
Wikipedia:Help for Non-Japanese Speakers

これはこのページの過去の版です。Freetrashbox (会話 | 投稿記録) による 2009年9月6日 (日) 12:29個人設定で未設定ならUTC)時点の版 (Translation request: パシフィック・アイランド・アビエーション: できました)であり、現在の版とは大きく異なる場合があります。

This is a page for non-Japanese speakers to discuss anything related to the JAPANESE Wikipedia.
You can also request assistance for your works on the Japanese Wikipedia.

Before you post your comment or question . . .

  1. Please check the Frequently Asked Questions and the archive of past discussions.
  2. Messages can be given in any languages including Japanese, although relatively few contributors to Japanese Wikipedia are fluent in languages other than Japanese and English.
  3. Brief and precise messages are encouraged.
  4. Please do not copy and paste text, even from other Wikimedia projects. Place a link to the text instead.
  5. Please do not post any personal information, such as your email address.
  6. The following pages may also be helpful:
  7. You can post username change and usurpation requests at Special:GlobalRenameRequest.
  8. For translation requests, please provide the link to the article you want to translate, article name in Japanese, a summary of the article, and your reason for the request.
  9. When the discussion of a section has ended, please feel free to add {{Section resolved|1=~~~~}} to the section. A bot will automatically archive the section after 7 days. If you would like to add a reply to a resolved section, please feel free to remove the section resolved template.


利用者:Saudijp会話 / 投稿記録 / 記録 さんという方がいまして、機械翻訳でサウジアラビアに関する記事を立ててしまうために削除依頼 Wikipedia:削除依頼/キングファハド国際総合競技場Wikipedia:削除依頼/カティフ(この記事は前身の可変IPによるもの)で次々と対応されてしまっています。で、その方が IP IP:会話 / 投稿記録 / 記録 / Whois で以前投稿していたときに注意を受けたコメントに対し、アラビア語でこのように[1] おっしゃっているのですが、どなたかアラビア語の意味がわかってコミュニケートが取れるかたはおいでになりませんでしょうか。--Su-no-G 2009年3月11日 (水) 07:21 (UTC)[返信]

コメント よく分かりませんが、何だかお怒りのようですね。子供でしょうか?単に機械翻訳をやめてもらうよう言うだけじゃなく、Wikipedia:翻訳依頼へ誘導したほうがいいのかもしれませんね。(ついでに「翻訳依頼」にfor Non-Japanese Speakersの節があってもいいのかも。)関係が薄い話ですいません。--Freetrashbox 2009年3月11日 (水) 09:10 (UTC)[返信]
「翻訳依頼を出すことができるのは、編集回数50回以上のログイン・ユーザのみです」ということなので、Wikipedia:翻訳依頼への誘導は、現状のままでは難しいようですね。(私自身、以前に外国の方を翻訳依頼に誘導したら、他の方から上記の規定を指摘され、結局翻訳依頼ができなかったという大失敗の経験があります。)--Dwy 2009年3月11日 (水) 10:58 (UTC)[返信]
ここで話すことじゃないけど、非日本語話者に限り編集回数無しでもOKと提案してみようかな。削除依頼で時間を使うより、誰かが冒頭部だけでも翻訳した方が、いろんな意味でムダが無い気がする。とりあえずカティフを訳してみました。--Freetrashbox 2009年3月11日 (水) 11:04 (UTC)[返信]
翻訳ありがとうございます。これで Saudijp さんの行動の流れが変わったらいいのですが。翻訳依頼、外国の方を案内できるようにするのは実際的かもしれませんね。翻訳するボランティアの手間は増えますけれど、削除依頼や可変IPでトラブルが起こるよりは上策か。--Su-no-G 2009年3月11日 (水) 11:21 (UTC)[返信]

コメント 残念ながら、同様の事態が再発してしまったようです。サッカー関連が多いので、私も翻訳のお手伝いをしたいと思います。なかなかアラビア語を使える方がいらっしゃらないのが悩みどころですが…。--Ziman-JAPAN 2009年4月21日 (火) 05:28 (UTC)追記:Kotoitoさんのページにアラビア語のバベルがあったので、応援をお願いしました。--Ziman-JAPAN 2009年4月21日 (火) 05:51 (UTC)[返信]

報告 本日利用者:Nipponsaudia会話 / 投稿記録 / 記録というアカウントが始動しましたが、これは利用者:Saudijp会話 / 投稿記録 / 記録氏と同一人物とみてよろしいでょうか?--103momo 2009年4月30日 (木) 08:56 (UTC)[返信]
コメント Saudijpさんは4月27日から投稿ブロック中ですので、Wikipedia:管理者伝言板/投稿ブロックに報告しました。さて、ここまでの事態になってしまい、ここで議論するのは不適切に思われるため、この節をWikipedia:コメント依頼/Saudijpに転記し、しかるべき形の議論を続けることを提案いたします。いかがでしょうか?--Ziman-JAPAN 2009年4月30日 (木) 09:26 (UTC)[返信]
報告 賛成 利用者:Nipponsaudia会話 / 投稿記録 / 記録氏は竹麦魚氏により本日より1週間ブロックを受けております[2]。なお、Ziman-JAPANさんが仰る本件のコメント依頼移行の件については賛成いたします。--103momo 2009年4月30日 (木) 09:38 (UTC)[返信]
お任せします。もともとこちらへは Ar でのコミュニケートをお願いできるユーザーさんを探しにきたものですので、Saudijp さんの問題をまとめるのでしたら別ページがよいと思います。--Su-no-G 2009年4月30日 (木) 10:15 (UTC)[返信]

コメント さっそくですが、この節をサブページに分割してHelp for Non-Japanese Speakersに埋め込む形にしたうえ、コメント依頼にも埋めることで話の流れを追いやすいようにいたします。--Ziman-JAPAN 2009年4月30日 (木) 10:24 (UTC)[返信]

ここはHelp for Non-Japanese Speakersなので、アラビア語が使えるかたがいないか英語で呼びかけてみてはどうでしょうか。というわけで、

Could anyone communicate in Arabic? Pages User:Saudijp (talk / contribs / logs) created were deleted because he/she used machine translation and in Japanese Wikipedia (JAWP) text by machine translation is deleted. User:Saudijp is blocked until 02:50, 4 May (UTC) and his/her sockpuppet User:Nipponsaudia (talk / contribs / logs) is blocked until 09:18, 7 May (UTC).--Widehawk 2009年5月1日 (金) 16:04 (UTC)[返信]

Wikipedia‐ノート:翻訳依頼#翻訳依頼を出せるユーザーの条件の変更に翻訳依頼を出せるユーザーの条件の変更を提案しました。--Widehawk 2009年5月12日 (火) 22:25 (UTC)[返信]

Truce term

Hi. I have written an article on enwiki on this subject here and am looking for information and sources from other cultures. I wonder if there is anybody here who could help me find someone who could help? Truce terms are words used by children up to the age of about 11 when playing in order to get a temporary respite in a game so that they can do something like tie a shoelace or discuss the rules of the game or go to the lavatory. They are quite an important part of childrens subculture. Many thanks. 2009年4月28日 (火) 22:05 (UTC)[返信]

Hi, I used to use "タンマ" or "タイム" (which are adaptations of time in English) when I was a kid. Of course there are other variants depending on the region/period. If you are looking for some academic sources that collects the language used by children, the right keywords to look for would be "小児語" or "幼児語", and there is CiNii, an extensive collection of researches published in Japan. Still, I'm afraid that such research is not carried out in Japan yet (probably I'm wrong, but my quick search there didn't hit anything likely to satisfy your needs.) I will let people in the education wikiproject know about your question. --Makotoy 2009年4月29日 (水) 10:13 (UTC)[返信]
Thank you very much! Itwas very kind of you to undertake some research for me. Unfortunately your Japanese words only show up as little boxes on my old computer so I can't do much looking myself. I look forward to hearing from your education wikiproject. 2009年4月30日 (木) 20:48 (UTC)[返信]
Makotoy say that he used to use "tanma" or "time". I also used "tanma".
Daijirin 2nd edition say that "tanma" is [3]:
Word for child to demand or to declare temporary discontinuance for game to progress. Time.
Daijisen, Zoho shinsoban say that "tanma" is [4]:
Word used to demand or to signal temporary interruption while child is playing a game. It is said the word that reverses "ma" and "ta" of "matta" or is said that the sound was changed from "time".
Daijirin 2nd edition say that "matta" is [5]:
[1] In Go, Shogi, and Sumo, etc. it is to wait for the move or the tachi-ai that the opponent did. Or, a word declared in that case.
[2] Changed meaning. Stop the ongoing movement.
-- 2009年5月22日 (金) 17:07 (UTC)[返信]
Thank you very much. 2009年7月2日 (木) 20:15 (UTC)[返信]

impersonator of me

Hello, I am Ixfd64 from the English Wikipedia. I tried to unify my accounts last year when I was told that the account "Ixfd64" on the Japanese Wikipedia failed. I found out a vandal (who is now blocked) had signed up as "Ixfd64" here. Is there anything I can do about this?

Thanks. -- 2009年5月11日 (月) 00:55 (UTC)[返信]

I think you can request a usurpation at Wikipedia:Changing username. Feel free to write your request in English. Cheers! --Aotake 2009年5月11日 (月) 11:05 (UTC)[返信]


  1. NHK 홈페이지의 TV 편성표를 보면 교육/디지털 교육 1디지털 교육 3이 눈에 띕니다. 둘 다 NHK 교육 TV를 재전송하는 것 같은데, 뭐가 다르죠?
  2. 일본 지상파 TV의 디지털 전환이 끝나고 NHK 위성채널들이 HD 채널 2개로 개편될 거란 이야기를 들었습니다. 그런데, 새로 생길 채널 어디에도 "난시청 해소"같은 이야기는 들리지 않습니다. 어떻게 된건가요? --以上の署名のないコメントは、会話/Whois)さんが 2009年5月14日 (木) 22:36 (UTC) に投稿したものです(Zw105000による付記)。[返信] is harrassing me

Please do something about 利用者:会話 / 投稿記録. I blocked this IP on the English Wikipedia for being disruptive (I am an admin there), and now this IP harrassing me here. You can see this here: [6], [7], [8], and [9]. Thank you for your help. Nihonjoe 2009年5月20日 (水) 09:20 (UTC)[返信]

It seems he/she had stopped inappropriate activities as he apologized in his user talk page. If he/she keeps harassing you, I would report the series of event to admins.--Tomo_suzuki 2009年6月4日 (木) 11:06 (UTC)[返信]

change name of the front page from "メインページ” to "歓迎"

I think the front page of wikipedia shouldn't be called "mein peeji", because that isn't even Japanese, and I think it's almost insulting to the Japanese language to call it "mein peeji". we should really call it "一面" because it's actually Japanese. -- 2009年5月30日 (土) 05:10 (UTC)[返信]

Thank you for your suggestion; however, most of us Japanese speakers do not take it as an "insult" because both "mein" and "peeji" are widely recognized as "loan words", which are now part of Japanese. It's not a matter of superiority but how Japanese words were derived. Now, think about it--how do you say the following Latin words in English? These are already English: criteria, phenomenon, media, vertebrae, and data.--Tomo_suzuki 2009年6月4日 (木) 11:24 (UTC)[返信]
Yes, but the rate at which english is entering Japanese is much faster than the rate at which romance/latin words entered english - over the space of centuries. With Japanese, almost 10% of the language is now english within a little over a century. And this trend is worrying a lot of educated Japanese speakers. I agree with them - the language needs to be preserved to a degree. Borrowing words is normal, but the rate at which english is entering Japanese is so worrying because it's almost "replacing" words in the language. This trend is worrying.-- 2009年6月5日 (金) 13:12 (UTC)[返信]
Don't worry. Japanese is still very different from English. At any rate, 一面 is a word used only for the front page of a newspaper, and it doesn't fit for the top page of an online encyclopedia. Look up a dictionary before proposing such a drastic change. --Aotake 2009年6月5日 (金) 13:47 (UTC)[返信]
ok I've looked up a dictionary and changed my suggestion to "歓迎", or welcome, like is used in Wikipédia Francais. I think this is a lot nicer aesthetically, as well as just being better than the convoluted "mein peeji", which older Japanese may struggle with, as they struggle with a lot of the katakana junk entering the language. Thoughts on the use of "歓迎"?-- 2009年6月6日 (土) 07:34 (UTC)[返信]
歓迎 can work, though it is a kango, not yamatokotoba, and therefore sounds somewhat formal. --Aotake 2009年6月6日 (土) 10:14 (UTC)[返信]
Surely a forum such as wikipedia demands a bit of formality? This is not just the average website - it's an encyclopedia, and thus I think a bit of formality is a good thing. Wouldn't you agree? And, it is a LOT better than "mein peeji". Furthermore, aesthetically, it just LOOKS better. -- 2009年6月7日 (日) 05:16 (UTC)[返信]
I don't know. It sounds to me a little comical, if the top page of an encyclopedia was titled 歓迎, but this is my personal opinion. Anyway, if you really want to propose the change, I suggest you get an account, follow the process of Wikipedia:ページの改名 and propose it at ノート:メインページ. --Aotake 2009年6月7日 (日) 09:15 (UTC)[返信]

Don't be so close minded, it's NOT insulting for them to use words from english into japanese, if you did some more research you'd know that even 歓迎 comes from the chinese han alphabet, so shouldn't they be using kanji either? --以上の署名のないコメントは、 会話)さんが 2009年8月27日 (金) 22:29 (UTC) に投稿したものです( --Makotoy 2009年8月27日 (木) 23:14 (UTC) による付記)。[返信]

remove english translations of article titles

why do a lot of articles on JAPANESE wikipedia have an english translation of the title? This is an insult to the Japanese language - almost like english is somehow "necessary". No it isn't. I move that all english translations be removed, unless the article is about something which is specifically related to an english-speaking subject. otherwise, why not translate into french, or chinese, or german? this english on every page is a disgrace and an insult to the Japanese people and the Japanese language. get rid of the english!-- 2009年5月31日 (日) 02:04 (UTC)[返信]

  • Because many Japanese shows and people have official English language names used. English is the most widely spoken language in the world. Also many Japanese words and terms are directly from English. WhisperToMe 2009年6月1日 (月) 05:50 (UTC)[返信]
    • it's still an insult to the Japanese language to suggest that english is somehow "better". -- 2009年6月1日 (月) 07:45 (UTC)[返信]
      • But I never said it's "better" - I said it is more widely used. The former is an opinion. The latter is a fact. People all over the world learn English to communicate with one another. If you go on Japanese government websites, English is used as a second language on many of them. I must also add that many romanized names used by Japanese agencies, objects, and things are not actually specific to Japanese, but can be used in any Roman alphabet language. WhisperToMe 2009年6月2日 (火) 02:50 (UTC)[返信]

Translation question (東方Project)

Greetings from Russian Wikipedia!

During our work on ru:Touhou Project article we came across the question: what is the proper translation of 東方?
Currently we have these variants:

  1. Eastern Project, where 東方 is an adjective. Or "Project of the East" variant of nearly the same meaning in Russian.
  2. Project "East", where 東方 is a noun, like 東洋.

And one more moment. Could you please confirm ZUN's words:

I like Japanese atmosphere, so I named it Touhou, now it has many things that aren't Japan-ish though.

It's from Touhou Wiki, but I can't find it in the original (Meiji University Touhou lecture) because of my poor knowledge of Japanese.

Thanks!--Lunarian 2009年6月8日 (月) 09:02 (UTC)[返信]

Touhou Project is a project named "Touhou". So Project "East" (or "the Orient") is better than Eastern Project. However, in my humble opinion, the only right way is keeping "Touhou" as is because the word or phrase is a proper noun. For the quotation, it is probably a digest of the answer for the first question in the second page.--Mzaki 2009年6月10日 (水) 10:47 (UTC)[返信]

Air China article name

The airline Air China has a different name on its Japanese site than what it used here.

Wikipedia JA uses: 中国国際航空

But on this website: http://www.airchina.jp/ja/index.html -- the airline uses "Air Chinaインターナショナル" - What should the title be? WhisperToMe 2009年6月10日 (水) 17:34 (UTC)[返信]

I can not agree to use "Air Chinaインターナショナル" for the title of the article.
A formal name of this company in English is "Air China". However, in many of English sites of this company, the title is "Air China International": http://www.airchina.co.uk/en/index.html http://www.airchina.com.au/en/index.html
"Air China International" must be an omission of "Air China International web site". Similarly, "Air Chinaインターナショナル" will be a site name, and not be the name of the company. -- 2009年6月13日 (土) 17:00 (UTC)[返信]
It does not seem to be an omission of "web site" as if it was simply the name of its website - "Air China International" is an English name of the company. Apparently the airline is trying to use it as the Japanese name too, kind of like what is being used by China Airlines in Japanese. WhisperToMe 2009年6月19日 (金) 04:58 (UTC)[返信]
Please look at the last line on this page: http://www.airchina.jp/ja
It is written, "© 2009 Copyright Air China Ltd., All Rights Reserved." there. This company's English name is "Air China Limited" and not is "Air China International Limited". -- 2009年6月19日 (金) 17:56 (UTC)[返信]


I would like to split the article into two: one for area and one for hilling, so that interwiki will not get confused. Anybody can give a hand? -- 石添 小草 2009年6月14日 (日) 16:38 (UTC)[返信]

I initiated a discussion in ノート:畝. If you could vote for the plan, that would accelerate the process. It will take at least a week before I could actually split the article in accordance with WP:MM. --T_suzu 2009年6月19日 (金) 19:05 (UTC)[返信]
I created 畝 (単位) describing 畝 as a unit. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. --T_suzu 2009年7月3日 (金) 08:29 (UTC)[返信]

Tsukubai - YES-or-NO???

Hi, this (see below) wash basin stands beneath the entrance of Vienna's 'Karesansui' part of its Japanese Garden -- is-it, for that reason, ot be called a Tsukubai --YES-or-NO???

Thanks, Wolfgang. [w.] 2009年6月30日 (火) 17:30 (UTC)[返信]

The answer seems to be yes -- it looks like a つくばい (a brief article in English is available here). --Makotoy 2009年6月30日 (火) 18:11 (UTC)[返信]

why do the japanese wikipedia to jointly serve the laws of japan?

--JerryofWong 2009年7月5日 (日) 07:07 (UTC)[返信]

Assuming you are asking why the Japanese Wikipedia obey (for the most part) Japanese laws, the reason is becasuse if there is any conflict ot interest between some activities done here and sombody else, that person is most likely a Japanese citizen (or someone representing a Japanese organization). Consequently, legal challenges we are going to face here, if any, will be almost surely based on Japanese laws. In order to minimize the danger of law enforcement interfering our activities, we respect Japanese laws and judicial practices about copyright, privacy of people, and so on. --Makotoy 2009年7月6日 (月) 09:33 (UTC)[返信]

Josef Tal

I search for a devoted (preferably a music-oriented) Wikipedian to translate the Josef Tal (English) page [10] into Japanese. Since I can't read any Japanese, please reply also to etantal@gmail.com Thanks! - Etan Tal איתן טל 2009年7月10日 (金) 07:01 (UTC)[返信]

Hello, I transferred your request to the translation request. --Makotoy 2009年7月10日 (金) 09:32 (UTC)[返信]
Thanks for your assistance. I have left a similar request in a page
出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』. To avoid redundancy I assume it should be deleted there now. Would you please help in "cleaning" this? Thanks!איתן טל 2009年7月10日 (金) 15:41 (UTC)[返信]

IP range block exempt

Hello, could someone of the admins have a look on Wikipedia:管理者伝言板/その他の伝言#Please_give_MelancholieBot_an_IP_block_exempt_status; thanks. For any further questions feel free to comment there, I am watching it. --- Kind regards,Melancholie 2009年7月28日 (火) 13:53 (UTC)[返信]

Hi, I made the change to your bot's privilege so that it will be spared of the block. Please confirm it. regards, --Makotoy 2009年7月28日 (火) 14:32 (UTC)[返信]
対処 Works again :-) Thank you very much! --- Kind regards, Melancholie 2009年7月28日 (火) 18:25 (UTC)[返信]

Somebody help me here

Hello, User:Political Dweeb wants to ask if any Japanese wikipedians could help me by trying to answer questions that were partly answered by user Asakura Akira on my message called New message to Akira that I sent to him.

One question I will show here for any Wikipedians to answer is, I found on the website of Ishin Seito Shimpu a rough translation of one of the points of their policies. Part of it seems to roughly translate as discussing about "contributing to peace and reciprocal friendship in the international community."

To me I think what that whole point was saying was that this party supports an independent Japan that works with the international community for peace. Could someone please explain if they are saying that or something else. Please reply soon to these questions here or on my talk page below, thank you.

User:Political Dweeb User talk:Political Dweeb

Hi! Need your help...

Hi! I'm from Polish Wiktionary. We are translating names of our main templates into various languages (our top 50) in order to help users who don’t speak Polish understand our articles. I wonder if you would be helpful and translate for us just a few linguistic terms into Japanese. How about that?

  • [11] pronunciation -
  • [12] definitions (plural) -
  • [13] inflection -
  • examples (plural) -
  • [14] syntax -
  • [15] collocations (plural) -
  • [16] synonyms (plural) -
  • [17] antonyms (plural) -
  • related terms (plural) -
  • [18] idioms (plural) -
  • [19] etymology -
  • notes (plural) -
  • [20] translations (plural) -
  • derived terms (plural) -
  • [21] transliteration -
  • [22] transcription -
  • sources (plural) –

PS. Please note that some of them must be in plural. We’d be very grateful Best regards! --PiotrekSzwecja 2009年8月1日 (土) 15:28 (UTC)[返信]

We made a mistake and need assistance PLEASE

We are currently new users here and need help in doing a translation of the following article from English into Japanese... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Pinto We made a mistake and used one of those machine translators and all we wound up doing was to create a big mess. It seems that the translation was very poorly done and was quickly deleted because of that. Currently there is a link from the English version going to the Japanese Wikipedia, but the article is no longer there. I figured I should tell you that in case the article that was trashed needs to be revived in any way. PLEASE anyone who can help to get this translated into the Japanese Wikipedia, you would be doing us a great service. Looking forward to anyone that can help. Thank you!! WriteWithWiki 08/16/09

I made the article ダン・ピント. By the way, the innerlink of the article of the English version has many mistakes. For example, you make the link to "Roland", en:Roland, but correct link is en:Roland Corporation.--Freetrashbox 2009年8月17日 (月) 14:48 (UTC)[返信]

Thank you so much for doing that, it is very appreciated. By the way, I have since corrected the Roland mistake. But you said there were many mistakes, can you please tell me what they are so I can get them fixed? Thank you again. WriteWithWiki

English --> Japanese translation (help)

Hello, I'm (bad) speaker of English language and I started to experiment with Japanese wikipedia (I fear I have a destructive effect). My first article on Japanese Wikipedia was 「アーティストハイエナジー」 (there is an grammatical error in the name of the article), as somebody write, the correct name is 「代表的なハイエナジーの楽曲の一覧」. But now I have to write an article about "post disco" with Excite.co.jp Translator and Google Translator. However I suppose that these translators will make so much mistakes. I found some references about "post disco", written both in kanji and in english, and I chose this version, that I have to translate.

I guess this is a special request, but when I make an post-disco article (in sandbox), please, can somebody check it for grammatical errors? Thank you in advance.

P.S. I also found 翻訳中途 template, but I found out that for bad translation ("翻訳者の方々へ:途中までしか翻訳できていない記事を次々と作成するのは他ユーザーに迷惑となり、投稿ブロックの対象にもなり得ます。") can be someone banned. Is that true or just translator failure? RockandDiscoFanCZ 2009年8月21日 (金) 17:36 (UTC)[返信]

Hi, I myself cannot help you because of the lack of knowledge on the subject, but I left a note at the talk page of Wikiproject Music, so hopefully somebody else could help you soon. About your concern on Template:翻訳中途, that warning is more about posting half-way translated documents from one to another to Wikipedia, and people usually try to have communication with you before blocking anyway. Still, automated translation from English into Japanese is usually considered unacceptable here partly because of the licencing issue, partly because of the poor end-result quality. (so often they do not make any sense.) --Makotoy 2009年8月22日 (土) 01:38 (UTC)[返信]
Thank you so much, I appreciate it.
Oh, I see, and Japanese laws also prohibit using non-free images as "fair use", don't they? (I also respond to "Japanese Wikipedia have no images" claim). Also for example, Slovakian and czech laws forbid "fair use" without permission of the specific artist.
That's absolutely correct! When somebody translate some text from English to Japanese and back to English, same text will change to some nonsense. I guess, when we want to translate for example "post-punk" to Japanese, the translator will translate it to "post office punk". Funny, but it may lead to confusion. RockandDiscoFanCZ 2009年8月22日 (土) 19:18 (UTC)[返信]
As of the status of fair use in Japan, you are right. Currently we cannot use non-free images at all. I hear that the Japanese government is willing to have it, but my impression is that it will take at least a year to make it happen. By the way, if you feel it's difficult to write Japanese text on your own, we can also post a translation request here like I did for Josef Tal in the above section. --Makotoy 2009年8月23日 (日) 03:37 (UTC)[返信]
It would be very nice of you. I can't write in kanji, because I don't know nothing about Japanese grammar, writing, etc.. (however It seems to me it is an interesting language) but I've heard that Japanese is the most difficult language on the world, right? I've tried to make an article with translator and this is the (horrible) result (from sandbox). 2009年8月23日 (日) 19:15 (UTC)
Well, the difficulty depends on where you are raised and which aspect of the language you look at. No wonder most of the people in Japan find English more difficult than Japanese ;) Anyway I added the translation request of en:Post-disco here. Let's see if somebody could help us. --Makotoy 2009年8月27日 (木) 14:41 (UTC)[返信]
Yes, that's correct; I have European origins and I'm learning English and I think, Japanese is somewhat difficult language, however I rather learn Japanese, than for example Russian, or French, because I'm not interested in this kind of languages. Hehe, that's irony :) it's all about the point-of-views, but isn't it hard to learn all kanji characters? Thanks so much. RockandDiscoFanCZ 2009年8月27日 (木) 20:54 (UTC)[返信]

Want to know about templates policy at ja

Hi to All

Sorry for putting my thoughts in english since I do not know Japanese Language, Please bear with me about language and see, if you can help me with your experience at your ja wikipedia.

Currently at Marathi language wikipedia we are working on creating subject wise projects like project for boatany,sport,India related articles etc.

We could achive good amount of localisation(Local language translation) of infobox templates for the article successfully.Still is done as per requirement by individuals who need it and have technical competance to do so.

But the defficulty we are facing is localisation project templates to put on articles they constitute. Their rating systems etc. Besides there are numorous project wise templates for each project on english wikipedia.

English wikipedia has got huge manpower and also more technical hands (even our Indian Technical hands spend more time on english wikipedia) to create complex templates. Now at wikipedias like Marathi WIkipedia we are short of manpower and also enough technical exposure.

I would like to know if about other well developed non english wikipedia like de,fr,ja etc have tried to do so? if yes , then Whether you are importing/forking templates from english wikipedia , are you importing in bulk or as and when needed , are you keeping the english/roman nomanclature as is or you are translating at times and at times not, or you are translating it compulsory , Are you translating all the content in templates or you are translating it as much needed ,Are you using any bots for the purpose, if so how for which template purposes ?

How Wikipedia's in your mother tounge language is coping up with about difficulties in localisation of templates from english wikipedia.

Any body knows how German/french/Japanese and Chinese wikipedias are coping the same.

Can we get any smart way of doing the things and saving our time and energy for more valuable work on articles rather? Please let me learn from your experience.

Thanks and Regards

User Mahitgar from Marathi Language wikipedia

  • You're wellcome. But, maybe you should submit this issue in the Wikipedia:Help for Non-Japanese Speakers page. For example, the thread English --> Japanese translation (help) on this page, is the tolking about a japanese localized template. --あら金 2009年8月24日 (月) 10:48 (UTC)[返信]
  • Hello, as far as I know there has been no "batch importing" of templates from English Wikipedia to here. As you know the localization matter is not trivial at all. The general rule is to wait until you really need to use it before incorporating the template, otherwise the effort needed for localization surpasses the merit of using it. If you find it difficult to modify a complex template to suit your need, I'd suggest you write without it (my feeling is that the more complex a template is, the more emphasis is on the typographic/display aesthetic, and the more parameter it contains, the harder it is to use that.) --Makotoy 2009年8月27日 (木) 14:41 (UTC)[返信]

Translation request: パシフィック・アイランド・アビエーション

en:Pacific Island Aviation was an airline based out of Saipan. The airline maintained a Japanese language website ( http://web.archive.org/web/20010203004800/pacificislandaviation.com/indexjpn.htm ), which reveals that the airline's Japanese name was パシフィック・アイランド・アビエーション - Because this airline was known well to Japanese people visiting the Pacific Islands, there needs to be a Japanese version of the article. WhisperToMe 2009年9月1日 (火) 10:40 (UTC)[返信]