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Table 3

Univariate and multivariate Cox regression analyses of clinicopathological features association with prognosis of 53 CRC patients (cohort 1)

VariablesSubsetUnivariate analysisMultivariate analysis
HR (95% CI)P valueHR (95% CI)P value
Age (years)< 60 vs. ≥ 601.379(0.525–2.484)0.495
GenderMale vs. female1.514(0.701–2.916)0.410
Tumor size< 5 cm vs. ≥ 5 cm2.438(1.003–5.105)0.062
Tumor locationColon vs. rectum1.028(0.712–1.582)0.875
Histologic gradeWell/moderately vs. poorly/others1.847(0.571–2.896)0.289
Depth of invasionT1,T2 vs. T3,T42.561(0.911–4.616)0.124
Lymphatic metastasisAbsent vs. Present3.054(1.008–5.531)0.028*2.313(0.869–4.012)0.045*
Venous invasionAbsent vs. Present1.478(0.491–3.292)0.353
Distant metastasisAbsent vs. Present3.681(1.308–5.928)0.004*3.163(1.586–5.275)0.011*
Tumor stageI-II vs. III-IV4.422(1.849–8.241)< 0.001*3.549(1.301–6.684)0.002*
SNHG7 expressionLow vs. high3.317(1.331–5.609)0.008*2.924(1.035–5.268)0.030*

HR hazard ratio, CI confidence interval
