Lie Group Modelling for an EKF-Based Monocular SLAM Algorithm

S Labsir, G Pages, D Vivet - Remote Sensing, 2022 -
This paper addresses the problem of monocular Simultaneous Localization And Mapping on
Lie groups using fiducial patterns. For that purpose, we propose a reformulation of the
classical camera model as a model on matrix Lie groups. Thus, we define an original-state
vector containing the camera pose and the set of transformations from the world frame to
each pattern, which constitutes the map's state. Each element of the map's state, as well as
the camera pose, are intrinsically constrained to evolve on the matrix Lie group SE (3) …

[PDF][PDF] Lie group modelling for an EKF-based monocular SLAM algorithm. Remote Sens. 2021, 1, 0

S Labsir, G Pages, V Vivet - IEEE Transactions on Robotics and …, 2001 -
This paper addresses the problem of monocular Simultaneous Localization And Mapping on
Lie groups using fiducial patterns. For that purpose, we propose a reformulation of the
classical camera model as a model on matrix Lie groups. Thus, we define an original-state
vector containing the camera pose and the set of transformations from the world frame to
each pattern, which constitutes the map's state. Each element of the map's state, as well as
the camera pose, are intrinsically constrained to evolve on the matrix Lie group SE (3) …
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