[UA] Remarketing audiences you create [Legacy]

Build Remarketing Audiences around user behavior.
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The examples in this article illustrate how to define commonly useful remarketing audiences.

In this article:

Users who dropped out of a funnel

Example funnel:

Category page > Product page > Cart page > Checkout page

Re-engage users where they dropped out of your conversion funnel.

Create a separate audience for each stage of the funnel by including users who exited the funnel at that stage and excluding users who exited the funnel at later stages.

For example, to create an audience of users who left the funnel at the product page:

  • Include users who viewed the Category page (e.g., Apparel/Mens+T+Shirts) and the Product page (e.g., G+Logo+White+T-Shirt)
  • Exclude users who viewed the Cart page and the Checkout page.
Audience Builder with condition filters that include and exclude funnel steps

This audience includes users who showed an interest in the logo t-shirt, but who didn’t go on to purchase it. You can remarket to these users with ads for that specific t-shirt (reminders of the shirt, discounts on the shirt, etc.), or with ads for similar items.

Users who abandoned items in their shopping carts

Users who add items to their shopping carts indicate a strong intent to purchase. They may be adding the same or similar items to carts on multiple sites to do cost comparisons (e.g., items plus shipping), or they may have gotten called away from their devices mid purchase. Because these users are so far along in the conversion funnel, they're perfect candidates for remarketing campaigns that would nudge them forward with a small incentives like reduced or free shipping, or a discount on the items in their carts.

Create an audience that includes users who viewed the cart page, and excludes users who viewed the thank-you or order-confirmation page.

Audience Builder with Conditions filters

You have the option to let excluded users back into the audience if after completing one purchase, they abandon their carts during a subsequent session. Learn more about excluding users permanently or temporarily from an audience.


Configure the audience to include no conversions (for example, zero goal completions, transactions, or revenue), and some entry in the search field (in this case, a non-empty string):

Audience Builder with Conditions filters

If user searches coincide with your product offerings, whether exactly or tangentially, you have an opportunity capitalize on that interest. You can follow up with ads that focus on either the specific items users search for or on similar items that may be viable alternatives.


Users who viewed any page in a directory

To identify a directory of pages, use the directory name, for example, /Men/ or /Women/.

Audience Builder with Conditions filter

If users are viewing multiple pages in a directory without spending a significant amount of time on any one page, they may be familiarizing themselves with that product area to see what you offer, or they may be browsing but not finding anything of special interest. You can reengage these users with reminders of sales, discount offers, or ads that feature new items.


Users who viewed a specific page

Assuming that each page has a unique page title, you can use Page Title in the condition.

Audience Builder with Conditions filter

When you have high traffic to a product page but a lower conversion rate than you expect, you might have to provide those users with additional or more compelling information about the product, or you might have to investigate whether your pricing is competitive. For example, if a product is new to the market, you may have to rely on ad copy and product details to compensate for the lack of user experience. If the product information wasn't motivating users when they first saw the page, you can update the copy and product details, and then remarket to those users with ads that include the new information. If you find that your pricing isn't competitive, you can reprice, and then run a remarketing campaign that highlights your product's new edge in the market.


Users who have converted

Build this audience to identify users who have completed goals or transactions. Create a filter to identify users who had Goal Completions, Transactions, or Revenue greater than 0.

Audience Builder with Conditions filters

While users who have converted is a broad category, those users are more likely to engage in additional conversions. Businesses that offer products or services that lend themselves to more frequent purchases (e.g., jewelry, clothing, makeup) are finding that users who convert more frequently early in the customer life cycle end up being more valuable over the course of that life cycle. For example, if you can entice a user to convert four or five times during the first month as opposed to four or five times over the course of the first year, then that user becomes more engaged with your business, and has a longer, more valuable life cycle with your business.

Reengaging with any user who has converted lets you cast a wide net and either encourage current momentum or reawaken an earlier interest. To focus your remarketing on users who are currently engaged in a more frequent, closely spaced conversion pattern, you can use the next audience definition for high-value users, which reengages users based on recency, frequency, and conversion value.


High-value users

Users who have converted recently, who convert frequently, and who engage in high-value conversions are a perfect audience for remarketing campaigns: they have already indicated an affinity for your products or services, and you want to keep them engaged by reminding them of products they’ve seen recently but haven’t purchased, by introducing them to products related to ones they’ve already purchased, or by introducing them to new product lines.

You can use a combination of the Behavior, Date of First Session, and Ecommerce filters to define your audience. This example uses the Behavior, Date of First Session, and Ecommerce filters to identify users who visited at least three times, purchased at least once this month, spent at least $50, and who bought an item in the “outerwear” category.

The Behavior filters specify the minimum number of sessions (3) and the minimum number of transactions (1):

Audience Builder with Behavior filters

The Date of First Session filter specifies when the time frame for conducting sessions began (in this case, the first of the month, December 1):

Audience Builder with Date of First Session filter

The Ecommerce filters specify the minimum amount of revenue (50) and the product category (outerwear):

Audience Builder with Ecommerce filters

Reference of commonly used conditions

Audience Conditions
Users who spent over/under $N (Revenue < or > N)
Users with at least N sessions (Count of Sessions greater than or equal to N)
Users who first came via an ad, then subsequently via search (Step 1: Medium = cpc; is followed by Step 2: Medium = organic)
Currently, you cannot use the dimension Days Since Last Session as a component of a Remarketing Audience.


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