Ads interfering

Google-served ads interfering with content or user interactions

We do not allow Google-served ads that:

  • overlay or are adjacent to navigational or other action items and may lead to unintended ad interactions,
  • severely interfere with consumption of content including overlaying the content or pushing the content off the display,
  • are placed on a "dead end" screen where the user is not able to exit the screen without clicking the ad. 

Tips for understanding this policy

Google-served ads interfering with content or user interactions | Google Publisher Policies

To avoid Google-served ads interfering with user interactions, Google-served ads should not overlay or be placed immediately next to interactive elements and interactive content, which can include (but is not limited to):

  • Navigational buttons, such as a custom app menu bar.
  • Interactive content like a text chat box or an image in an image gallery.
  • On a game play screen where users are continuously interacting with the app.

Be careful when placing links, play buttons, download buttons, navigation buttons (e.g., “Previous" or “Next"), game windows, video players, drop-down menus, or applications near ads because they might lead to accidental clicks or the ads interfering with user interactions. 

The positioning of advertising and other paid promotional material should not push the publisher-content off the display.

Google-served ads cannot overlay or obscure other ads.


Learn more about the commonly used policy terms and what they mean in the glossary

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