Traumatic dislocation of the tibialis tendon occurred from minor ankle sprains in a 37-year-old male and a 53-year-old female. Both complained of local pain at the medial malleolus, and both walked with a limp. The diagnosis was suspected by clinical examination, in one case with 2 months' delay, and verified by ultrasound, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging. The male patient was initially treated for an "uncomplicated ankle sprain." For various reasons surgery was delayed 4 months. During this interval the male patient complained of pain and severe dysfunction, requiring analgesic treatment. A medial Achilles tendon flap was used to support the repositioned tendon. The female patient was operated on within 1 week from injury, by resuturing of the retinaculum over the tendon. Postoperatively, both patients were immobilized with below-knee casts for 6 weeks, allowing full weightbearing, followed by strength and stretching exercises. They were free of symptoms 2 and 3 months, respectively, after surgery. At follow-up 1 year postoperatively, both were asymptomatic and participated in activities like those before their injuries.