Two great APIs together in the ONE StreamNative Platform. Powered by the URSA Engine.

Apache Kafka Quick start

Same great streaming APIs. Reimagined backend.

Quick start with $200 Credit

Apache Pulsar Quick start

Next generation messaging and streaming APIs.

Quick start with $200 Credit


Pulsar Summit ‘24 Ursa Keynote

See our presentation video of Ursa

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Introduction to StreamNative and Apache Pulsar

New to Apache Pulsar? Start here to learn Pulsar basics and the benefits of using the ONE StreamNative Platform powered by the URSA Engine

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Course Catalog

Explore StreamNative Academy’s free and paid courses

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Kafka Clients

Get hands-on practice enabling message retention, multi-tenancy, and geo-replication while connecting example Kafka and KStreams Java applications to the ONE StreamNative Platform

Developer quickstart

Pulsar Clients

Take advantage of Pulsar’s next generation messaging and streaming capabilities.
Build a simple Java application using Pulsar’s messaging and streaming capabilities while learning about subscription types, message retention, multi-tenancy, and geo-replication.

Developer quickstart

3-day self-paced, hands-on developer training with in-depth coverage of all of Pulsar’s major Java API features. Access to a live trainer during daily office hours. Optionally, complete the Developer Certification to demonstrate mastery of the Pulsar Java API.

MQTT Clients

Take advantage of Pulsar’s next generation messaging and streaming capabilities.
Build a simple Java application using Pulsar’s messaging and streaming capabilities while learning about subscription types, message retention, multi-tenancy, and geo-replication.



Deploy Apache Kafka and Apache Pulsar connectors with ease
Built-in connectors
Built-in connectors can be easily deployed through StreamNative UI
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Data processing

Lightweight Stream Processing
The ONE StreamNative Platform provides developers with built-in lightweight stream processing functionalities. 

Functions, written in Java or Python, can process individual or groups of messages, deployed using Pulsar CLI tools.
pfSQL can be used to route or transform messages using simple SQL-like queries submitted directly in the StreamNative UI.

StreamNative Ursa Engine

The StreamNative Ursa Engine, with support for Kafka and Pulsar protocols, provides a scalable architecture with separate serving and storage layers.

The Engine’s storage layer supports Lakehouse Storage and BookKeeper, giving you a choice between cost and performance.

Ursa Engine is deployed on StreamNative as fully Hosted, BYOC, and Private Cloud. 

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