The union of all full-dimensional colorful simplices spanned by a colored point set is called the colorful union. We show that for every d ∈ N , the maximum ...
The union of all full-dimensional colorful simplices spanned by a colored point set is called the colorful union. We show that for every d ∈ ℕ, the maximum ...
Abstract. A simplex spanned by a colored point set in Euclidean d-space is col- orful if all vertices have distinct colors. The union of all ...
Dec 18, 2010 · The union of all full-dimensional colorful simplices spanned by a colored point set is called the colorful union. We show that for every d ∈ N, ...
A simplex spanned by a colored point set in Euclidean d-space is colorful if all vertices have distinct colors. The union of all full-dimensional colorful ...
Jan 7, 2015 · In other words, the geometric join X[m] is the union of all colorful simplices spanned by X1 ∪···∪Xm . Let us start by pointing out some simple ...
The union of colorful simplices spanned by a colored point set. André Schulz and Csaba D. Tóth. 1 Jul 2013 | Computational Geometry, Vol. 46, No. 5. The Union ...
A geometric join is the union of all colorful simplices spanned by a colored point set in the d-dimensional space. For a given dimension, how many colors are ...
The union of all full-dimensional colorful simplices spanned by a colored point set is called the colorful union. ... colorful union is the union of d + 1 star- ...
Abstract. The colorful Carathéodory theorem asserts that if X1,X2,...,Xd+1 are sets in Rd, each containing the origin 0 in its convex hull, then exists.