In the (A, B) Baseline SP and (C, D) Baseline SP 9–14 cohorts, (A, C) VCD hazard ratio by nAb contact site distance and (B, D) ratios (across Month 13 nAb titer levels) of VCD probability by nAb contact site distance.Estimated distance v-specific hazard ratio of VCD from Month 13 to Month 25 per log10 increase in Month 13 average nAb titer by treatment group, for the (A) Baseline SP and (C) Baseline SP 9–14 cohorts; Estimated ratios of the probability of distance v-specific VCD from Month 13 to Month 25, where the ratios are for individuals at median ages of the subcohort with 50th vs. 10th and with 90th vs. 50th percentiles of Month 13 average nAb titer, by treatment group, for the (B) Baseline SP and (D) Baseline SP 9–14 cohorts. The median age of the Baseline SP and of the Baseline SP 9–14 cohort was 9 and 12 years, respectively.