Set Network and Venue details

Two key Orion concepts are the Network and the Venue:

  • Network represents a group of Wi-Fi access points on a shared LAN
  • Venue represents a physical location, such as a building

Adding Networks

Networks automatically appear in Orion, and cannot be manually added.

Orion uses the NAS-Identifier provided by your network equipment as the Network name.  After connecting to your test network, you should see it automatically appear in the Network Stats page in the Orion Supplier portal:

Note: the Network Stats page will only show Networks that have had traffic within the selected timeframe. To see Networks that have not had recent traffic on Orion, see the Manage Networks and Network Verification pages.

Adding Venues

You now need to provide venue details for your test Network. 

Click Venues > Add New Venue.  The Venue information dialog appears.  Provide as much of the requested information as possible; this will help maximize your traffic:



Managing Networks

You can now update the metadata associated with each Network. Go to the Networks page under Manage, hover over the Network, click the 3-dot menu and click Edit. 

Select the Venue associated with this network under Venue Name.  Provide as much of the requested information as possible:



Click on Update Network to save your changes:


Note: The Manage Networks and Network Verification pages will show Networks that have had traffic on Orion at some point in the past, even if the usage is not recent. It is not possible to delete Networks from Orion.


Next: Set up price & payments

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