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Table 1

Magnetic resonance spectroscopy studies in Alzheimer’s disease (studies reporting metabolite ratios).

Field strength TR/TE (ms)techniqueSampleArea Voxel size (mm3)CohortNAA/tCrNAA/mImI/tCrtCho/tCrGlx/tCrOthers
Mitolo et al. (27)1.5 T4,000/35 Single-voxelBaseline: AD (n=25), MCI (n=38), HC (n=18)Clinical follow-up after 2 years:non-converter MCI (n=12), converter MCI (n=26),Midline PCC (20x20x20)AD↓a
Huang et al. (28)3.0 T2,000/68 Singe-voxelAD (n=17),MCI (n=21),HC (N=15)Midline ACC (40x40x25)AD↓b↓bGABA+ ↔
Right hippocampus (40x20x20)ADGABA+ ↔
Waragai et al. (29)1.5 T2,000/25 Single-voxelBaseline: HC (n=289)*Midline PCC (20x20x20)AD↓c
7 years follow-up: AD (n=21), MCI (n=53), DLB (n=7), PD (n=8)AD↑d
Fayed et al. (30)3.0 T1,500/35 Single-voxelaMCI (n=48) + clinical follow-up after 3 years: AD (n=15), aMCI (n=33)Midline PCC (20x20x20)AD convertermI ↔Glu/tCr ↓
Left occipital cortex (20x20x20)mI ↓Glu/tCr ↔
Su et al. (31)3.0 T3,450/35 Multi-voxelAD (n=35),DLB (n=25),HC (n=34)PCCAD
Superior temporal cortex
Prefrontal cortex
Occipital cortex↔e↔e
Corpus callosum
Guo et al. (32)3.0 T1,500/35 Multi-voxelMild AD (n=15),aMCI (n=13),HC (n=16)ACC (left+right) (10x10x15)AD-f-f
PCC (left+right) (10x10x15)-f
Mandal et al. (33)3.0 T2,500/120 Single-voxelAD (n=21), MCI (n=22), HC (n=21)Frontal cortex (left+right) (15,600)ADGSH ↓
AD (n=19), MCI (n=19), HC (n=28)Hippocampus (left+right) (15,600)ADGSH ↓
Delli Pizzi et al. (17)3.0 T2,000/39 Single-voxelDLB (n=16), AD (n=16), HC (n=13)Thalamus (left+right) (15x10x15)AD↔htCr/H2O ↔
Bai et al. (34)3.0 T2,000/68 Single-voxelAD (n=15), HC (n=15)Midline frontal lobe (30x30x30)ADGABA+/tCr ↔
Midline parietal lobe (30x30x30)GABA+/tCr ↓
Zhang et al. (35)1.5 T2,000/30 Single-voxelBaseline: MCI (n=57),Follow-up (after 18–32 months): DLB (n=10), AD (n=27), MCI (n=20)*Midline frontal lobe (20x20x20)AD
Midline PCC (20x20x20)↔i
Midline occipital lobe (20x20x20)
Murray et al. (36)3.0 T2,000/30 Single-voxelAD (n=24), HC (n=17)Midline PCC (20x20x20)AD

ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; AD, Alzheimer’s disease; tCho, total choline; tCr, total creatine; DLB, dementia with Lewy bodies; GABA+, γ-aminobutyric acid, macromolecules and homocarnosine; Glu, glutamate; Glx, glutamate-glutamine; HC, healthy controls; MCI, mild cognitive impairment; mI, myo-Inositol; NAA, N-acetlyaspartate; PCC, posterior cingulate cortex; PD, Parkinson’s disease; TR, repetition time; TE, echo time.

↑ increased, ↓ decreased and ↔ unchanged metabolite ratios between AD and controls.

*Baseline differences were calculated on retrospective grouping according to clinical outcome.

asignificantly lower ratios in AD and MCI-converter compared to stable MCI.

bsignificantly lower ratios in AD compared to MCI.

csignificantly lower ratios in AD compared to progressor MCI at baseline.

dsignificantly higher ratios in AD compared to progressor MCI after 7 years.

esignificantly lower ratios in AD compared to DLB.

fNo comparisons of patients and controls were reported, but significant bilateral differences (left vs. right ACC, left vs. right PCC) were observed.

gsignificantly lower ratios in AD compared to MCI in the left frontal cortex.

hsignificantly lower ratios in AD compared to DLB in the right thalamus.

isignificantly reduced ratios in MCI converted to AD compared to MCI converted to DLB.