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Carl Størmer

Neural Networks

Elliptisk kurve

Projektivt rom



Eksterne lenker


Homogen kurve av tredje grad i 2-dim projektive rom. For å være glatt, må begge deriverte være null. Derfor må diskriminanten væreforskjellig fra null.. I det endelige, affine rommet z = 1 tar den derfor formen og fremstiller en glatt kurve i planet.

Kompleks analyse


where n is degree of defining, irreducible polynomial

where δ og &kappa give number of node and cusp singularity. Derived from dual curves invented by Plücker. See Aubert for norske ord

Parallelogram where opposite sides are identified

Elliptic curves and Abel addition

Adding points

Kilder diofantiske ligninger

Kilder Pells ligning


Kilder gaussiske heltall

Dronning Gunnhild

Kilder til kvadratiske rester

  • QR theorem states that if p and q are distinct odd primes then the congruences x 2 ≡ q mod p and x 2 ≡ p mod q are either both solvable or both not solvable, ..

Primitive roots and cyclotomics


  • Mac Lane, Birkoff, Algebra i Oslo, pp 120-130 gir god innføring, også om faktorringer og tallkropper ved hjelp av irreduserbare polynom
  • B. Ikenaga, Quotient rings in polynomial rings. Excellent with good examples. Stored in 2022
  • Engelsk WP, Polynomial ring
  • Tysk WP, Faktorring med gode eksempel:

Die Menge aller ganzzahligen Vielfachen von ist ein Ideal in , und der Faktorring ist der Restklassenring modulo .

Ist ein Polynom über einem kommutativen unitärem Ring , dann ist die Menge aller Polynom-Vielfachen von ein Ideal im Polynomring , und ist der Faktorring modulo .

Betrachten wir das Polynom über dem Körper der reellen Zahlen, so ist der Faktorring isomorph zum Körper der komplexen Zahlen; die Äquivalenzklasse von entspricht dabei der imaginären Einheit .

Das Polynom liegt wegen in derselben Äquivalenzklasse modulo wie .
Für das Produkt ermitteln wir

Man erhält alle endlichen Körper als Faktorringe der Polynomringe über den Restklassenkörpern mit Primzahl.


  • J. Bewersdorff, Die Ideen der Galois-Theorie, stored in 2022 and in Dropbox
  • K. Conrad, Galois theory examples, stored sin 2022 and in Dropbox. Meget lærerik
  • M. Reid, Galois theory, also very good. stored in 2022 and in Dropbox. Stating w/quadratic and cubic equations
  • L. Lambeth, Galois-cyclotomic, PhD and stored in 2022 and in Dropbox. Very clarifying, explaining Gauss-periods.
  • D. Grieser, Grundideen der Galois-Theorie, basert på reduksjon av fullstendig symmetri. Stored in 2022.
  • Khudian, Galois theory, EXCELLENT and pragmatic w/ clear discussion of cubic equation and cyclotomics at end. Stored in 2022
  • Stackexchange, Cubic equation, Cardano and Galois
  • Celine Carstensen et al, Abstract Algebra with applications to Galois and Cryptography. Looks very good. On my iPad.
  • Berkeley, Galois groups for cubics and quartics
  • Borcherds, Youtube, Lectures on Galois Theory

Fermat pythagorean triples and prime number


  • James Arthur, Soft Intro Langlands Program, automorphic form is eigenfunction of Laplace-operator on certain space X attached to reductive group G, coming with eigenvalues of Laplace-operator plus eigenvalues of Hecke-operator which are p-adic numbers. All possible groups G classified by standard Dynkin diagrams. Main result of Langlands is Reciprocity Conjecture (1967) which contain a classification of motives (Grothendieck) as building blocks in algebraic geometry and automorphic forms. An earlier, special version of this was the Shimura-Taniyama-Weil conjecture, where X is the motive of an elliptic curve and G is the Lie-algebra A1 = GL(2) which was proven by A. Wiles in order to establish Fermat's Last Theorem.
  • G. Mackiw, MAA, Finite Groups of 2×2 Matrices, must read
  • G. Henniart, Modular Forms, stored in 2022 and excellent overview
  • Keith Conrad, Finite fields, w/history. Stored in 2022
  • Mark Burgess, Zlibrary, all kinds of books
  • Timothy Gowers, Weil conjecture explained, Ramanujan τ-function, Riemann Hypothesis, etc
  • E. Borcherds, Weil Conjecture, generalised zeta-functions for finite number fields, divisors, prime divisors, ideals etc
  • Peter Woit, Notes on the Twistor P1, arXiv (2022).
  • F. Dyson, Missed Opportunities, very interesting and in 2022

Modulære former


The Euclidean Algorithm Method is one of the simplest methods of solving linear congruences. The technique works so that if d is the Greatest Common Divisor of two positive integers, say a and b, the d divides the reminder (r). This remainder results from dividing the smaller of a and b into the larger. From HERE

Kilder Eulers teorem

Kilder RSA-kryptering

Kilder Fermats lille teorem


Ein Beispiel für einen Ring, in dem es eine Zerlegung in irreduzible Elemente gibt, die nicht eindeutig ist, ist der Ring (siehe Adjunktion): In den beiden Produktdarstellungen

sind die Faktoren jeweils irreduzibel, aber unter den vier Zahlen und sind keine zwei assoziiert. Die Einheiten in diesem Ring sind und .

Kvadratisk utvidelse

Kilder William Oughtred

  • MacTutor, William Oughtred, University of St. Andrews, Scotland.
  • The Oughtred Society, en forening som samles om regnestavens historie.
  • Svensk WP, William Oughtred
  • F. Cajori, A History of Mathematics, The Macmillan Co., London (1919). Content about William Oughtred pp 158-159. On p.161 good description of what Bonaventura Cavalieri did with his indivisibles. Also about Fermat and his theorems about primes of the form 4n + 1.
  • Encyclopedia Britannica, William Oughtred, 11th Edition, Cambridge (1911).
  • J. Stillwell, Elements of Number Theory, Springer-Verlag, New York (2003). ISBN 978-1-4419-3066-8. stored on iPad

Kilder John Wallis

Kilder kjedebrøk

Kilder Euklids algoritme

Endelige kropper

Modulære kilder

Euklids algoritme

Kurt Hensel kilder

p-adiske tall


The 4-adic integers (black points), including the sequence (3, 33, 333, ...) converging to −1. The 10-adic analogue is ...999 = −1. Engelsk WP, 0.9999...,

p-adiske kilder

Kilder utfyllingsmetoden

Kilder Arkimedes’ aksiom

Algebraisk topologi

Quaternion and octonion sources

Kilder for vektoranalyse


Square pyramidal numbers are also related to tetrahedral numbers in a different way:

  • A. Holme, Matematikkens Historie 1, Fagbokforlaget, Bergen (2001). ISBN 82-7674-678-0.
  • R. Courant and H. Robbins, What is Mathematics? An Elementary Approach to Ideas and Methods, Oxford University Press, Oxford (1996). ISBN 0-195-10519-2.
  • J.H. Conway and R.K. Guy, The Book of Numbers, Springer-Verlag, New York (1996). ISBN 978-1-4612-8488-8.
  • R. Courant and H. Robbins, What is Mathematics? An Elementary Approach to Ideas and Methods, Oxford University Press, Oxford (1996). ISBN 0-195-10519-2.
  • J.H. Conway and R.K. Guy, The Book of Numbers, Springer-Verlag, New York (1996). ISBN 978-1-4612-8488-8.
  • Finnes allerede som polygontall. Portugisisk WP har gode figurer. Russisk WP har animasjon av de 6 første pentagonale tallene.
  • A. Søgaard og R. Tambs Lyche, Matematikk III for realgymnaset, Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, Oslo (1955).
  • A. Holme, Matematikkens Historie 1, Fagbokforlaget, Bergen (2001). ISBN 82-7674-678-0.
  • Finnes allerede kvadrattall og kvadrat (aritmetikk).
  • Fra Conway-bok og mine notater andre relasjoner til høyere tall
  • Summen av n trekanttall er n-te tetraedertall.
  • Også under kvadrattall, vis at summen av n oddetall er n2 med induksjon som på Stackexchange eller geometrisk ved å addere gnonomer. Bruk figur fra engelsk WP om gnonom.



Denne utvidelsen kan fortsette på lignende måte til enda høyere dimensjoner og danner d-simplexer hvor antall sideflater er gitt ved tetraedertall 1, 4, 10, 20, ... .

antall pr(f.eks. prikker) slik som et polygontall eller et polyedrisk tall.

Polytopiske tall er dårlig betegnelse da hyperkubiske og hyperoktaedriske også tilhører polytopiske. Men her brukes mer nøyaktig betegnelse simplexale polytoptall


T. Heath og den greske matematikkfilosofen E.A. Maziarz har beskrevet figurtall.

Jakob Bernoullis Ars Conjectandi beskrev trekant tall som successive hele tall, tetraeder tall består av successive trekanttall, osv. – binomialkoeffisient. Ifølge denne definisjonen er firkanttallene 4, 9, 16, 25 ikke figurtall i betydningen at de kan arrangeres i en firkant. Dette er den betydningen som termen har i sin History of the Theory of Numbers.

Thomas Clausen

Eksterne lenker

  • Ed Sandifer: How Euler did it, Bernoulli numbers, how Euler came across these numbers. Stored in Berlin 2019

discovered by Euler and requires B1 = - 1/2 convention.

  • UC Riverside, Bernoulli number introduction, very nice starting with original Bernoulli sums. Stored in Berlin 2019. This approach then also gives recursion relation Bp + 1 = (B + 1)p with Bp = Bp. Uses B1 = - 1/2 which is consistent with original sum formula based on
  • For p = 0 consistency with result s0(n) = n requires then 00 = 1 as is also most common as stated here. Also in agreement with French WP. This small problem can be avoided by not including the p = 0 sum and summing from k = 1 as done here and here:
  • NN, Bernoulli overview and Euler numbers.
  • Mathoverflow, Bernoulli number appearances and Lagrange derivation introducing Bernoulli from summation of series using operator D hvor D-1 gives integration.
  • U. Conn, Derivation of Euler-Maclaurin, using operators and elementary Bernoulli numbers. Very transparent! Stored in Berlin 2019.
  • Russisk WP, Derivation of Euler-Maclaurin, også bruk av operatorer.
  • M. Kline, Euler and Infinite Series, Mathematics Magazine 56 (5), 307-314 (1983). Inneholder også litt historie om Bernoulli-tall, Basel-problem og Euler-Maclaurin summation. Stored in Berlin 2019.
  • NN, Some applications
  • Svensk WP, Bernoullital har god beskrivelse av van Staudt - Clausens teorem

Litteratur divergente summer

Euler-Maclaurin summation


  • W. Dunham, Euler: The Master of Us All, The Mathematical Association of America (1999). ISBN 0-88385-328-0.

Colin Maclaurin


Engelsk WP om Bernoulli-tall skriver at digamma har Laurent-ekspansjon

Når argumentet x er et positivt heltall n, tar den verdier som er harmoniske tall,

Da ψ(1) = - γ, betyr det at det harmoniske tallet H 0 = 0 som kommer i tillegg til den opprinnelige definisjonen av disse. Med H 1 = 1 betyr det at ψ(2) = - γ + 1. Digammafunklsjonen skifter derfor fortegn mellom x = 1 og x = 2 og har et nullpunkt i dette intervallet.

Sources for Gamma, Beta and Zeta

Graph showing ratio of the prime-counting function (x) to two of its approximations, x/ln x and Li(x). As x increases (note x axis is logarithmic), both ratios tend towards 1. The ratio for x/ln x converges from above very slowly, while the ratio for Li(x) converges more quickly from below. Fra engelsk WP Prime counting function.


Litteratur gammafunksjon

  • J. Havil and F. Dyson, Gamma: Exploring Euler's Constant, Princeton University.
  • G.E. Andrews et al, Special Functions, Google Book with many nice derivations, including residue calculation of reflection formula.
  • R. Roy, Sources in the Development of Mathematics: Series and Products from the ..., Google Book, with many nice math results of gamma function and some history of how Euler discovered the reflection formula over many years, from 1740 to 1770 following different routes.
  • Tysk WP, Sadelpunktsmetode. For skrivemåte, se Nabla-side hvor det også skrives Fourier-integral med bindestrek.
  • Wallis Formula:

Generell litteratur # # #

  • R. Tambs-Lyche, Lærebok i Matematisk Analyse, Volum III, Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, Oslo (1959).
  • M.L. Boas, Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences, John Wiley & Sons, New York (1983). ISBN 0-471-04409-1.
  • J. Mathews and R.L. Walker, Mathematical Methods of Physics, W.A. Benjamin, New York (1970). ISBN 0-8053-7002-1.
  • M. Abramowitz and I.A. Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions, Dover, New York (1972).
  • H.D. Young and R.A. Freedman, University Physics. Addison-Wesley, San Francisco (2012). ISBN 978-0-321-69686-1.
  • G.W. Castellan, Physical Chemistry, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, New York (1971). ISBN 0-20-110386-9.
  • A. Søgaard og R. Tambs-Lyche, Matematikk III for Realgymnaset, Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, Oslo (1955).
  • T. Lindstrøm, Kalkulus, Universitetsforlaget, Oslo (2016). ISBN 978-82-1502-710-4.
  • M. Abramowitz and I.A. Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions, Dover, New York (1972).
  • E.W. Weisstein, MathWorld, Gaussian Integral



  • A. Sossinsky,Knots: Mathematics with a twist, Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA (2002). ISBN 0-674-00944-4.

Eksterne lenker

  • University of Wales, Mathematics and Knots, litt av hvert om knuter, presentert av Division of Mathematics, School of Informatics, University of Wales, Bangor.
  • Wolfram MathWorld, Knot, med nyttige lenker.
  • A. Ranicki, Knot Theory, University of Edinburgh webside med originale arbeider.

Knot sources

Også en nullknute
Også en nullknute
A table of all knots with =< 7

Se også



Whiteheads lenke

etter å ha benyttet egenskapen a⋅(b × c) = (a × b)⋅c til det skalære trippelproduktet i telleren. Denne størrelsen ble gjenoppdaget av Maxwell i 1867 og er nå en sentral del av moderne knuteteori.

Fra engelsk WP DNA Supercoiling and topology sies det at: Francis Crick was one of the first to propose the importance of linking numbers when considering DNA supercoils. In a paper published in 1976, Crick outlined the problem as follows:

In considering supercoils formed by closed double-stranded molecules of DNA certain mathematical concepts, such as the linking number and the twist, are needed. The meaning of these for a closed ribbon is explained and also that of the writhing number of a closed curve. Some simple examples are given, some of which may be relevant to the structure of chromatin.

Borromäische Ringe, 3-komponent lenke
  • Linking number = Lenketall L som er virkelig topologisk. Fra engelsk WP DNA supercoil normal. B-fase DNA med bp basepar har

da helixen har en periode på ca. 10 basepar.

  1. ^ C.B. Boyer, A History of Mathematics, Princeton University Press, New Jersey (1968). ISBN 0-691-02391-3.