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An icon with a piece of paper and a tick.

Ease of access

Online searching with no installation required.

An icon of a laptop with the mouse clicking on a target symbol on the screen.

Obtain the deposited data

Obtain original deposited data and export results for further analysis.

An icon with a medical tablet featuring a network icon.

Chemical substructure search

Search from a 2D molecular sketch including chemical constraints such as charge, hybridization state, and cyclicity.

An icon with a magnifying glass over 3 different shapes.

Wide range of text and numeric database search options

Locate structures based on compound name, formula, elemental composition, literature reference and experimental details.

Included in
Use Cases


If you are not a licenced user – Access Structures allows you to perform literature searches. The number of results are limited for bandwidth and data preservation. (simple search only tab)

If you are a licenced user – WebCSD allows more search options (structure, unit cell, formula searches) and you can return more results.