Clawmark Hill (Japanese: 爪あとの丘 Clawmark Hill) is an animated series-exclusive mountain in the Alola region that appeared in Rocking Clawmark Hill!. The mountain is located on Melemele Island, near Professor Kukui's house. At night, it is used as a training ground for multiple wild Pokémon, where they battle each other in order to grow stronger.
Clawmark Hill, much like its name suggests, is a mountain shaped like a claw. The Rockruff that Kukui had befriended would often go to Clawmark Hill at night to battle other Pokémon, coming back to Kukui's house injured. Concerned about Rockruff, Ash and Professor Kukui tracked Rockruff to Clawmark Hill and witnessed it be defeated by a Magmar in a battle there. Ash and his Pikachu then trained with Rockruff and went back on another night. Rockruff battled the same Magmar again, but this time, with its newly mastered Rock Throw, it managed to defeat it.