Еколошка уметност
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Хвала на стрпљењу. Када радови буду завршени, овај шаблон ће бити уклоњен. Напомене
Еколошка уметност (уметност животне средине или енвиронментал арт (енгл. environment - средина, животна средина) је израз који се у општем случају користи за означавње уметности оних уметника који се баве стварањем дела у једном еколошком окружењу, односно природној животној средини. Приликом пројектовања уметничког дела за природно окружење поставља се питање о томе да ли дело наноси еколошку штету датој животној средини, мада је обично услов да се после завршетка уметничке интервенције животна средина врати у њено првобитно стање.[1][2] У оквиру ове уметности се налазе тродимензионална комплексна дела инсталирана у простору, често као дела пролазног карактера која испуњавају комплетне ентеријере или се уклапају у спољашње просторе наглашавајући архитектуру у једном тешко дефинишућем стању између сликарства, објекта у уметности, скулптуре или инсталације у којем ове уметничке врсте могу различито да се испоље и да настану различите скулптуре. Као претходница се могу схватити нека дела уметника настала после двадесетих година 20. века, попут Ел Лисицког или Курта Швитерса. Ова уметност се развија од краја 50-их година 20. века у споју са хепенингом и акцијама Алана Капрова. Као класичан пример су дела уметника Едвард Кинхолца и Георг Сегала, а даљи примери су код Јанис Кунделиса, Марија Нолдман или Волф Востел.
Environmental art has evolved away from formal concerns, for example monumental earthworks using earth as a sculptural material, towards a deeper relationship to systems, processes and phenomena in relationship to social concerns.[3] Integrated social and ecological approaches developed as an ethical, restorative stance emerged in the 1990s.[4] Over the past ten years environmental art has become a focal point of exhibitions around the world as the social and cultural aspects of climate change come to the forefront.
The term "environmental art" often encompasses "ecological" concerns but is not specific to them.[5] It primarily celebrates an artist's connection with nature using natural materials.[1][2] The concept is best understood in relationship to historic earth/Land art and the evolving field of ecological art. The field is interdisciplinary in the fact that environmental artists embrace ideas from science and philosophy. The practice encompasses traditional media, new media and critical social forms of production. The work embraces a full range of landscape/environmental conditions from the rural, to the suburban and urban as well as urban/rural industrial.
Историја: пејзажно сликарство и репрезентација
Може се тврдити да је еколошка уметност почела са палеолитским пећинским сликама наших предака. Иако (још) нису пронађени пејзажи, пећинске слике су представљале друге аспекте природе важне за ране људе, као што су животиње и људске фигуре. „То су праисторијска посматрања природе. На овај или онај начин, природа је вековима остала приоритетна тема креативне уметности.“[6] Модернији примери еколошке уметности потичу из пејзажног сликарства и репрезентације. Када су уметници сликали на лицу места, развили су дубоку везу са околним окружењем и његовим временом и унели ова блиска запажања на своја платна. Слике неба Џона Констебла „најближе представљају небо у природи“.[7] Монеова Лондонска серија такође представља пример уметникове везе са окружењем. „За мене пејзаж не постоји сам по себи, јер се његов изглед мења у сваком тренутку; али га оживљава околна атмосфера, ваздух и светлост, који се за мене непрестано мењају, само околна атмосфера даје субјектима њихову праву вредност.“[8]
Савремени сликари, као што је Даjан Бурко, представљају природне феномене — и њихову промену током времена — да би скренули пажњу на еколошка питања попути климатских промена.[9][10] Пејзажи Алексиса Рокмана осликавају сардоничан поглед на климатске промене и интервенције човечанства на друге врсте путем генетског инжењеринга.[11]
Ecological art, also known as ecoart, is an artistic practice or discipline proposing paradigms sustainable with the life forms and resources of our planet.[13] It is composed of artists, scientists, philosophers and activists who are devoted to the practices of ecological art.[14] Historical precedents include Earthworks, Land Art, and landscape painting/photography. Ecoart is distinguished by a focus on systems and interrelationships within our environment: the ecological, geographic, political, biological and cultural.[15] Ecoart creates awareness, stimulates dialogue, changes human behavior towards other species, and encourages the long-term respect for the natural systems we coexist with. It manifests as socially engaged, activist, community-based restorative or interventionist art. Ecological artist, Aviva Rahmani believes that "Ecological art is an art practice, often in collaboration with scientists, city planners, architects and others, that results in direct intervention in environmental degradation. Often, the artist is the lead agent in that practice."[16]
There are numerous approaches to ecoart including but not limited to: representational artworks that address the environment through images and objects; remediation projects that restore polluted environments;[17] activist projects that engage others and activate change of behaviors and/or public policy;[18] time-based social sculptures that involves communities in monitoring their landscapes and taking a participatory role in sustainable practices; ecopoetic projects that initiate a re-envisioning and re-enchantment with the natural world, inspiring healing and co-existence with other species; direct-encounter artworks that involve natural phenomena such as water, weather, sunlight, or plants;[19] pedagogical artworks that share information about environmental injustice and ecological problems such as water and soil pollution and health hazards; relational aesthetics that involve sustainable, off-the-grid, permaculture existences.
There is discussion and debate among ecoartists, if ecological art should be considered a discrete discipline within the arts, distinct from environmental art. A current definition of ecological art, drafted collectively by the EcoArtNetwork is "Ecological art is an art practice that embraces an ethic of social justice in both its content and form/materials. Ecoart is created to inspire caring and respect, stimulate dialogue, and encourage the long-term flourishing of the social and natural environments in which we live. It commonly manifests as socially engaged, activist, community-based restorative or interventionist art."[20] Artists who work in this field generally subscribe to one or more of the following principles: focus on the web of interrelationships in our environment—on the physical, biological, cultural, political, and historical aspects of ecological systems; create works that employ natural materials or engage with environmental forces such as wind, water, or sunlight; reclaim, restore, and remediate damaged environments; inform the public about ecological dynamics and the environmental problems we face; revise ecological relationships, creatively proposing new possibilities for coexistence, sustainability, and healing.[21]
Contributions by women in the area of EcoArt are significant, many are cataloged in WEAD, Women Environmental Artists Directory founded in 1995 by Jo Hanson, Susan Leibovitz Steinman and Estelle Akamine.[22] The work of ecofeminist writers inspired early male and female practitioners to address their concerns about a more horizontal relationship to environmental issues in their own practices. The feminist art writer Lucy Lippard, writing for the Weather Report Show she curated in 2007 at the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art, which included many environmental, ecological and ecofeminist artists, commented on how many of those artists were women.[23]
Види још
- ^ а б Bower, Sam (2010). „A Profusion of Terms”. greenmuseum.org. Архивирано из оригинала 1. 2. 2014. г. Приступљено 29. 1. 2014.
- ^ а б Steinman, Susan. „WEAD, Women Environmental Artists Directory”. WEAD, Women Environmental Artists Directory. Приступљено 3. 2. 2014.
- ^ Kastner, J. and Wallis, B. Eds. (1998) Land and Environmental Art. London: Phaidon Press.
- ^
- Gablik, S. (1984) Has Modernism Failed? New York: Thames and Hudson.
- Gablik, S. (1992) The Reenchantment of Art. New York: Thames and Hudson.
- Matilsky, B., (1992) Fragile Ecologies: Contemporary Artists Interpretations and Solutions, New York, NY: Rizolli International Publications Inc.
- ^ Weintraub, Linda. „Untangling Eco from Enviro”. Artnow Publications. Архивирано из оригинала 18. 5. 2015. г. Приступљено 8. 2. 2014.
- ^ „The Landscape in Art: Nature in the Crosshairs of an Age-Old Debate - ARTES MAGAZINE”. ARTES MAGAZINE (на језику: енглески). Архивирано из оригинала 2016-04-04. г. Приступљено 2016-05-09.
- ^ Thornes, John E. (2008). „A Rough Guide to Environmental Art”. Annual Review of Environment and Resources. 33: 391–411 [395]. doi:10.1146/annurev.environ.31.042605.134920 .
- ^ House, John (1986). Monet: Nature into Art. London: Yale Univ. Press. стр. 221. ISBN 978-0-300-03785-2.
- ^ „Painting Climate Change: An Interview with Artist Diane Burko About Her Show 'The Politics of Snow'”. The Scientist. 3. 3. 2010.
- ^ Arntzenius, Linda (5. 9. 2013). „Diane Burko's Polar Images Document Climate Change”. Town Topics.
- ^ Tranberg, Dan (1. 12. 2010). „Alexis Rockman”. Art in America. Архивирано из оригинала 21. 2. 2014. г. Приступљено 8. 2. 2014.
- ^ Book Analysis of a process over time - 2007 - ISBN 980-6472-21-7
- ^ Wildy, Jade. „Progressions in Ecofeminist Art: The Changing Focus of Women in Environmental Art”. International Journal of the Arts and Society. The Arts Collection. 6 (1): 53—66. Архивирано из оригинала 2017-05-09. г. Приступљено 2014-02-04.
- ^ Weintraub, Linda (2006). Eco-Centric Topics: Pioneering Themes for Eco-Art. New York: Artnow Publications: Avant-Guardians: Textlets in Art and Ecology.
- ^ Weintraub, Linda (2007). EnvironMentalities: Twenty-Two Approaches to Eco-Art. New York: Artnow Publications, Avan-Guardians: Texlets in Art and Ecology.
- ^ Rahmani, Aviva (2013). „Triggering Change: A Call to Action” (PDF). Public Art Review (48): 23. Архивирано из оригинала (PDF) 22. 2. 2014. г. Приступљено 7. 2. 2014.
- ^ Rahmani, Aviva; Schroeder, Paul C.; Boudreau, Paul R.; Brehme, Chris E.W.; Boyce, Andrew M.; Evans, Alison J. (2001). „The Gulf of Maine Environmental Information Exchange:participation, observation, conversation”. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design. 28 (6): 865—887. S2CID 61284002. doi:10.1068/b2749t.
- ^ Stringfellow, Kim (2003). „Safe as mother's milk”. Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH 2003 conference on Web graphics in conjunction with the 30th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques - GRAPH '03. стр. 1. S2CID 9277137. doi:10.1145/965333.965387.
- ^ Dionisio, Jennifer (2016-06-03). „Calendar of Rain”. Science History Institute. Приступљено 26. 12. 2018.
- ^ Kagan, Sacha (2014). The practice of ecological art. [plastik] 4 . Available online at: http://art-science.univ-paris1.fr/plastik/document.php?id=866. ISSN 2101-0323.
- ^ „ISE's Beverly Naidus publishes "Arts for Change"”. Institute for Social Ecology. 2009-04-10. Приступљено 8. 2. 2014.
- ^ Hanson, Jo, Leibovitz Steinman, Susan and Akamine, Estelle. „WEAD, Women Environmental Artists Directory”. WEAD, Women Environmental Artists Directory.
- ^ Lippard, Lucy R.; Smith, Stephanie; Revkin, Andrew (2007). Weather Report: Art and Climate Change. Boulder, Colorado: Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art. ISBN 978-0979900709.
- Lexikon der Modernen Kunst, Markus Stegman/René Zey, Hamburg 2002.
- Beardsley, John (1998). Earthworks and Beyond: Contemporary Art in the Landscape. New York: Abbeville Press. ISBN 978-0-89659-963-5.
- Gooding, Mel (2002). Song of the Earth: European Artists and the Landscape. London: Thames & Hudson. стр. 167p. ISBN 978-0-500-51016-2.* Kagan, Sacha (2011). Art and Sustainability: Connecting Patterns for a Culture of Complexity. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag. ISBN 978-3-8376-1803-7.
- Sonfist, Alan (2004). Nature: The End of Art. Florence, Italy: Gli Ori,Dist. Thames & Hudson. стр. 280p. ISBN 978-0-615-12533-6.
- Adams, Clive, Environmental Art: A Brief Introduction Centre for Contemporary Art and the Natural World, 2002.
- Beardsley, John. Earthworks and Beyond: Contemporary Art in the Landscape, Abbeville Press, 1989 and 2008.
- Berleant, Arnold, ed., Environment and the Arts. Ashgate, 2002.
- Braddock, Alan C. A Keener Perception: Ecocritical Studies in American Art History, University of Alabama Press, 2009.
- Boetzkes, Amanda. The Ethics of Earth Art. Minneapolis; London: University of Minnesota Press, 2010.
- Brown, Andrew, Art & Ecology Now, Thames & Hudson, 2014.
- Cheetham, Mark A. Landscape into Eco Art: Articulations of Nature since the '60s. Penn State UP, 2018.
- Demos, T.J. and Francesco Manacorda, Radical Nature: Art and Architecture for a Changing Planet, Walter Koenig, 2010.
- Giannachi, Gabriella and Nigel Stewart, eds. Performing Nature: Explorations in Ecology and the Arts , Peter Lang, 2005.
- Kagan, Sasha and Volker Kirchberg, Sustainability: A New Frontier For The Arts And Cultures, Verlag Fur Akademisch, 2008.
- Kastner, Jeffrey, ed. Nature (Whitechapel: Documents of Contemporary Art) 2012.
- Lippard, Lucy. Undermining a Wild Ride Through Land Use, Politics, and Art in the Changing West. The New Press, 2014.
- Marsching, Jane and Andrea Polli, eds. Far Field: Digital Culture, Climate Change and the Poles, Intellect, 2012.
- Miles, Malcolm, Eco-Aesthetics: Art, Literature and Architecture in a Period of Climate Change (Radical Aesthetics, Radical Art), 2014.
- Smith, Stephanie and Victor Margolin, eds. Beyond Green, Smart Museum of Art, 2007.
- Sonfist, Alan, Nature, the End of Art: Environmental Landscapes , Gli Ori, 2004.
- Strelow, Heike. Ecological Aesthetics: Art in Environmental Design: Theory and Practice. Initiated by Herman Prigann. Birkhäuser, 2004.
- Szerszyski B, W. Heim W & C. Waterton. Nature Performed: Environment, Culture and Performance. Blackwell, 2003.
Спољашње везе
- ecoartnetwork
- ecoartspace
- Botanical Jewelry - examples of wearable items, made from untreated seeds of plants, known in ancient cultures as "Sacred".
- EarthArtists.org - listings of Earth, Land, Environmental and Eco-artists.
- Aspen Institute awards - include an art award