Naor, Pinkas, and Sumner introduced and implemented a sealed-bid, two-server auction system that is perhaps the most efficient and practical to date.
In their system, bidders submit encrypted bids to a front-end server known as an auctioneer. With the involvement of a second, back-end server known as an ...
Abstract. Naor, Pinkas, and Sumner introduced and implemented a sealed-bid, two-server auction system that is perhaps the most ecien t and practical to date.
Naor, Pinkas, and Sumner introduced and implemented a sealed-bid, two-server auction system that is perhaps the most efficient and practical to date.
In their system, bidders submit encrypted bids to a front-end server known as an auctioneer. With the involvement of a second, back-end server known as an ...
Abstract. Naor, Pinkas, and Sumner introduced and implemented a sealed-bid, two-server auction system that is perhaps the most efficient.
We propose an efficient and secure sealed-bid auction protocol with two servers, a third party A and a seller S. A server A is not a trusted third party, but is ...
People also ask
What is a second price sealed-bid auction?
Which step in two-step sealed bidding requires the submission of sealed bids?
What is the difference between a sealed bid and an auction?
Who bids the in a standard sealed-bid auction?
Ari Juels, Michael Szydlo: A Two-Server, Sealed-Bid Auction Protocol. Financial Cryptography 2002: 72-86. a service of Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz Center for ...
In privacy-preserving auction protocols, also known as sealed-bid auctions, the bidders seal their bids using cryptographic technique. After the execution of ...
We propose an anonymous sealed-bid auction protocol based on C. Cachin's two server sealed-bid auction scheme (1999) by applying the idea from K. Omote and ...