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Table 1

Kinetic parameters as determined by surface plasmon resonance for the interactions of TGF-β1, TGF-β2, and BMP-2 versus each of the four Spp24 isoforms.
TGF-β1ka (M-1 s-1×103)4.185.5510.0071.9
kd (s-1×10-3)5.8912.210.63.93
KD (kd//ka) (μM) 1.41 3.25 1.39 0.065
TGF-β2ka (M-1 s-1×103)2.391.343.6432.4
kd (s-1×10-3)5.395.6610.95.86
KD (kd//ka) (μM) 3.22 4.24 3.18 0.194
BMP-2ka (M-1 s-1×103)15.363.6263311
kd (s-1×10-3)3.602.611.265.50
KD (kd//ka) (μM) 0.236 0.041 0.005 0.018

ka represents “recognition”, kd represent “stability”, and KD stand for the actual “affinity” of the proteins. The values pertaining to BMP-2 are from reference 16 and are shown for purposes of comparison.