Second, computational models of early word learning have demonstrated that algorithms built to detect statistical regularities from learning environments.
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As many have noted however, statistical learning is constrained by processes such as attention and memory. In the current study, we observed, through toddler- ...
In this review we discuss both auditory and visual statistical learning to elucidate both the generality of and constraints on statistical learning. The review ...
We focus here on the use of statistical regularities to learn the meanings of concrete nouns (known as cross-situational word learning; Pinker, 1989; Siskind, ...
This paper argues that statistical and social cues can be seamlessly integrated to facilitate early word learning.
(1) Attention that is manipulated by overt instruction to adults serves as a powerful “filter” on what information is analyzed in a statistical learning task.
Two additional studies revealed that infant statistical learning is constrained by developing attention and mem- ory processes. Smith and Yu [29] disrupted word ...
In learning the meanings of words, children are guided by a set of constraints that give privilege to some potential meanings over others.
This model learns word meanings as probabilistic associations between words and semantic features, using an incremental and probabilistic learning mechanism, ...
Infants as young as 14 months can track cross-situational statistics between sets of words and objects to acquire word–referent mappings.