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Table 3

Multivariate analysis of clinicopathological data of the tumors.

VariablesBD2 vs. BD1BD3 vs. BD1
Coef (SD)P-valueOR 95% CICoef (SD)P-valueOR 95% CI
Tumor size−0.91 (0.46)0.0460.40 [0.16-0.98]−0.73 (0.44)0.0970.48 [0.20–1.14]
Moderate vs. well diff.12.33 (0.92)<0.0012.27 × 105 [3.73 × 104-1.38 × 106]1.90 (1.43)0.1846.72 [0.4–112.30]
Poorly vs. well diff.23.12 (0.80)<0.0011.10 × 1010 [2.28 × 109-5.38 × 1010]13.66 (0.80)<0.0018.57 × 105 [2.28 × 109-5.38 × 1010]
Stromal component0.007 (0.02)0.7721.007 [0.95–1.05]0.04 (0.02)0.0551.04 [0.99–1.08]

Coef, coefficient; SD, standard deviation; OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; BD1, budding grade 1; BD2, budding grade 2; BD3, budding grade 3.