Pretreatment of mice with rabbit anti-asialo GM1 removes both natural killer (NK) effector cells and NK cells responsive to interleukin 2 (IL-2). Spleen cells from these mice do possess normal lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) activity. Young mice (less than 3 weeks of age) do not have NK activity and do not possess IL-2-inducible NK effector cells. Similarly to anti-asialo GM1-treated mice, LAK cells can be generated from these mice. While these experiments indicate clear distinctions between a certain level of NK and LAK precursors, the distinctions are not as clear when analyzing mice congenitally deficient in NK cells. Beige mice which lack NK effector cells and IL-2-inducible NK cells also lack the ability to generate LAK cells. The relationships and differences between NK- and LAK-cell precursors and effectors are discussed.