Quantitation of neuritic plaques, hippocampal Aβ, and
thioflavine-S-positive deposits in APPV717F +/− TG mice
expressing mouse, human, or no apoE. (A) Hippocampal
neuritic plaques were prominent in APPV717F +/−,
apoE+/+ mice at 12 months and increased by more than
3-fold by 15 months of age (n = 4, both time
points). In APPV717F +/−, apoE−/− mice
(n = 6, both time points), neuritic plaques were
virtually absent and did not increase in number between 12 and 15
months of age (*, P < 0.0001 compared with
apoE−/−). Neuritic plaques were identified with the de
Olmos method. (B) The total volume of Aβ-IR deposits
in the right hippocampus was determined in APPV717F +/−
TG mice that were apoE+/+ (n = 4) or
apoE−/− (n = 6) at 12 months of age
and apoE+/+ (n = 4) or
apoE−/− (n = 6) at 15 months of
age. Volume of Aβ deposits was determined by using unbiased
stereological methods. There was no statistical difference in the size
of the right hippocampus between any of the groups of mice (data not
shown). (C) Aβ ELISA for total Aβ and
Aβ42 was assessed in the left hippocampus from the same
mice used in A. *, P < 0.05,
comparing apoE+/+ with apoE−/−. The total
volume of Aβ-IR deposits in the right hippocampus (D)
and in the molecular layer of dentate gyrus (E) was
determined in APPV717F +/− TG mice that were either
apoE3+/− (line 37, n = 6) or
apoE4+/− (line 22, n = 9) at 15
months of age. Volume of Aβ deposits was determined by using unbiased
stereological methods. There was no statistical difference in the size
of the right hippocampus or the molecular layer of the dentate gyrus
between the groups (data not shown). (F) The mean
density of thioflavine-S-positive plaques was assessed in the molecular
layer of the dentate gyrus of the same mice. *,
P < 0.05 (D and E);
*, P < 0.001, comparing
apoE3+/− with apoE4+/−
(F). Data in B, D,
E, and F were log-transformed and tested
for normality before statistical analysis.