I am pleased to announce public beta testing of EventZoom.net - a site for displaying sets of historical events on maps zoomable in time and space, using data from Wikidata.
EventZoom.net is a data visualisation site that plots events in time and space on a map. Currently Google Maps, and with plans of adding others in the future. Here, you can zoom on events in the dimension of time as well as on the map itself. For this, EventZoom uses time spans (with a beginning and end) tightly integrated into the solution, enabling a useful way of filtering out and hiding those events that are outside of your zoom focus. You can select individual years, months or days to have the map display only those events that co-occured during that time span, down to single days. Stepping through, for example, World War II or other major events year by year, or month by month, might make an interesting view on the progression of history.
As for the future, besides adding more maps (and types of maps), the import and export options of the EventZoom platform will be extended and improved. Plans also include adding more sites. At the moment, the Wikidata import specifically depends on wdq.wmflabs.org, but that will change as the Wikidata API evolves.
Feedback from the Wikidata and Wikimedia community is most welcome, especially regarding the UI and functionality: How useful do you think it is in terms of giving an overview over major events - and for example identifying events missing from Wikidata? And how best to present other types of data? (Everything with a combination of geolocations and temporal data may be considered.)
Link: http://eventzoom.net/