Improvement in Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI), visual analog scale (VAS), and awareness hours for patients who were followed for more than 9 weeks. A gradual improvement over time in THI score was found in all groups. When the change in THI score was compared between groups, broadband noise tinnitus retraining therapy (bTRT) group seemed to show the best results, bTRT showed the poor results, and the effect of mixed noise tinnitus retraining therapy (mTRT) was intermediate (A). VAS also showed a general improvement over time in all three groups. When compared between groups, VAS outcome was comparable between mTRT group and bTRT group, but it was relatively poor in the narrowband noise tinnitus retraining therapy (nTRT) group (B). In terms of awareness hours, a general improvement was shown for the duration of 9-13 weeks. When the change in Awareness Hours was compared between groups, mTRT group and bTRT group showed the comparable improvement, and nTRT group showed the poor result (C). However, all this result did not reach statistical significance.