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Learn about Community posts

YouTube Community Posts

Subscribe to the YouTube Creators channel for the latest news, updates, and tips.

You can create posts to connect and interact with your viewers through polls, quizzes, GIFs, text, images, and video. Your audience can find your posts in the Community tab on your channel page. Posts may also show up on their homepage or in their Subscriptions feed, and if they’re subscribed to your channel they may get a notification when you post.

Posts aren’t available if:

If your channel’s audience is set as "Made for Kids," your Community tab will only be visible to you and not your viewers. You also can't create new posts, but you can view past posts.

Note: Community post access can change based on your channel role.

View your posts

You can find your posts on your channel’s Community tab and under the Content section of YouTube Studio. To get to your posts in YouTube Studio:

  1. Sign in to YouTube Studio.
  2. From the left menu, select Content.
  3. Click the Posts tab.

If you have scheduled posts for a future publish date, they will be in YouTube Studio and in the “Scheduled” section of the Community tab. You also can find your expired posts by going to the “Archived” section of the Community tab. This section is only visible to you.

Note: Posts that violate our Community Guidelines are not allowed on YouTube. If your post is found to violate our policies, it may be removed and a strike may be applied to the channel. Channels that violate our Community Guidelines may also have their access to certain features restricted, including posts.

Adjust comment settings on posts

If comments are turned off on your posts, make sure that your channel’s default comment settings aren’t set to “Disable comments”. You can also turn comments on for an individual post in YouTube Studio on your computer.

YouTube may have turned off comments for safety reasons, like to protect minors or for other safety issues. Learn more about why comments are turned off.

Posts that share videos reflect the comment settings of those videos. When you share a video in a post and the video’s comments are turned off, comments will also be turned off for your post. Comments may be turned off for a video because:

If you're the owner of the video you’re sharing, you can choose to turn on or turn off comments on a specific video in YouTube Studio. Learn how to choose your comment settings.

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