Deliver more relevance with responsive search ads

August 9, 2018

Last month at Google Marketing Live, we shared how responsive search ads use the power of Google’s machine learning to help you deliver the best ad for any search query. Starting in September, responsive search ads will be rolling out to more advertisers in English, French, German, and Spanish, with other languages to follow soon.

One of the advantages of responsive search ads is that they give you more room to convey your message. While we work on improving responsive search ads across languages, it’s important to extend that same advantage to your existing text ads. That’s why, starting in late August, you’ll be able to add a third headline and second description to your text ads. In addition, your descriptions can have up to 90 characters.

Third headline and second description in text ads

To get started, try adding a third headline and a second description to your existing text ads. For example, if you’re a retailer using two headlines that show your brand name and official site, you can add a third headline showing shipping details or special offers.

Learn more about writing effective text ads here.

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