Laureato in Storia delle Religioni all’Università Cattolica di Milano, è stato giornalista e redattore. Attualmente collabora con varie case editrici come traduttore, editor e consulente: tra le sue t…
Alessandro Baricco is an Italian writer, born at Torino in 1958. He's the author of several works, including the novels Lands of Glass (Selezione Campiello Award and Prix Médicis Étranger), Ocean Sea …
Stephen Edwin King was born the second son of Donald and Nellie Ruth Pillsbury King. After his father left them when Stephen was two, he and his older brother, David, were raised by his mother. Parts …
Valerio Massimo Manfredi is an Italian historian, writer, archaeologist and journalist. He was born in Piumazzo di Castelfranco Emilia, province of Modena and is married to Christine Fedderson Manfred…
Hi! I write fantasy books. My latest is STRANGE THE DREAMER, about a young librarian, a mythic lost city, and the half-human children of murdered gods. Check it out :-) Before that I wrote the DAUGHTE…
"Aislinn è nata nel 1982, scrive ascoltando rock e metal e ha una passione inesauribile per la lettura. Nel 2013 ha pubblicato con Fabbri Editori il suo primo romanzo urban fantasy Angelize; nel 2014 …
Matteo Strukul is an Italian author of historical fiction. His work has been translated into twenty languages and was awarded with the Premio Bancarella - won in the past by Ernest Hemingway, Ken Foll…
Zerocalcare sul finire del 2011 ha quasi 28 anni e per un sacco di tempo ha fatto soprattutto fumettacci sulle fanzine fotocopiate e locandine per concerti punk hardcore. Oltre ad un numero sterminato…
Livio Gambarini is a philologist and editor, teacher at the creative writing course "Il piacere della scrittura" at the Catholic University of Sacred Heart in Milan (Italy). His works cover a large ar…
Beppe Roncari, nato a Milano nel 1978, è scrittore, traduttore, editor. Ha lavorato nella produzione di fiction e come traduttore di importanti coproduzioni internazionali di Lux Vide. Si è occupato di co…
Christina Dalcher earned her doctorate in theoretical linguistics from Georgetown University. She specialized in the phonetics of sound change in Italian and British dialects and taught at universitie…