{DJoin}: Differentially private join queries over distributed databases

A Narayan, A Haeberlen - 10th USENIX Symposium on Operating …, 2012 - usenix.org
10th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI 12), 2012usenix.org
In this paper, we study the problem of answering queries about private data that is spread
across multiple different databases. For instance, a medical researcher may want to study a
possible correlation between travel patterns and certain types of illnesses. The necessary
information exists today–eg, in airline reservation systems and hospital records—but it is
maintained by two separate companies who are prevented by law from sharing this
information with each other, or with a third party. This separation prevents the processing of …
In this paper, we study the problem of answering queries about private data that is spread across multiple different databases. For instance, a medical researcher may want to study a possible correlation between travel patterns and certain types of illnesses. The necessary information exists today–eg, in airline reservation systems and hospital records—but it is maintained by two separate companies who are prevented by law from sharing this information with each other, or with a third party. This separation prevents the processing of such queries, even if the final answer, eg, a correlation coefficient, would be safe to release.
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