Enhancing program verification with lemmas
HH Nguyen, WN Chin - … International Conference, CAV 2008 Princeton, NJ …, 2008 - Springer
HH Nguyen, WN Chin
Computer Aided Verification: 20th International Conference, CAV 2008 Princeton …, 2008•SpringerOne promising approach to verifying heap-manipulating programs is based on user-defined
inductive predicates in separation logic. This approach can describe data structures with
complex invariants and sound reasoning based on unfold/fold. However, an important
component towards more expressive program verification is the use of lemmas that can
soundly relate predicates beyond their original definitions. This paper outlines a new
automatic mechanism for proving and applying user-specified lemmas under separation …
inductive predicates in separation logic. This approach can describe data structures with
complex invariants and sound reasoning based on unfold/fold. However, an important
component towards more expressive program verification is the use of lemmas that can
soundly relate predicates beyond their original definitions. This paper outlines a new
automatic mechanism for proving and applying user-specified lemmas under separation …
One promising approach to verifying heap-manipulating programs is based on user-defined inductive predicates in separation logic. This approach can describe data structures with complex invariants and sound reasoning based on unfold/fold. However, an important component towards more expressive program verification is the use of lemmas that can soundly relate predicates beyond their original definitions. This paper outlines a new automatic mechanism for proving and applying user-specified lemmas under separation logic.
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