This paper presents the optimization of machining parameters in end milling processes by integrating the genetic algorithm (GA) with the statistical
A study of control parameters affecting online performance of genetic algorithms for function optimization. Authors: J. David Schaffer. J. David Schaffer. View ...
A Study of Control Parameters Affecting Online Performance of Genetic Algorithms for Function Optimization. Authors: J. David Schaffer, Rich Caruana, Larry J ...
This work is interested in exploring how an RNN based on Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) units behaves in a classification problem when the dataset of ...
ICGA'89/Control Parameters Affecting Online Performance of Genetic Algorithms y functions by representing all search space parameters using the Gray code.
This paper offers a detailed comparative study of the main representational modes and conventions employed in ancient Egyptian and Aegean art, the former of ...
This work studies the problem of how changes in four GA parameters (population size, number of generations, crossover and mutation probabilities) affect GA ...
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Caruana, Larry J. Eshelman, and Rajarshi Das, (1989) A study of control parameters affecting online performance of genetic algorithms for function optimization.
This paper presents an effective approach for optimization of control parameters which is based on a meta-GA combined with an adaptation strategy to improve the ...
The paper describes how to encode the relevant information about GAs in gene strings and analyzes the impact of the individual genes on the results produced.