A Monte Carlo approximation algorithm for the Tukey depth problem in high dimensions is introduced. The algorithm is a generalization of an algorithm ...
Feb 29, 2012 · Introduction. Tukey depth is also known as location depth or halfspace depth. Given a finite set S of n points and a point p in Rd, ...
A general framework of influence-driven polished subspace depth, which emphasizes the importance of the underlying influence space and discrepancy measure, ...
A Monte Carlo approximation algorithm for the Tukey depth problem in high dimensions is introduced. The algorithm is a generalization of an algorithm ...
Absolute approximation of Tukey depth: Theory and experiments. Dan Chen. A Monte Carlo approximation algorithm for the Tukey depth problem in moderate ...
Absolute Approximation of Tukey Depth: Theory and Experiments. A Monte Carlo approximation algorithm for the Tukey depth problem in high dimensions is ...
Oct 20, 2023 · Absolute approximation of Tukey depth: Theory and experiments. Computational Geometry, 46(5):566–573,. 2013. [10] Mengjie Chen, Chao Gao, and ...
May 7, 2020 · Tukey depth is also known as location depth or halfspace depth. The Tukey depth is a measure of the depth of a point in a fixed set of points.
Oct 10, 2022 · Absolute approximation of tukey depth: Theory and experiments. Computational Geometry, 46(5):566 – 573. Chen, Y.-C. and Bansal, M. (2018) ...
For computing the exact value of the halfspace depth of a point wrt a data cloud of points in arbitrary dimension, a theoretical framework is suggested.