April 25 2006 a video appearing to show Zarqawi surfaced [26]. In the tape, the man says holy warriors are fighting on despite a three-year "crusade". US experts told the BBC they believed the recording was genuine. One part of the recording shows a man - who bears a strong resemblance to previous pictures of Zarqawi - sitting on the floor and addressing a group of masked men with an automatic rifle at his side. "Your mujahideen sons were able to confront the most ferocious of crusader campaigns on a Muslim state," the man says. Addressing US President George W Bush, he says: "Why don't you tell people that your soldiers are committing suicide, taking drugs and hallucination pills to help them sleep?" "By God," he says, "your dreams will be defeated by our blood and by our bodies. What is coming is even worse." The speaker in the video also reproaches the US for its "arrogance and insolence" in rejecting a truce offered by "our prince and leader", Osama Bin Laden.
  • The United States Army aired an unedited tape of Zarqawi in May 2006 highlighting the fact that he did not know how to fix a jam on his M249 Squad Automatic Weapon. Zarqawi was also shown to be wearing New Balance tennis shoes in the video. [27] The aim of the video was to remove the myth surrounding Zarqawi and to question his prowess as a military leader.

Zarqawi's Marriage and Children

Time magazine reported that Zarqawi's 16-year-old wife was among those killed in his assassination[3]. Al-jazeera reported that among the dead was Zarqawi's 18-month-old son. [4]. Based on the ages of the mother and child, Zarqawi was 38 years old when he consummated his marriage to the unnamed 14-year-old woman.

Arguments downplaying Zarqawi's importance

A U.S.PSYOP leaflet disseminated in Iraq shows al-Zarqawi caught in a rat trap. Text: "This is your future al-Zarqawi".

Some people have purported that Zarqawi's notoriety was the product of U.S. war propaganda designed to promote the image of a demonic enemy figure to help justify continued U.S. military operations in Iraq [28], perhaps with the tacit support of jihadi elements who wished to use him as a propaganda tool or as a distraction. [29] In one report, the conservative newspaper Daily Telegraph described the claim that Zarqawi was the head of the "terrorist network" in Iraq as a "myth". This report cited an unnamed U.S. military intelligence source to the effect that the Zarqawi leadership myth was initially caused by faulty intelligence, but was later accepted because it suited U.S. government political goals. [30]

One Sunni insurgent leader claimed on 11 December that "Zarqawi is an American, Israeli and Iranian agent who is trying to keep our country unstable so that the Sunnis will keep facing occupation." [citation needed]

On February 18 2006, Shiite cleric Muqtada as-Sadr voiced similar concerns: "I believe he is fictitious. He is a knife or a pistol in the hands of the occupier. I believe that all three - the occupation, the takfir (i.e. the practice of declaring other Muslims to be heretics) supporters, and the Saddam supporters - stem from the same source, because the takfir supporters and the Saddam supporters are a weapon in the hands of America. America pins its crimes on them." [31]

On April 10 2006, the Washington Post reported that the U.S. military conducted a major propaganda offensive designed to exaggerate Zarqawi's role in the Iraqi insurgency. Gen. Mark Kimmitt says of the propaganda campaign that there "was no attempt to manipulate the press." In an internal briefing, Kimmitt is quoted as stating, "The Zarqawi PSYOP program is the most successful information campaign to date." The main goal of the propaganda campaign seems to have been to exacerbate a rift between insurgent forces in Iraq, but intelligence experts worried that it had actually enhanced Zarqawi's influence. Col. Derek Harvey, "who served as a military intelligence officer in Iraq and then was one of the top officers handling Iraq intelligence issues on the staff of the Joint Chiefs of Staff," warned an Army meeting in 2004 that "Our own focus on Zarqawi has enlarged his caricature, if you will -- made him more important than he really is, in some ways." While Pentagon spokespersons state unequivocally that PSYOPs may not be used to influence American citizens, there is little question that the information disseminated through the program has found its way into American media sources. The Post also notes that "One briefing slide about U.S. "strategic communications" in Iraq, prepared for Army Gen. George W. Casey Jr., the top U.S. commander in Iraq, describes the "home audience" as one of six major targets of the American side of the war." [32]

Reports of Zarqawi's death, detention and injuries

Missing leg

Claims of harm to Zarqawi have changed over time. Early in 2002, there were unverified reports from Afghan Northern Alliance members that Zarqawi had been killed by a missile attack in Afghanistan. Many news sources repeated the claim. Later, Kurdish groups claimed that Zarqawi had not died in the missile strike, but had been severely injured, and went to Baghdad in 2002 to have his leg amputated. On October 7 2002, the day before Congress voted to give President Bush authorization to invade Iraq, Bush gave a speech in Cincinnati, Ohio, that repeated this claim as fact. This was one of several of President Bush's primary examples of ways Saddam Hussein had aided, funded, and harbored al-Qaeda. Powell repeated this claim in his February 2003 speech to the UN, urging a resolution for war, and it soon became "common knowledge" that Zarqawi had a prosthetic leg.

In 2004, Newsweek reported that some "senior U.S. military officials in Baghdad" had come to believe that he still had his original legs. [33]. Knight Ridder later reported that the leg amputation was something "officials now acknowledge was incorrect," though it's possible this was merely a restatement of the Newsweek report.Cite error: A <ref> tag is missing the closing </ref> (see the help page).. The claim that Zarqawi had been killed in northern Iraq "at the beginning of the war," and that subsequent use of his name was a useful myth, was repeated in September 2005 by Sheikh Jawad Al-Khalessi, a Shiite imam. [34]

On May 24 2005, it was reported on an Islamic website that a deputy would take command of Al-Qaeda while Zarqawi recovered from injuries sustained in an attack. Later that week the Iraqi government confirmed that Zarqawi had been wounded by U.S. forces, although the battalion did not realize it at the time. The extent of his injuries is not known, although some radical Islamic websites called for prayers for his health. There are reports that a local hospital treated a man, suspected to be Zarqawi, with severe injuries. He was also said to have subsequently left Iraq for a neighbouring country, accompanied by two physicians. However, later that week the radical Islamic website retracted its report about his injuries and claimed that he was in fine health and was running the jihad operation.

In an September 16 2005 article published by Le Monde, Sheikh Jawad Al-Kalesi claimed that al-Zarqawi was killed in the Kurdish northern region of Iraq at the beginning of the US-led war on the country as he was meeting with members of the Ansar al-Islam group affiliated to al-Qaeda. Al-Kalesi also claimed "His family in Jordan even held a ceremony after his death." He also claimed that "Zarqawi has been used as a ploy by the United States, as an excuse to continue the occupation. saying that it was a pretext so they don't leave Iraq." [35]

On November 20 2005, some news sources reported that Zarqawi may have been killed in a coalition assault on a house in Mosul; five of those in the house were killed in the assault while the other three died through using 'suicide belts' of explosives. United States and British soldiers searched the remains[36], with U.S. forces using DNA samples to identify the dead. [37] However, none of those remains belonged to him.

Reportedly captured and released

According to a CNN report dated December 15 2005,[38], al-Zarqawi was captured by Iraqi forces sometime during 2004 and later released because his captors did not realize who he was. U.S. officials called the report "plausible" but refused to confirm it.

Zarqawi's death

al-Zarqawi after the bombing, his identity confirmed by FBI tests.

Zarqawi was killed on June 7 2006 while attending a meeting in an isolated safehouse approximately 8 km (5 mi) north of Baqubah.[39] At 14:15 GMT two United States Air Force F-16C jets[40] identified the house and the lead jet dropped two 500-pound (230kg) guided bombs, a laser-guided GBU-12 and GPS-guided GBU-38 on the building located at 33°48′02.83″N 44°30′48.58″E / 33.8007861°N 44.5134944°E / 33.8007861; 44.5134944. Six others - three male and three female individuals - were also reported killed (see below).[41]

The joint task force had been tracking him for some time, and although there were some close calls, he had eluded them on many occasions. United States intelligence officials then received tips from Iraqi senior leaders from Zarqawi's network that he and some of his associates were in the Baqubah area.[42] The safehouse itself was watched for over six weeks before Zarqawi was observed entering the building. Jordanian intelligence reportedly helped to identify his location.[43] The area was subsequently secured by Iraqi security forces, who were the first ground forces to arrive.

On June 8 2006, coalition forces confirmed that Zarqawi's body was identified by facial recognition, fingerprinting, known scars and tattoos.[44][45] They also announced the death of one of his key lieutenants, spiritual adviser Sheik Abd-Al-Rahman.[46]

Initially, the U.S. military reported that Zarqawi was killed directly in the attack. However, according to a statement made the following day by Major General William Caldwell of the U.S. Army, Zarqawi survived for a short time after the bombing, mumbling a few words that none of those in hearing range could understand and attempting to roll off the stretcher in an apparent escape bid. Those carrying him re-secured him to the stretcher and he then died from his injuries.[47] An Iraqi man, who claims to have arrived on the scene a few moments after the attack, said he saw U.S. troops beating up the badly-wounded but still alive Zarqawi.[48][49] In contradiction, Caldwell asserted that when U.S. troops found Zarqawi barely alive they tried to provide him with medical help, rejecting the allegations that he was beaten based on an autopsy performed. The account of the Iraqi witness has not been verified.[50] All others in the house died immediately in the blasts.

Reactions to death

Remains of Zarqawi's safe house, June 8, 2006.

Prime Minister of Iraq Nuri al-Maliki commented on the death of Zarqawi by saying: "Today, Zarqawi has been terminated. Every time a Zarqawi appears we will kill him." "We will continue confronting whoever follows his path. It is an open war between us." [51]

United States President George W. Bush stated that through his every action al-Zarqawi sought to defeat America and our coalition partners and turn Iraq into a safe haven from which al Qaeda could wage its war on free nations by working to divide Iraqis and incite civil war. Bush also stated, "Now Zarqawi has met his end and this violent man will never murder again."Cite error: A <ref> tag is missing the closing </ref> (see the help page). The opinion of Iraqis on his death is mixed; some believe that it will promote peace between the warring factions, while others are convinced that his death will provoke his followers to a massive retaliation and cause more bombings and deaths in Iraq.[52] Abu Abdulrahman al-Iraqi, the deputy of al-Zarqawi (which may be the individual called "Sheik Abd-Al-Rahman" mentioned above, meaning he was not present as the bombing happened), released a statement to Islamist websites indicating that al-Qaeda in Iraq also confirmed Zarqawi's death: "We herald the martyrdom of our mujahed Sheikh Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in Iraq … and we stress that this is an honor to our nation."[53] In the statement, al-Iraqi vowed to continue the jihad in Iraq.

Counterterrorism officials have said that al-Zarqawi had become a key part of al-Qaeda's marketing campaign and that al-Zarqawi served as a "worldwide jihadist rallying point and a fundraising icon." Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., who serves on the House Intelligence Committee, called al-Zarqawi "The terrorist celeb, if you will,...It is like selling for any organization. They are selling the success of Zarqawi in eluding capture in Iraq." [54]

Alleged betrayal by al-Qaeda

A day before Zarqawi was killed, a U.S. strategic analysis site [55] suggested that Zarqawi could have lost the trust of al-Qaeda due to his emphatic anti-Shia stance and the massacres of civilians allegedly committed in his name. Reports in The New York Times on June 9 are treating the betrayal by at least one fellow al-Qaeda member as fact, stating that an individual close to Zarqawi disclosed the identity and location of Sheik Abd al-Rahman to Jordanian and American intelligence. Non-stop surveillance of al-Rahman quickly led to Zarqawi.

The Associated Press quotes an unnamed Jordanian official as saying that the effort to find Zarqawi was successful partly due to information that Jordan obtained one month beforehand from a captured Zarqawi al-Qaeda operative named Ziad Khalaf Raja al-Karbouly. [56]


In apparent contradiction to statements made earlier in the day by U.S. ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad, an Iraqi spokesman said the $25 million reward "will be honored" (although this need not mean that any money will actually be paid, as the terms of the reward would indeed be "honored" by having no payee if no one qualifies). [57][58] Khalilzad, in an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer, had stated the bounty would not be paid because the decisive information leading to Zarqawi's whereabouts had been supplied by an al-Qaeda-in-Mesopotamia operative whose own complicity in violent acts would disqualify him from receiving payment.


In early April 2006, unconfirmed rumours suggested that Zarqawi had been demoted from a strategical or coordinating function to overseer of paramilitary/terrorist activities of his group and that Abdullah bin Rashed al-Baghdadi of the Mujahideen Shura Council succeeded Zarqawi in the former function.

On June 12, 2006, it was announced by Zarqawi's group that Abu Hamza al-Muhajir had been chosen as his successor[59][60]. At present, it is not known whether the shift of responsibilities of April is genuine and thus, in what role precisely al-Mujahir is Zarqawi's successor. A hint that both alternatives are correct - al-Baghdadi in a coordinatory role and al-Mujahir in a tactical one - is seen in the Abu Abdulrahman al-Iraqi statement of June 8[61], where the former is explicitly mentioned as leading the "first core" of the intended Islamist state. It is very likely, however, that al-Baghdadi, who has in the past kept an extremely low profile, will not replace Zarqawi in the role of being the "public image" of radical Sunni interests in Iraq.

Preceded by
Position Created
Head of al-Qaeda in Iraq
c. 2003–2006
Succeeded by


  1. ^ a b "Jamaat al-Tawhid wa'l-Jihad / Unity and Jihad Group" (HTML). GlobalSecurity.org. 2006. Retrieved 2006-06-09.
  2. ^ "Al-Zarqawi declares war on Iraqi Shia". Al Jazeera. September 14 2005. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  3. ^ "Purported bin Laden tape endorses al-Zarqawi". CNN. December 27 2004. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  4. ^ "Iraq backs Zarqawi wounded claim". BBC. May 26 2005. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  5. ^ "FBI Updates Most Wanted Terrorists and Seeking Information – War on Terrorism Lists" (Press release). FBI. February 24 2006. {{cite press release}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  6. ^ "Iraq Terror Chief Killed In Airstrike". CBS News. June 8 2006. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  7. ^ "Zarqawi and the 'al-Qaeda link'". BBC. February 5 2003. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  8. ^ "Profile: Abu Musab al-Zarqawi". BBC. November 10 2005. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  9. ^ CFR Profile
  10. ^ Weaver, Mary Anne (June 8, 2006). "The Short, Violent Life of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi". The Atlantic. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  11. ^ "U.S. military: Al-Zarqawi was alive after bombing". CNN. June 9, 2006. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  12. ^ Debat, Alexis (March 28 2005). "The New Head of Jihad Inc.?". ABC News. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  13. ^ "CIA report finds no Zarqawi-Saddam link". Reuters. October 6 2004. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  14. ^ "CIA Questions Saddam's Ties to Al Qaeda". ABC News. October 5 2004. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  15. ^ "CIA Review Finds No Evidence Saddam Had Ties to Islamic Terrorists". Knight-Ridder. October 5 2004. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  16. ^ "Saddam refused to hand Zarqawi to Jordan: King Abdullah". Associated Press. May 19 2005. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  17. ^ "Avoiding attacking suspected terrorist mastermind". NBC News. March 2 2004. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  18. ^ "Bush turned down chances to kill Zarqawi: Ex-CIA spy". ABC News (Australia). May 1 2006. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  19. ^ "'Zarqawi' beheaded US man in Iraq". BBC. May 13 2004. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  20. ^ Neville, Richard (May 29 2004). "Who killed Nick Berg?". The Sydney Morning Herald. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  21. ^ Chase, Randall (June 8 2006). "Berg: No Good in Al-Zarqawi's Death". Associated Press. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  22. ^ Blum, William (May 21 2005). "The American Myth Industry". CounterPunch. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  23. ^ "Foreign Terrorist Organization: Designation of Jama?at al-Tawhid wa?al-Jihad and Aliases" (Press release). U.S. Department of State. October 15 2004. Retrieved April 21 2006. {{cite press release}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= and |date= (help)
  24. ^ "Furious Jordanians take to streets". CNN. November 11 2005. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  25. ^ "New ops planned in wake of Zarqawi hunt". United Press International. {{cite news}}: Text "June 9, 2006" ignored (help)
  26. ^ "'Zarqawi' shows face in new video". BBC. April 25 2006. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  27. ^ "Abu Musab al-Zarqawi video bloopers". YouTube. Retrieved June 9 2006. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  28. ^ "The al-Zarqawi Assessment: Another Instance of 'Cooked' Intelligence?" (HTML). The Commonwealth Institute. 2004. Retrieved 2006-06-09.
  29. ^ Brecher, Gary (2005). "Mister Big Unplugged #215" (HTML). eXile. Retrieved 2006-06-09.
  30. ^ Blomfield, Adrian (April 10 2006). "How US fuelled myth of Zarqawi the mastermind". The Daily Telegraph. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  31. ^ memri.org SD110006 - this article no longer exists
  32. ^ Ricks, Thomas (April 9 2006). "Military Plays Up Role of Zarqawi". The Washington Post. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  33. ^ Hirsh, Michael (March 14 2004). "Terror's Next Stop". Newsweek. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  34. ^ "Abou Moussab Al-Zarkaoui est mort. Son nom est utilisé par les occupants pour rester en Irak". Le Monde. September 17 2005. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  35. ^ "Cleric says al-Zarqawi died long ago". Al Jazeera. September 17, 2005. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  36. ^ "Report: al-Zarqawi may have been killed in Mosul". The Jerusalem Post. November 20, 2005. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  37. ^ "Exclusive: US forensic experts should know by Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 22, the identities of the eight high-ranking al Qaeda leaders who blew themselves up in Mosul to escape US capture". DEBKAfile. November 20, 2005. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  38. ^ "Official: Al-Zarqawi caught, released". CNN. December 15 2005. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  39. ^ "Iraq Terror Chief Killed In Airstrike". CBS News. June 8 2006. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  40. ^ "Tucson Raytheon had role in al-Zarqawi death". Arizona Daily Star. June 9 2006. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  41. ^ "Deputy unwittingly led troops to al-Zarqawi". Seattle Post-Intelligencer. June 8 2006. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  42. ^ "Iraq terrorist leader Zarqawi 'eliminated'". Guardian Unlimited. June 8 2006. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  43. ^ "Abu Musab al-Zarqawi killed in air raid". Associated Press. June 8 2006. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  44. ^ "Iraqi PM confirms Zarqawi death". CNN. June 8 2006. Retrieved 2006-06-08. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  45. ^ "Zarqawi killed in Iraq air raid". BBC. June 8, 2006.
  46. ^ "Zarqawi death a 'significant blow' to al-Qaida". Guardian Unlimited. June 8 2006. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  47. ^ "Zarqawi 'alive when found'". The Guardian. June 9 2006. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  48. ^ "Was Al-Zarqawi Beaten After Bombing?". CBS News. June 10 2006. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  49. ^ Smith, Michael (June 11 2006). "How Iraq's ghost of death was cornered". Sunday Times. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  50. ^ "Military revises al-Zarqawi account". USA Today. June 10 2006. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  51. ^ "World reacts to al-Zarqawi death". CNN. June 8 2006. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  52. ^ "Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi Killed in Air Raid". AP News. June 8 2006. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  53. ^ "Qaeda in Iraq confirms Zarqawi's death - Web site". Reuters. June 8 2006. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  54. ^ "Al-Qaida likely to alter marketing efforts". Associated Press. June 9 2006. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  55. ^ "Zarqawi Scheduled for Martyrdom - Web site". StrategyPage. June 8, 2006. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  56. ^ "U.S. Moves to Stop Zarqawi Network in Iraq". Associated Press. June 9 2006. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  57. ^ "Reward for al-Zarqawi will be honored". Associated Press. June 8 2006. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  58. ^ "US: nobody yet identified for big Zarqawi bounty". Reuters. June 8 2006. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  59. ^ Cite error: The named reference successor was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  60. ^ "Iraq Qaeda names successor after Zarqawi death". Reuters UK. June 12, 2006. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  61. ^ "A Statement from Abu Abdul Rahman al-Iraqi, Deputy Emir of al-Qaeda in Iraq, Concerning the Death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi". SITE Institute. June 8, 2006. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)