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288 pages, Hardcover
First published October 18, 2007
But...But...Miranda...how can you not love, cherish and worship a suicide book? Hannah was so brave, she dealt with life the best way she could...Blah, blah, blah.
HUGE MOTHER-EFFING DISCLAIMER:My hatred can be split into four parts: The Message to the Target Audience, Glamorous Suicide, The Absolutely Terrible Excuse for A Main Character and Were you Raped? Sorry, it's Me Time Now.
If you absolutely loved this book or if you think it really helped you through a tough time - I have absolutely no problem with that.
You are completely (and utterly) entitled to your opinion on this novel - just like I'm entitled to hate it with every fiber of my being.
ANOTHER BIG MOTHER-EFFING DISCLAIMER (cause apparently my first one was not enough)Audiobook Comments
Yes, this is my opinion. This is my interpretation of this novel. Is it the right one? Maybe and maybe not.
If this book is perfect in your eyes, if it really saved you, I am not discounting that experience.
This book has a LOT of potential to bring about difficult discussions but I feel that the way it is written is problematic (to say the least). But again, this is one take on the novel.
“When you mess with one part of a person’s life, you’re messing with their entire life. Everything. . . affects everything.”
“You can't stop the futureThirteen Reasons Why is a book I’ve been meaning to read for about 5 years. My sister read it and told me I’d love it. I do love books that make me cry and since the book is being made into a Netflix series next month, I thought why not give it a go. As depressing as this one was, though- I didn’t shed one tear. I’m not sure what that says about me or the story. Honestly, I have conflicting feelings about the story itself. However, it was story that I feel will stay with me. It had profound moments and it was a mesmerizing read.
You can't rewind the past
The only way to learn the secret
...is to press play.”
“أنت لا تعرف ما بحياة أي أحد سوي حياتك. وعندما تعبث بجزء واحد من حياة أحدهم، فأنت لم تعبث بهذا ”الجزء فقط. للأسف لا يمكنك أن تكون بهذه الدقة ولا أن تختار. عندما تعبث بجزء من حياة شخص، أنت تعبث بحياته كلها...كل شئ يؤثر بكل شئلكن اختيار هانا لإنهاء حياتها لم يكن هدف القصة.... طوال القصة ستتفهم الاسباب..وبرغم ان الاسباب قد تبدو تافهة كما ستري في المراجعة لاحقا ستجد انك قد تكون مررت بها وأثرت في حياتك في وقت ما
“ما كان يجب عليكي أن تفعلي هذا..وأكره حقيقة أنك فعلتيه"
"هناك 13 وجه لكل قصة"
بناء الرواية نفسها
النهاية والنهاية البديلة
هذا قد يحدث لك
“I guess that’s the point of it all. No one knows for certain how much impact they have on the lives of other people. Oftentimes, we have no clue. Yet we push it just the same.”
“When you reach the end of these tapes, […] I hope you’ll understand your role in all of this. Because it may seem like a small role now, but it matters. In the end, everything matters.”
“You don’t know what went on in the rest of my life. At home. Even at school. You don’t know what goes on in anyone’s life but your own. And when you mess with one part of a person’s life, you’re not messing with just that part. Unfortunately, you can’t be that precise and selective. When you mess with one part of a person’s life, you’re messing with their entire life.”