Abstract—We consider strategies for the lossy transmission of a zero mean Gaussian source over a 2×2 MIMO channel with Rayleigh fading.
The results show that the spatial multiplexing strategy is able to achieve the lowest distortion, and also that it is possible, with the Alamouti strategy, ...
The first strategy uses repetition coding, where the same symbol is duplicated over the two transmit antennas in two consecutive time slots. The second strategy ...
Dec 3, 2009 · The first strategy uses repetition coding, where the same symbol is duplicated over the two transmit antennas in two consecutive time slots. The ...
Abstract: We consider strategies for the lossy transmission of a zero mean Gaussian source over a 2times2 MIMO channel with Rayleigh fading.
The first strategy uses repetition coding, where the same symbol is duplicated over the two transmit antennas in two consecutive time slots. The second strategy ...
We consider strategies for the lossy transmission of a zero mean Gaussian source over a 2×2 MIMO channel with Rayleigh fading. The source is represented ...
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The first strategy employs repetition coding over the two transmit antennas for the transmission of a single description representation of the source. The ...
We consider strategies for the lossy transmission of a zero mean Gaussian source over multiple channels. In one strategy, we employ single description ...
By using multiple smart antennas, MIMO resolves information from multiple signals using spatially separated receive antennas. MIMO also spatially resolves ...