LinkDB: 38537
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CC: CCSD:38537 AU: Pohlentz G; Trimborn M; Egge H TI: Sialylation of n-alkyllactosides, galactosides and glucosides by sialyltransferases from rat liver Golgi vesicles CT: Glycobiology (1994) 4: 625-631 [PMID:7881177] TN: Lac-Cer AN: CDw17 MT: glycolipid MT: glycosphingolipid SB: Shough NJ DA: 25-04-1995 FC: 1d810e58 SI: CBank:5363 ---------------- structure: b-D-Galp-(1-4)-b-D-Glcp-(1-1)-Ceramide ================end of record