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Goodnight Tweetheart

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New York Times bestselling author Teresa Medeiros absolutely dazzles in this quick-witted, laugh-out-loud funny, and highly moving love story that will set readers' hearts atwitter.

Abigail Donovan has a lot of stuff she should be doing. Namely writing her next novel. A bestselling author who is still recovering from a near Pulitzer Prize win and the heady success that follows Oprah'stamp of approval, she is stuck at Chapter Five and losing confidence daily. But when her publicist signs her up for a Twitter account, she's intrigued. What's all the fuss?

Taken under the wing of one of her Twitter followers, "MarkBaynard", a quick witted, quick-typing professor on sabbatical, Abby finds it easy to put words out into the world 140 characters at a time. And once she gets a handle on tweets, retweets, direct messages, hashtags, and trends, she starts to feel unblocked in writing and in life. After all, why should she be spending hours in her apartment staring at her TweetDeck and fretting about her stalled career when Mark is out there traveling the world and living?

Or is he?

Told almost entirely in tweets and DMs, Goodnight Tweetheart is a truly modern take on a classic tale of love and loss, a Griffin and Sabine for the Twitter generation.

222 pages, Paperback

First published December 14, 2010

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About the author

Teresa Medeiros

50 books2,551 followers
New York Times bestseller Teresa Medeiros wrote her first novel at the age of twenty-one and has since gone on to win the hearts of both readers and critics. All of her books have been national bestsellers, featured on the New York Times, USA Today and Publishers Weekly bestseller lists. She currently has over 10 million books in print.

She is a seven-time Rita finalist, two-time PRISM winner, and two-time recipient of the Waldenbooks Award for bestselling fiction.

GOODNIGHT TWEETHEART was released in January 2011 and her latest historical THE PLEASURE OF YOUR KISS is coming from Pocket Books in December 2011. Teresa lives in Kentucky with her husband and her cats, Buffy the Mouse Slayer and Willow Tum-Tum.

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Profile Image for Vinaya.
185 reviews2,128 followers
May 23, 2011
I was feeling a little restless last night, so I decided I'd give Teresa Madeiros another chance. I'm not sure what made me pick up Goodnight Tweetheart, considering I absolutely HATED her other book, The Devil Wears Plaid. (You should totally go read that review, I think it's one of my best! )

Anyway, for whatever reason, I decided I'd give Goodnight Tweetheart a chance, and oh boy, was I blown away! One of the things I really regret is that I seem to have more or less lost my taste for romance. It takes a very, very awesome book to make me feel all gooey and happy, instead of homicidal. Goodnight Tweetheart was that book.

Abby Donovan is a one-hit wonder, an author who almost won the Pulitzer for her first book, but hasn't been able to produce anything since. At a point where her self esteem is hitting rock bottom, her agent tries to shore up her popularity by signing her up for a Twitter account. Almost immediately, she begins a Twitter friendship with a guy known as Mark Baynard. Mark tells her that he is an English Lit professor who's on sabbatical and travelling around Europe while trying to write the 'Mediocre American Novel'. Their relationship progresses from random Tweets to DMs (Direct Messaging, for the Tweet-tard) to online dates and eventually, a strange sort of loving intimacy.

This book was SO AWESOME. For one thing, both the main characters were funny and witty. When you have a book where the relationship develops entirely through the use of words, it's hard to use the standard romance formula of 'hot guy seduces secretly pretty girl with his hard abs and bulging er... masculinity and makes her fall in love with him, whereupon they live happily ever after'. This book follows none of those tropes. Not. One.

For a large part of the book, neither Abby nor Mark know exactly how the other person looks. Their interaction and developing intimacy come about almost entirely through their Twitter chats. This gives both the characters, and the reader, a chance to know more about the person inside, rather than focusing on the physical appearance and actions of the character. The Tweets are adorable, funny, filled with pop culture references (which may annoy some people, but I found it charming) and occasionally sexy. Being of a somewhat anal bent of mind, I often found myself doing a character count on their Tweets to check if they were 140 or less, but to my surprise, they always were! Phew, I do NOT envy the author that task, but I salute her for making it work.

I found myself laughing out loud at several instances, and I must admit, I've fallen a little bit in love with both Abby and Mark. The social networking angle of their relationship resonated particularly with me. I'm online practically 24/7. So much so that I sometimes wonder if I even have a life outside of the virtual. I know several people online that I've never met in real life, but whom I would count as friends anyway, because the internet is conducive to that sort of intimacy across borders. Everybody is aware of the dissociative nature of the internet, and its ability to successfully disguise predators, trolls and simple liars. But on the other hand, it has this amazing capacity to bring together and unite people who would have never been able to find each other otherwise. And reading this book gives you the warm buzz that the good side of the internet can induce in people like me.

In another twist from the regular romance HEAs, this book doesn't end on a hearts-and-flowers, all-ends-tied-in-a-bow note. In fact, it is so open-ended, it made me very, very indignant. I mean, I can cuddle the knowledge that this is a romance novel, and things will end up rainbows and sunshine forever for our couple, but if it ain't actually in the book, it didn't happen. And I wanted to dislike that, I really did, because what's the point of a romance that doesn't leave you heaving a happy sigh? But again, I couldn't. The ending was so cute and it made me a little misty and left me with a confused little ball of emotions, and I'm not used to being challenged by the ending of a romance novel, but it was an interesting experience, in a good way.

So. I think you should read it. Even if you aren't a regular romance reader, and especially if you think romances can't bring anything new to the genre, you MUST read it. It's a small, heart-warming book, and I absolutely loved it, and oh please, give it a chance because it totally deserves it.
Profile Image for Lisa.
2,099 reviews
August 15, 2011
Quick read + meet cute = romance for 21st Century. 3.5 stars. How's this for a review in less than 140 characters?!
Profile Image for ijul (yuliyono).
760 reviews961 followers
March 8, 2012
Hai, tweetheart, apa kabarmu hari ini?

Yono: Kau pakai baju apa?
Yuli: Sweater bernoda kopi dan syal Hermes Miranda Priestly di THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA. Kau?
Yono: Jaket kulit hitam mengilat dan topi kain Lyckety-Splyt di 8 MILE.
Yuli: Ahh, manis sekali. Seharusnya tambahkan gelang berduri di pergelanganmu dan tindikan peniti di telingamu.
Yono: Itu rocker, aku ini rapper. Jadi, apa kabar tulisanmu hari ini?
Yuli: Masih belum beranjak dari adegan bercinta di kolam renang yang kuceritakan terakhir kali kita nge-tweet
Yono: Oh, adegan panas itu. Apa kau perlu kipas?
Yuli: Tak perlu, adegan itu di kolam renang, pasti akan dingin sendiri.
Yono: Goodnight, Cinta
Yuli: Goodnight, Rangga
Yono: Goodnight, Mili
Yuli: Goodnight, Mamet
Yono: Goodnight, tweetheart...

Mencoba hal baru, that’s not my style. Ketika facebook baru saja muncul, saya itu belum lama punya akun friendster. Berhubung teman-teman saya banyak yang pindah ke facebook, maka saya pun ‘terpaksa’ ikut arus dan bergabung di situs jejaring sosial buatan Mark Zuckerberg tersebut. Saat itu, saya masih naif juga, mencoba mencari akun facebook artis Hollywood untuk bisa saya ajak friend, ternyata sulit sekali mencarinya. Lalu, saya meminta bantuan google, dan justru diteruskan ke alamat si artis di My Space dan Twitter. Setelah dilihat-lihat, cukup banyak artis yang join di Twitter dan setahu saya saat itu Twitter masih kalah pamor dibanding facebook di Indonesia. Saya membuat akun twitter hanya untuk mem-follow akun artis Hollywood favorit (pertama kali follow Britney Spears...;) tapi, belakangan saya ikut menikmati Twitter (bergantian dengan goodreads.com, tentu saja).

Membaca goodnight tweetheart sungguh menyenangkan. Kocak. Berkat kepiawaian Teresa menghadirkan dialog-dialog cerdas nan lucu (tak jarang menjurus vulgar) mau tak mau membuat saya tertawa. Hal lain yang memukau saya adalah bagaimana dalam novel yang tidak terlalu tebal ini, penulis mampu menciptakan karakter dengan sub-plot yang banyak tapi tetap hidup. Twist pada cerita dan ending yang manis menjadikan novel ini sungguh sayang jika dilewatkan.

Dan, tweet-versation mereka berdua benar-benar menggemaskan. Selalu diawali dengan pertanyaan, “Kau pakai baju apa?” dan kerap diakhiri dengan saling mengucapkan salam perpisahan dengan memanggil tokoh/karakter dalam film-film yang mereka tonton di mana Mark selalu menulis “Goodnight tweetheart” yang tak pernah dibalas oleh Abby karena speechless. Abby Donovan merupakan seorang penulis debutan yang karya perdananya terpilih dalam Oprah’s Book Club dan sedang menggarap novel kedua namun terkendala writer’s block sehingga ia berada pada titik kritis kehidupannya. Sementara Mark Baynard adalah seorang dosen sastra berstatus duda-anak-satu yang mengaku sedang cuti panjang dan berlibur ke beberapa negara di Eropa.

Tapi, semua akan menjadi datar dan biasa-biasa saja, jika hanya berisi tweet-versation biasa yang kadang diwarnai flirting-flirting seksi itu saja. Untunglah, Teresa tahu bahwa cerita ini harus dikemas dengan sub-plot yang mendukung. Di sekeliling Abby ada ibunya yang sedang dirawat di pusat rehabilitasi akibat penyakit disorder yang dideritanya, lalu ada Margo sang sahabat setia, serta konfliknya sendiri menyangkut stagnansi penulisan dan hubungannya dengan agen-publisisnya. Dikarenakan PoV yang digunakan penulis lebih menyorot Abby, maka Mark yang menjadi teman twitter Abby di seberang hanya dapat teraba karakternya melalui percakapan mereka. Menjelang ending, baru terlihat beberapa adegan yang melibatkan Mark dan keluarganya.

What can I say, novel ini produk impor, jadi ketika beberapa kata vulgar terselip di sana-sini, yah, mau bagaimana lagi. Saya tetap terganggu, namun menurut saya, siapa pun pembacanya pasti akan mudah terikat kepada ceritanya ketika membaca novel ini, karena akan sibuk mencoba menebak-nebak...uhmm, “Karakter di film apa sih yang sedang mereka bicarakan ini?” atau beberapa serial Amerika masa kini yang menjadi bahan pembicaraan mereka. Saya menikmatinya. Dan, 4 bintang saya berikan untuk novel ini. Semoga ada novel karya Teresa lain yang dapat diterjemahkan dan diterbitkan di Indonesia.

Selamat membaca kawan!
Profile Image for Reem .
273 reviews
March 3, 2024
Why is it, half the lady MCs in Chic- um.. Heterosexual Romances are:
1. Authors.
2. Own a cat or two.
3. Kind of stupid.

Anyway, it was a cute, fun and quick read.
Profile Image for Farah.
174 reviews35 followers
July 12, 2013

Aku selalu mengintip timelineku setiap pagi hanya untuk melihat apakah kamu meninggalkan pesan selamat tidur untukku di malam sebelumnya.

Kalau aku terlalu lama mengetik balasan untukmu, itu karena aku lagi-lagi sedang menghapus "aku kangen" di belakang "hai kamu lagi apa?".

Eh tunggu. Ucapan selamat tidurmu nomention-mu itu buatku atau bukan sih? Aduh jadi deg-degan sendiri.. #BergulingGuling #KeKananDanKekiri

Jadi kapan aku benar-benar bisa menyejajarkan id-mu dengan "goodnight, tweetheart" di dalam satu tweetku sendiri? :(

Mending mana? Aku mention kamu di timelineku, atau aku mention kamu di setiap doa-doaku? #eaeaea

Farah, single.
Seorang guru di sebuah sekolah di Bekasi. Tidak ada yang istimewa.
Perempuan biasa, dengan hari-hari normal yang biasa, bad hair day di hari lainnya, serta mood yang naik-turun disetiap bulannya -tergantung banyaknya persediaan cokelat dan eskrim di kulkas.

Abigail Donovan, single.
Penulis one hit wonder yang sedang berjuang untuk menelurkan satu buku lagi yang nampaknya susah minta ampun. Wajar sih, ekspektasi para pembacanya pasti sudah cukup tinggi sejak kemunculan bukunya di Oprah's book club.

Farah, mengenal twitter hanya untuk mengikuti perkembangan terbaru dunia maya jejaring sosial. Awalnya ngga terlalu tertarik, tapi lama-lama ngga bisa lepas. Sudah nge-tweet sejak 3 tahun lalu, dan jumlah tweetnya saat ini melebihi 40,000. Sempet diomelin sama kepala sekolah gara2 ngga bisa lepas dari blackberrynya sampai-sampai diberi gelar Anti-Social of the Year 2011.

Abby, twitter ID aja dibikinin sama agentnya. Dah mana ngga punya mobile device buat ngupdate tweet. Hih. Bukan Farah banget.

Farah, masih single. And not looking. Ngga ada yang bisa dijelasin panjang lebar disini.

Mark Baynard, single.
Tipikal pria yang biasa kalian temui di dunia maya. Ngga jujur mengenai identitas sendiri. Memberikan separuh informasi saja dan mengeliminasi yang penting-penting. Enak untuk diajak ngobrol. Cerdas. Lucu. Selalu ditunggu-tunggu. Dicari-cari kalau ngga muncul sehari.

Farah, dan Abby. Sama-sama bisa jatuh cinta sama pria yang belum dikenal dengan baik. Karena frekuensi percakapan yang intens di setiap hari. Isi-isi percakapan yang masih bisa bikin senyum-senyum simpul saat dibaca kembali. Rasa percaya bahwa dia yang di seberang sana mengatakan hal yang, kalau tidak bisa dibilang sepenuhnya jujur, minimal bukanlah kebohongan. Mengaburkan fakta itu biasa.
Farah, dan Abby. Sama-sama tak sepenuhnya bisa meraba batas-batas antara rasa nyaman, kepedulian, kemudian salah menerjemahkan semuanya yang bercampur baur menjadi satu sebagai.. cinta?

Oh tunggu. Abby mungkin saja menemukan cintanya di akhir cerita. Dia menemukan tweetheartnya.
Farah? Ah, sudah tidak usah ditanya xD

Tidak semua yang kamu baca di timeline mereka bisa dipercaya.
Itu aturan mainnya.

Dan mungkin semua link yang ada dibuku ini, kalau bisa dibuka oleh pembaca agar kami lebih menikmati dan menghayati keberadaan Abby dan Mark, akan sangat indah sekali.
Oh, terima kasih buat yang mengirimkan buku ini sebagai hadiah karena gue udah membantu memenangkan playlist Glee di SongPop. *cengengesan*

Ah. Good day, Twitterverse.
Profile Image for Uci .
608 reviews119 followers
April 14, 2012
Pertemuan romantis lewat internet sudah beberapa kali diangkat menjadi tema buku maupun film. Mulai dari zaman chatting, Facebook, dan sekarang Twitter. Salah satu favorit saya apa lagi kalau bukan You’ve Got Mail, yang diperankan Tom Hanks dan Meg Ryan.

Goodnight Tweetheart berangkat dari fenomena Twitter yang mewabah di mana-mana. Salah satu dialog dalam buku ini menggambarkannya dengan tepat : “Twitter itu pesta koktail tanpa henti di mana orang berbicara bersamaan tapi tidak ada yang mengatakan apa pun.”

Kisahnya sendiri tentang seorang penulis bernama Abby Donovan, yang setelah sukses dengan novel pertamanya, kini terpuruk dalam apa yang disebut sebagai writer’s block. Akibatnya, kontrak dengan penerbit besar terancam putus dan Abby bakal kehilangan semua kenyamanan yang dia dapat berkat kesuksesan bukunya, termasuk apartemen mewah berpemandangan Central Park dengan sewa 6500 dolar sebulan. Lalu Abby berkenalan dengan twitter, bertemu lelaki dengan id @MarkBaynard, dan menemukan kembali gairah hidup yang sempat padam. Hanya satu hal yang menjadi masalah, apakah Mark Baynard benar-benar nyata?

Kisah yang sederhana, dan bagusnya, dituturkan dengan tidak bertele-tele. Kekuatan novel ini tentu saja terletak pada dialog maya antara Abby dan Mark, yang dibatasi 140 karakter atau kurang. Mereka bersahut-sahutan dengan cerdas dan sangat ‘nyambung’ karena keduanya memiliki selera yang sama. Intinya memang itu. Semua orang mendambakan partner yang bisa diajak bicara tentang apa saja setiap hari, dengan selera humor yang tidak ‘jomplang’ dan selalu bisa mengucapkan kata-kata yang tepat di saat yang tepat. Di kota sibuk seperti New York, yang menjadi latar cerita, menurut saya itu adalah hal langka yang patut disyukuri. Konflik memang pasti ada, seperti yang dialami Abby dan Mark. Tapi apakah kau rela melepaskan ‘belahan jiwa’ seperti itu di saat kau telah menemukannya? Seperti ditegaskan dalam salah satu kutipan: ” Populasi kota ini yang besar dan bervariasi merupakan berkat sekaligus kutukan. Kemerdekaan anonimitas bisa sangat memabukkan, hingga saat kau menyadari dirimu dikelilingi jutaan manusia yang tak satu pun peduli apakah kau hidup atau mati.”

Serunya lagi, Abby dan Mark selalu mengakhiri percakapan dengan saling menyapa menggunakan nama-nama tokoh film populer. Banyak yang tidak saya kenal tentu saja, karena saya bukan pengamat tulen. Tapi bisa dibayangkan betapa senangnya jika bisa berbalas sapa seperti itu dan pasangan kita menjawab dengan tepat. Dalam versi saya sendiri, mungkin saya akan bilang begini:

Saya : Selamat malam, Galih.
Dia : Selamat malam, Ratna.

Atau di hari lain

Saya : Selamat malam, Ikal.
Dia : Selamat malam, Aling.


Saya : Selamat malam, Rasus.
Dia : Selamat malam, Srintil.

Dan yang paling ditunggu-tunggu serta paling sedap di telinga

Saya : Selamat malam, Rangga
Dia : Selamat malam, Cinta
Profile Image for Danielle (The Blonde Likes Books).
644 reviews410 followers
July 2, 2017
I feel like I'm in the minority here, because most of the reviews are 4 and 5 stars, however this one left something to be desired for me.

The concept of the book was really cute, and I love books told through twitter/IM formats, so I was excited about this one. The biggest problem I had with it was the insta-love! It was IMMEDIATE that these two characters started flirting without knowing anything about each other, and then just jumped right on into this twitter relationship, which felt weird to me. Some of the flirting was really heavy handed and blunt, and if some stranger were tweeting me the same things from the get go, I wouldn't have replied to them, because it's creepy.

Overall, this is a very straightfoward story about our two main characters developing feelings for each other, with one twist at the end and a very open ending. If you're looking for something light without much depth, this may be a good choice for you. I read it in about 2 hours.
Profile Image for Ronyell.
988 reviews331 followers
December 21, 2012

After some urging from my friends and seeing a brief look at this book from one of the last books I had read from Teresa Medeiros, I just had to check out Teresa Medeiros’ latest book “Goodnight Tweetheart” and I was amazed at the concept of this book! “Goodnight Tweetheart” is definitely a great book for romance novel fans of the “Twitter” generation!

Abigail Donovan is a struggling writer who is trying to finish her latest book, but she could never find the right things to say in her new novel! However, when her publicist decides to give Abigail her own Twitter account, Abigail is amused by this as she had never used Twitter before. Afterwards, however, as Abigail begins to get the hang of having a Twitter account, she meets a strange man online named Mark Baynard who claims that he is an English professor on sabbatical and it was then that she and Mark began twittering away with each other! However, when things get really personal between Mark and Abigail, Abigail will soon discover some secrets about Mark that might destroy her relationship with him forever!

Wow! I never would have thought that Teresa Medeiros would write a romance novel that deals with internet love! Teresa Medeiros has done a great job at writing this novel as it deals with the trials of internet love and also tries to set up a love story where Twitter is a huge central point of the plot! I really enjoyed the way that the writing is set up as a way you would chat with a person on Twitter and some of my favorite dialogues in this novel included:

“MarkBaynard: Why? Thanks to me, you’re up to 1075 Followers!

Abby_Donovan: Followers…stalkers…predators…it’s all semantics.

MarkBaynard: Only when it comes to getting the restraining orders.

Abby_Donovan: Do you know how many people I’ve had to Block in the past two days?

MarkBaynard: 452?

Abby_Donovan: I’ve gotten dozens of dirty tweets, 4 marriage proposals & an exorcism chant from a voodoo priest who wants to drive out my sexual demons.”

I also really loved the characters in this novel, especially Abigail Donovan and Mark Baynard! Abigail Donovan is a heroine that I truly can relate to as she is a struggling writer who is trying to finish her book except that her life has so many hardships including the death of her father and dealing with her mother’s mental illness. I like seeing how Abigail can get really witty and funny whenever she is typing to Mark since it shows how hilarious and clever she truly is. Now, Mark Baynard was a hero that I truly felt sympathy for by the end of the book (I will not tell you about Mark’s character at the end of this novel, but you will definitely sympathize with his character!)
and I loved the way that he chatted with Abigail as he is just as witty and hilarious as Abigail is and I found them to be a really cute couple! I also loved the dialogues being shared between Abigail and Mark as they make some fun of the events going on currently in the world such as discussing about singers like Britney Spears and the Kardashians.

The reason why I gave this book a four star rating is because even though I thought it was really creative seeing this book being written in Twitter format, I am one of those readers who enjoy romance novels where characters are actually having a “physical” relationship with each other, rather than having a romance on the internet. I guess I am not used to “internet love” type of books since I have been reading romance novels where characters are physically seeing each other for many years and this is a new subject for me to take in a romance novel. Also, the book was a bit too short since I felt that the ending of this novel was a bit abrupt and I wanted to see more from Abigail and Mark.

Overall, “Goodnight Tweetheart” is a great romance novel for the current generation and anyone who loves Twitter and romance novels will definitely get into this book!

I like to thank my Goodreads friend Autumn for recommending me this book!

Review is also on: Rabbit Ears Book Blog
Profile Image for Carol Cork *Young at Heart Oldie*.
429 reviews225 followers
July 16, 2011
I was rather apprehensive when one of my favourite historical romance authors, Teresa Medeiros, announced that she was writing a contemporary novel, GOODNIGHT TWEETHEART, and not only that, but the hero and heroine communicate with each other entirely through Twitter. But to my surprise, I discovered a heart-warming romance tinged with a little sadness; an absolute gem!

Four years ago, Abby Donovan was riding high, the author of a best-selling first novel which had come close to winning the Pulitzer Prize. Now writing her second novel, she can't seem to get past Chapter 5. Her confidence slowly ebbing away, the last thing she wants is for her publicist to sign her up for a Twitter account in the hope of raising Abby's public profile.

Curiosity prompts her to type her first tweets and she quickly receives a response from one Mark Baynard, an English Literature professor on sabbatical leave and traveling around Europe. She's quickly drawn into a quick fire exchange with Mark with whom she feels very much at ease. Her life takes on new meaning and soon they are flirting and sharing cyberspace dates. Abby is ready to move on to the next stage of their relationship, meeting Mark in person. But what will her reaction be when Mark is forced to reveal the truth about himself?

I must confess that I have never used Twitter in my life and so I was a bit worried that my lack of knowledge might spoil my enjoyment of the book. No problem because, like Abby, I learnt all I needed to know about Twitter from Mark's tweets!

The tweeting seems so spontaneous and Ms Medeiros does an amazing job of bringing Abby and Mark to life through their exchanges. I never would have believed that a cyberspace date could feel so romantic! I love all the references to classic TV series, movies and books and, in particular, the way they start each session with Mark asking, What are you wearing? One of my favourite replies is:

Abby_Donovan: Coffee-stained sweats and the hat Audrey Hepburn wore to the races in MY FAIR LADY. You?
MarkBaynard: Cary Grant's tuxedo from INDISCREET and the rubber Ronald Reagan mask Patrick Swayze wore in POINT BLANK.

It‘s a lovely touch as well when Mark always says Goodnight Tweetheart at the end of each session.

I also adore Abby's friend, Margo, who's glamorous but down to earth and witty. She has some really funny lines and this is one of my favorites:

Abbey frowned. "Is it possible to have sex in a hundred and forty characters or less?"
Margo rolled her eyes. "If you'd dated some of the men I have, you'd know it's possible to have sex in one hundred forty seconds or less."

Refreshingly different, GOODNIGHT TWEETHEART is a charming, tender and funny story, which proves that love will always find a way.


This book was originally reviewed for The Romance Reviews
Profile Image for Joy.
890 reviews120 followers
August 29, 2017
As a avid, regular Twitter user myself, I figured this novel would be right up my street and it was! It's a clever premise - 2 people meet on Twitter, one is an author trying to write her second book after having had a successful first one. I don't want to give anything away so I'll just say, if you like love stories, this is a great one! It's well written, occasionally very funny and sometimes heartbreaking. I really liked it and recommend it highly!
Profile Image for Larnacouer  de SH.
807 reviews185 followers
June 1, 2017
LOTR'den Lost'a, TBBT'den Veronica Mars'a bilimum dizi/film ve kitaba atıfta bulunan haliyle okuması çok keyifli, çok sevimli bir kitaptı.

Bay Rochester ve Samwise Gamgee'nin kıymetini bilen bir karakter düşünün yahu! Yalan yok, ben fangirl; sırf bu yüzden +1.
Profile Image for Gökçe.
Author 4 books74 followers
June 1, 2016
Kendi standartlarıma göre 2.5/5 ama Goodreads standartlarına göre "it was ok"

Yine çok karışık fikirler içindeyim. Adı çok tatlı bir kitaptı, gülmeyi bekledim ama öyle olmadı. Tıpkı Twitter gibi ruhsuz bir şeydi. Yani karakterler yazışıyor ama size mimikleri dahi anlatılmıyor. Hissedemiyorsunuz. Arka plan net değil.

Bir de acayip popüler kültür göndermesi var. Önce acaba daha çok çeviri notu olsa mıydı, dedim ama çeviri notunu nereye koyacaksınız bir sayfada on yere de koyulmaz ki. Bazı filmlerin Türkçe isimlerini bilmiyordum ben, anlamadım. Hele o İyi Geceler konuşmalarındaki isimleri hiç çözemedim. Bir sürü atıf vardı. Mark'ın sırrını öğrenince inanılmaz sinirlendim! Ayıp ettin Mark. Başkalarının seçim şanslarını ellerinden alan insanları sevmiyorum.

Çevirisi de redaksiyonu da çok güzeldi, sıkıntısızdı.
Profile Image for Lyuda.
538 reviews170 followers
March 1, 2016
4.5 stars.
March 1, 2016 Update:
Teresa Medeiros posted an epilogue to Goodnight Tweetheart on her website. it provided a closure for me.

March 14, 2014:

The book had such a unique concept- 75% of it was Twitter feed between two lonely people reaching crossroads of their lives. It worked beautifully. The conversations are out loud funny, poignant and moving. It all started when the heroine’s agent in order to revive her client’s flagging writing carrier asked her to create a Twitter account to reach more audience. The hero was one of the first respondents to her tweet. The only thing that made me not to give the book 5 stars is the ending. I wish it was not that ambiguous…
Profile Image for Arna.
161 reviews293 followers
May 21, 2020
This story is told in mostly tweets and Direct messages as Abby, a writer who joins Twitter after a push from her publicist stumbled across Mark who offers to take Abby under his wing and show Abby the world of Twitter their friendship quickly blossoms into something more.

I did find it weird that these two starting flirting instantly with the first message being ‘flirty’ I think most would find it creepy? I know I certainly would of!

This book did take an expected turn, which being a thriller lover I really enjoyed and it had me more invested in the outcome of this love story.

Overall, this is a quick, quirky read. If you’re looking for something light this may be for you!
Profile Image for Mafi.
1,150 reviews232 followers
February 28, 2017
Um livro que peca pela sua estrutura ser quase toda feita em tweets e não deixar muita margem para o desenvolvimento do próprio enredo. Ainda assim consegue tocar em assuntos pertinentes como o poder das redes sociais hoje em dia seja para qual for esse fim.


Começando pelo que gostei...bem, gostei de se centrar no Twitter pois é uma rede social que gosto bastante e acho que é bastante actual, apesar de ter as suas limitações. Gostei do facto de ser um livro que se centra em outro livro, neste caso naquele que a Abby escreve.
Os problemas que tive com o livro foram mais que os pontos positivos. Esperava mais desenvolvimento do livro que a Abby anda a escrever mas quase ficamos sem saber nada, apenas sabemos que ela vai escrevendo x capítulos de vez em quando e é só. Até acho que teria sido giro se houvesse umas partes mesmo do livro, ou pelo menos do capítulo 5 que é aquele em que a Abby encontra-se empancada quando começa o livro. Daria uma profundida maior à personagem, pois a sua vertente como escritora é muito superficial no livro.

Profile Image for Amy Sheridan.
51 reviews10 followers
April 20, 2011
My actual rating would be 2.5 stars, but I'm nice and rounding up.

you know that friend who's in luuuuuuurrrrvvvveee after meeting a guy once? The friend who comes up with elaborate fantasies of dates with some guy she barely knows? That's this book. It seemed like there wasn't sufficient character development for me to have a reason to like any of the characters. Or maybe I'm just one of those girls whose gag reflex is activated by words like "tweetheart" and the idea of a twitter date - I mean, really? Their whole relationship is played out via Twitter? It doesn't occur to anyone to take it to email or IM? Also, how did they even get hooked up on Twitter to begin with? How would he have seen her tweets if he wasn't following her (and he wouldn't have been following her since he didn't know who she was)?

I will say that Mark's revelation was definitely unexpected, and the writing was good, it just left some to be desired.

If you're looking for a fluffy, light read, or if you're a fan of Katherine Heigl movies, this could be the book for you.
Profile Image for extraordinary ordinary whimsy.
140 reviews135 followers
October 3, 2014
I call this book the slump slayer. It's wickedly funny, light, and fast-paced. Don't do Twitter? Don't worry, neither do I. Because honestly you don't have to be a fan of Twitter to enjoy the delicious banter, flirtation, and dialogue full of pop culture references.
Profile Image for Min Li Li.
422 reviews37 followers
August 15, 2016
Eksik bulduğum iki nokta dışında çok çok çok beğendiğim bir kitp oldu benim için.
Gece başladım kitaba,uykum gelene kadar okudum,sonra sabahın altısında kaldığım yerden devam ettim okumaya. :D

Eksik bulduğum yerleri yazmayacağım spoiler olmasın diye.Konusu ilgimi çekti önce.Kitap okuyan herkesin çeker sanırım.İlk kitabını yayınlayıp Pulitzer ödülü aldıktan sonra yazamama senddromuna giren Abigail o sıralar temcilsinin ona açtığı twitterda biriyle tanışır.Eh bu kişi kim mi? Tabi ki Mark. <3

İkilinin diyalogları o kadar eğlenceli ki! Bazı yerlerde okumayı bırakıpp rahatça güldüm,sonra tekrar okumaya başladım.

İkilinin vedalaştığı sahnelerde popüler kültürde karşımıza çıkabilecek karakterler ile vedalaşması ve her zaman Mark'ın tweetaşkım diye noktayı koyması çok güzeldi. :D

Sona doğru bir hüzünlendirdi,gözlerim doldu ama sonu istediğim gibi bitti.Tabi bir sonsöz falan görsek daha güzel olurdu. :D

Kitap 232 sayfa ama rahat bir 300 sayfa olsa sanırım,eksik bulduğum yerlerde tamamlanmış olurdu.Yine de eksik puan vermeyeceğim zira okurken beni hem güldürüp hem duygulandırdığı için gayet iyi bir kitap bence.

Bu arada yazarın kurgu ve tarzını historical romanslarından daha çok sevdim sanırım. :D

Profile Image for ~Megan~.
525 reviews73 followers
November 16, 2012
This was a five star read until the very end! I laughed out loud reading this book....I also cried reading this book. For that alone, it would be worth five stars. I just.....wanted more of a resolution at the end. It disappointed me so greatly that I was thinking about it for hours.

Just FYI, here's how the story ends for me: Mark fully recovers. He and Abby gain full custody of his son from the ex. They live happily ever after.

I always feel so torn with books like this that have ambiguous endings. Sometimes it's okay with me, but with this book I was just fully emotionally invested and I craved a happier ending. Even a two paragraph epilogue would have satisfied me.

ETA: Just read the bonus epilogue to this book on Medeiros' site, and *sigh*, it is just what the book needed! I think it raised the read to a 5 star for me....just reading that short epilogue had me tearing up and took me right back into what I loved so much about the book. The humor, the pop culture references, and the sweet/cute factor that was just off the charts. I highly recommend you read this book WITH the epilogue.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Megan.
1,420 reviews53 followers
July 3, 2017
4 ½ stars. Wow! What a great story! Teresa Medeiros always produces the very best books, and this shorter book is no exception. I didn’t even know if I was going to “get it” because I have no idea about Twitter. I don’t tweet, so didn’t know anything about it, but not to worry, if you don’t either you won’t be lost in this book. This truly is “A Love Story in 140 Characters or Less.” Sort of a Sleepless in Seattle meets Twitter, except based in reality. Can Abigail Donovan (a struggling, but once famous writer) and Mark Baynard (a college English Lit Professor on sabbatical) find love via Twitter? They are going to try… but how much they tweet is actually true? I love this book and I hope you will too!!
Profile Image for Tuba Özkat.
Author 63 books183 followers
August 1, 2014
MESAJINIZ VAR filminin modernize edilmiş kitabı!

Çok, çok, çok güzel bir kitaptı! Gerçekten çok severek, eğlenerek okudum. Tabii birkaç sır, merak unsuru ve konu da var! Format olarak farklı bir kitap... Ve kesinlikle popüler kültürü yüksek olanların bayılarak okuyacağı bir kitap. Filmlere, dizilere, müziklere, kitaplara, kurgu karakterlerine göndermelerle dolu :)
Profile Image for Georgie-who-is-Sarah-Drew.
1,262 reviews143 followers
April 18, 2017
3.5 stars rounded up

A sweet/bittersweet, funny story, told very straightforwardly. No sub-plots, no faffing around - just two MCs falling in love in spite of...well, read the book & find out. Works really well.
Profile Image for SheLove2Read.
2,983 reviews194 followers
July 13, 2011
Not a single thing about this book I didn't absolutely adore. It made me laugh, cry and do both at the same time! Definitely going on both the keeper shelf and the 2011 best reads. 5 stars!
Profile Image for Angela.
631 reviews61 followers
March 15, 2022
"may hope never die, not even when we do."

i really like this book. a lot.
and that's what i've got to say about that.
Profile Image for Danielle.
1,339 reviews49 followers
January 16, 2011
Abigail Donovan is an Author who is down on her luck. It has been a while since her first novel was chosen as one of Oprah’s book picks. Now, Abigail can't get anyone to come to her book signings. Instead she is asked to dress up in bunny costume and reading another author’s book to children.

If Abigail can't finish her next book she will be out of a job. Now here is where it begins. Abigail’s agent signed her up for a Twitter account. She knows nothing about twitter but is still willing to give it a shot. While jumping on Twitter for the first time is where she meets Mark Baynard. Mark is a total pro on Twitter. Since Abigail needs a crash course Mark will show her the ropes. Soon Abigail and Mark are carrying on conversations that are absolutely hilarious.

This is the first book I have read by Teresa Medeiros and I loved it! I loved the fact it had to deal with Twitter. *grins* Goodnight Tweetheart will captivate you. It's not only funny and romantic, but emotional at parts. I cried. Although there is break your heart crying and happy crying don't let that put you off. It is an excellent read. I can't say enough how much I loved this book. It touched my heart and made love the characters.

You will get a complete surprise. As they are tweeting you kinda get the feeling that something is going on but you will love it because it is all apart of the mystery in there conversations. I really felt a connection to Abigail and Mark. Both were actually very appealing. I was totally rooting for them to meet and get together. Mark was a sweetheart himself. The connection they shared was genuine. The ending was great. I would recommend this book. Now that I have been introduced to this talented author, I am looking forward to reading more books she has written and the ones she will continue to write.Goodnight Tweetheart is a must read!
Profile Image for Greta is Erikasbuddy.
852 reviews27 followers
February 14, 2011
So sweet, So ewwy gooey, So rich.... Must... go... to... dentist.... to get teeth filled from cavities.


This book could be a Lifetime movie... or it could even be a big screen movie. It was definitely a RomCom and while there's nothing wrong with that I have to admit that I probably wouldn't sit through it. (only because I'm me -- but I'm sure my mom would love it)

Struggling to complete her 2nd novel Abby Donovan has a twitter account created for her by her publicist in order to snag more readers and let her fans know she's still around.

After getting on twitter and trying it out she meets Mark, an English Lit professor on sabbatical.

This book is a relationship through tweets.

I found this almost as a beginners manuel for Twitter, felt the characters should have been older than their late 20s to early 30s, and had a hard time believing that a dude would call his Blackberry his Crackberry (even though my husband reassured me that men do say that... maybe I don't get out enough lolz)

It's a cute book and I liked how short it was but it just wasn't for me. I would however recommend it to my Mom, Grandma, and anyone out there that liked the movie "Sleepless in Seattle" or "You got Mail".

I probably would have liked it better if this book was more like "The Lakehouse" and the tweets were going back in time to a Beefy Highlander ;) But that's just me ;P
Profile Image for Autumn  .
218 reviews60 followers
December 18, 2010
i have just finished the book so the emotions are still pretty raw about it. This book its the sort of book that can leave room for many different opinions. the story of Abby and Mark in a mix sort of "U`ve got mail and Nickolas sparks" In a very witty/comic/sarcastic. way .. i just loved the book.. and the many emotions it evoked from me. it could be interpreted as light chick-lit read, but the plot is pretty strong what they are up against.

i guess what made the book for me was the light/funny tone that underlined the real plot .

its hard to talk about the specifics of the book because that would be giving spoilers. but it definitely leaves u hanging till the last page.

my only issue was how short the book was.. the ending could have been longer... but it was a "food for thought" ending none the less.

Profile Image for Mlle Pointillés.
455 reviews42 followers
February 3, 2013

Une romance contemporaine s'inscrivant dans cadre plutôt original et bourrée de tweets drôles et sarcastiques!!
Il y a un demi million de références aussi diverses que variées (et pour être honnête, je ne pense pas en avoir saisi plus de la moitié! ^^)

J'ai passé un agréable moment car c'est rythmé, souvent marrant et parfois émouvant.
Ça n'est pas un coup de cœur mais c'est sympa à lire et ça ne ressemble à rien que j'ai déjà lu!

Abby_Donovan: Tu pensais que ta femme était ton âme soeur quand vous vous êtes mariés?
MarkBaynard: J'avais 22 ans. Je croyais aux arcs-en-ciel, aux fées et aux licornes. Et je croyais encore que Ricky Martin était hétéro!
Profile Image for Linda .
1,888 reviews310 followers
March 30, 2014
A lighthearted yet bittersweet story of two people who 'meet' when they find themselves tweeting each other.

I enjoyed the funny banter. I found myself smiling while reading Mark and Abby's dialog. I sensed the ending long before it happened just because........it fit the storyline. ;-/

Thanks, Lyuda, for recommending this unusual romance!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 700 reviews

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