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Oleg Antonov

Az Википедиа
Oleg Antonov
Ta'rixi tavallud 25 janvar (7 fevral) 1906
Ta'rixi darguzaşt 4 aprel 1984(1984-04-04)[1][2][3] (78 sol)
Mahalli darguzaşt
Fazoi ilmī muhandis-konstruktor[d] va flight engineer[d]
Çojhoi kor
Daraçai ilmī: doktori ilmhoi texnikī[d]
Qahramoni Mehnati Sotsialistī
ordeni Lenin ordeni Inqilobi Oktjabr Order of the Patriotic War 1st class ordeni Bajraqi Surxi Mehnat Jubilee Medal "In Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin" Medal "To a Partisan of the Patriotic War" Medali «Baroi mudofiai Moskva» Medal "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945" Jubilee Medal "Twenty Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945" Jubilee Medal "Thirty Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945" Medali «Baroi mehnati şuçoatnok dar Çangi Buzurgi Vatanī solhoi 1941—1945» medali «Veterani mehnat» Medal "For the Development of Virgin Lands" Jubilee Medal "50 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR" Jubilee Medal "60 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR" Medal "In Commemoration of the 800th Anniversary of Moscow" Medal "In Commemoration of the 1500th Anniversary of Kyiv"
Mukofoti leninī Mukofoti stalinī Honoured worker in science and technology of the Ukrainian SSR
Imzo Imzo
 Parvandaho dar Vikianbor

Olég Konstantínovic Antónov (7 fevral (25 janvar) 1906 Podolsk4 apreli 1984, Kiev) — aviakonstruktor, jake az asosguzoroni planerizmi sovetī, akademiki AI SSSR (1981) va AI ÇŞS Ukraina (1967), doktoriji ilmhoi texnikī (1960), professor (1978). Qahramoni Mehnati Sotsialistī (1966). Deputati Soveti Oliji SSSR (da'vati 5 — 10). Dorandai mukofoti stalinī (1952), mukofoti leninī (1962).


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Xatmkardai Donişkadai politexnikiji Leningrad (1930). Aviakonstruktor oid ba istehsoli planerho dar jake az zavodho (1931 — 38), muhandisi peşbar (1938 — 43), muovini sarkonstruktori Bjuroi konstruktoriji A. S. Jakovlev (1943 — 46). Rohbari Bjuroi konstruktoriji navtaşkil dar şahri Kiev (1943). Az soli 1978 dar Donişkadahoi Kiev va Xarkov ba fa'olijati ilmiju pedagogī maşƣul bud. Tahti rohbariji Antonov jak silsila planerhoi «Golub», «Rot-Front-1», «Rot Front −2», «Rot Front-3», «Rot Front-4», samoljothoi musofirkaşon va harbiju borkaşoni An-2, An-8, An-10, An-12, An-14, An-22 («Antej»), An-124 («Ruslan») va ƣajra soxta şudand. Bo soxta şudani An-8 mas'alai muşkili bo tariqi havo kaşondan va az havo partoftani texnikai vaznini harbī halli xudro joft; bo An-33 tanho dar soli 1967-um 15 rekordi çahonī çihati borbardorī (az 35 to 100 t) guzoşta şud; An-124 to 1540 t bor bardoşta metavonad.


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  • Antonov, Oleg Konstantinovic // A — Asos. — D. : SIEMT, 2011. — (Ensiklopedijai Milliji Toçik : [taxm. 25 ç.] / sarmuharrir A. Qurbonov ; 2011—2023, ç. 1). — ISBN 978-99947-33-45-3.