Disjunctive logic programming under the stable model semantics [GL91] is a new answer set programming (ASP) methodology for solving combinatorial search.
Experimental analyses demonstrate that the approach is computationally promising and may advance applications of disjunctive logic programming. Comments. 19th ...
Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Cmodels for Tight Disjunctive Logic Programs" by Yuliya Lierler.
Cmodels is a system that computes answer sets for either disjunctive logic programs or logic programs containing choice rules.
Lierler. Cmodels for tight disjunctive logic programs. In 19th Workshop on (Con- straint) Logic Programming W(C)LP, 2005.
CMODELS on disjunctive programs takes an advantage of a smaller ground program by producing fewer clauses and performing the search faster.
Disjunctive logic programming under the stable model semantics [GL91] is a new methodology called answer set programming (ASP) for solving combinatorial ...
The original definition of stable model, applicable to programs with atomic heads, was soon extended to handle programs with disjunctive heads [Przymusinski, ...
In this paper we investigate a novel technique to couple two main modules usually employed for the implementation of a DLP system more tightly: a model gener-.
Oct 6, 2015 · Given a disjunctive program Π , the answer set solver cmodels starts its com- putation by computing a CNF formula gC(Π ) that corresponds to the ...