Daniel Ricardo Cunha Oliveira
Natal Vieira de Souza Neto
Maurício Amaral Gonçalves
Flávio de Oliveira Silva
Pedro Frosi Rosa
Faculty of Computing, Federal University of Uberlândia, Uberlândia, Brazil
Self-management, Self-configuration, Self-Organizing Networks, SDN, NFV, Cloud Computing.
5G networks deployment is already a commercial reality, while the specification groups move towards 5G standalone standardization. With the need for network slicing and edge computing capabilities – and therefore, inherent SDN and NFV adoption in a cloud environment –, these networks’ complexity will require some degree of automation. The concept of Self-Organizing Networks (SON) is a trend for next-generation systems, as it is already used in the mobile radio access network (RAN) context. In this work, we will present a self-configuration (one of the four basic self-* properties of SON) system basic design proposal, within the context of Self-Organizing Networks Architecture (SONAr) framework. We will discuss the generic system architecture and present one practical application example, using the self-configuration platform to automatically configure the network to receive an eNodeB (4G base station) edge component. All the system design is being conceived to work on a carrier-grade
production environment, with application versatility, reliability, and scalability.