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Table 1.

Pharmacokinetic Parameters of Lifitegrast Calculated for Various Ocular Tissues and Plasma for Each Formulation

 Formulation No. 1Formulation No. 2
TissueCmax(ng/mL or ng/g)tmax(h)AUC0-8 (ng·h/mL or ng·h/g)t1/2(h)aCmax(ng/mL or ng/g)tmax(h)AUC0-8 (ng·h/mL or ng·h/g)t1/2(h)a
Conjunctiva (palpebral)11,9000.25030,8009,6200.25036,600
Sclera (anterior)11,2000.25017,5001.975,8700.50011,2002.32
Conjunctiva (bulbar)14,2000.25013,4002.029,3700.25012,000
Sclera (posterior)8260.2502,3603690.5001,570
Iris-ciliary body1900.2501,1301951.00778
Aqueous humor79.03.0053089.51.00340
Optic nerve36.01.00NR10.80.250NR
Vitreous humor2.090.250NR0.3720.250NR
aCould not be calculated for most tissues due to the lack of a distinct elimination phase.

AUC0–8, area under the concentration-time curve from 0 to 8 h; choroid-RPE, choroid-retinal pigment epithelium; Cmax, maximum concentration; NR, not reported due to limited measurable data; tmax, time to maximum concentration.