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Table 3

Resistance variables assessed in the vineyard and greenhouse. An abbreviation and a description of the method and scale utilized for the scoring is proposed for each resistance variable assessed in mapping studies.

Resistance variable ID Trait Method Scale (susceptible to resistant)
OIV 452; OIV 452iLeaf degree of resistance to P. viticolaVisual semi-quantitative estimation of pathogen infectionDiscrete 1 to 9; Discrete 9 to 1 (i)
OIV 453; OIV 453iCluster degree of resistance to P. viticolaVisual semi-quantitative estimation of pathogen infectionDiscrete 1 to 9; Discrete 9 to 1 (i)
DOSLeaf degree of resistance to P. viticolaVisual measurement of the diameter of oil spots (DOS)Centimeters
OIV 455; OIV 455i (or IPGRI)Leaf degree of resistance to E. necatorVisual semi-quantitative estimation of pathogen infectionDiscrete 1 to 9; Discrete 9 to 1 (i)
OIV 456; OIV 456iCluster degree of resistance to E. necatorVisual semi-quantitative estimation of pathogen infectionDiscrete 1 to 9; Discrete 9 to 1 (i)
DILeaf degree of resistance to P. viticola or E. necatorDisease incidence (DI): visual count or classification of infected plants/organsNumber of counted units
DSLeaf degree of resistance to P. viticola or E. necatorDisease severity (DS): visual semi-quantitative estimation of the infectionDiscrete: 1 to 5 (Dalbó, 1998); 1 to 4 (Ramming et al., 2011; Karn et al., 2021); 0 to 5 (Riaz et al., 2011; Pap et al., 2016); 1 to 7 (Teh et al., 2017); 1 to 9 (Karn et al., 2021); 1 to 10 (Bhattarai et al., 2021)
NSLeaf degree of resistance to P. viticolaNecrosis severity/size (NS): visual semi-quantitative estimationDiscrete 9 to 1
AUDPCLeaf degree of resistance to P. viticola or E. necatorCalculation according to Jeger and Viljanen-Rollinson (2001)According to the scale of single time point assessment

Abbreviations: AUDPC, Area Under Disease Pressure Curve; i, inverted resistance scale; ID, identity; IPGRI, International Plant Genetic Resources Institute; OIV, Organisation Internationale de la Vigne et du Vin.