
Peter The Great's Impact On Russia With St. Petersburg

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Much like Tiberius, Peter the Great had an overall auspicious impact on Russia with St. Petersburg. During the late seventeenth century, he was a Russian czar both narcissistic and thirsty for power. Mostly because of his reforms, Peter is known to have a positive effect on Russia, though it is debatable. Throughout his reign and life, Peter continued struggling just to maintain power in Europe. His reign marks a dramatic shift in the development and goal of Russia. Peter took Russia into the European world, “westernizing” it, and leading him to create what is known as the “the window to the west” for Russia. He did this by adopting European customs, administrative systems, architecture, and many other ideas from Europe. He mainly focused on the navy and new technology advances Russia could use (Whisenhunt 329). Usually overlooked, Peter the Great was also able to create St. Petersburg, contributing to his positive effect on Russia. St. Petersburg made Russia a major European power politically and socially, through culture and economics. However, despite his accomplishments Peter the Great was a narcissist, but he used his power …show more content…

Henry VIII is usually known for his various wives and marriages, but he really was one of the most ruthless and powerful among the English kings. Henry VIII was a narcissistic leader because he was obsessed with gaining a male heir to continue his legacy and would do anything to reach this goal. He was responsible for over tens of thousands of deaths during his thirty-six yearlong reign. Henry contributed to the loss of innocent people’s heads, which caused a negative impact in England. In comparison to leaders such as Ivan the Terrible, Henry’s morals did not seem as injurious and his rule was partially humane (Lowry 128). However, nevertheless, Henry’s murders could not be forgotten causing him to be seen as having a negative impact on

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